Attitudes to love and marriage continue to change since the first Marriage Law was introduced in 1950, and have to play catch-up with people`s evolving love lives since then.
Wu Bo, the 55-year-old mother of a 23-year-old unwed son, was taken aback when Ma Nuo, 22, a model from Beijing said on China`s most popular TV reality program Don`t Bother Me: "I`d rather weep in a BMW than smile on the bicycle of my true love."
"I don`t like to generalize, but Ma`s words show that young women today worship money. They won`t get married unless their boyfriends have a house and a car. They`re so mercenary," Wu says.
A civil servant in Chengdu, Wu remembers her own younger days in the 1980s as being rosy and romantic.
"Material success was not so important to my generation. Most of my peers wanted to find a mate who was a spiritual match more than one who was materially rich."
"Being materialistic is not our fault. Our whole society is already that way," says Sun Mei, 24, a project officer with a Canadian company in Beijing.
"If I marry a poor man for love, I will lose face, and the quality of my life will be worse than if I were single."
While the freedom to marry for love had become socially acceptable, divorce was not. As in marriage, couples had to get the permission of authorities before they could divorce.
In 1980, Yu Luojin, a writer in Beijing, filed for divorce, claiming she was no longer compatible with her husband. But, incompatibility was not legal grounds for divorce under the existing Marriage Law. The term incompatibility was so foreign that Yu`s appeal triggered a social controversy about the reasons for divorce.
With Yu Luojin`s case, the 30-year-old Marriage Law no longer met the needs of the contemporary social landscape.
In 1980, the first amendment to the Marriage Law was issued. Incompatibility was written into the articles of the new Marriage Law.
"People realized that love could be the reason for a marriage. They gradually gave up the old idea of sex as reserved for having children. They began to see sex as a way of expressing love and affection, and for the pleasure of body and soul," says Chen Mingxia.
Love, affection and enjoyment became the standard by which many people judged the quality of their marriage.
Later the influence of Western-style sexual liberation affected marriage stability and in the 1990s, some old practices returned.