The finished leave of absence letter may look something like this:
Dear Leona Guo, Re: Leave of Absence This letter will confirm that I will be away from the office on a leave of absence starting on June 1. During this time, I will be volunteering for IFAW. In my absence, my duties will be assigned to Nancy Meng. If there’s anything you expect me to deal with, please contact me by I understand that during this time I will continue to be responsible for the publication of Style Version. As discussed, I will be returning to work on June 21.
[Signature] Victor Wong
主题:回复:休假主送:郭磊抄送:孟楠及《英语沙龙·时尚版》其他同事、人事部各位同事郭磊您好,写这封信以确认本人将于6 月1 日起离开公司休假,这段时间我将为国际爱护动物基金会做义工。在我休假期间,我的工作将由孟楠来接管。我能理解在这段时间我要继续负责“时尚版”的出版工作。所以,如果有什么需要我处理的, 请通过电子邮件(联系我。按照我们讨论过的,我将在 6 月21 日返回岗位。
[ 手写签名] 王振兴