Scientists analyzed survey data from women ages 26 to 75 within city and rural communities across the United States. They used waist-to-hip ratios as a proxy for a woman’s physical desirability, comparing that with personal assessments of well-being, such as life satisfaction, self-acceptance,feelings of control, and interaction with and support from friends. “We don’t know how waist-to-hip ratio represents ‘overall’ attractiveness, only that studies have found it to be related to judgments of female attractiveness,” Plaut said. In fact, past research has shown that women with a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7 –indicating a waist significantly narrower than the hips – are most desirable to men.
科学家分析了对美国城市社会及乡村社会26 ~ 75 岁的女性的调查。他们将腰臀比作为女性身体吸引力的替代参数,将其与个人健康状况评估进行对比,其中包括生活满意度、自我接受度、掌控感、与朋友的互动度以及朋友的支持度等。“我们不清楚腰臀比与‘完美女人’之间是何关系,这项研究仅发现腰臀比与女性身体的吸引力有关。”普劳特说。实际上,过去的研究已经得出结论:腰臀比为0.7 的女性——体现为腰部明显比臀部窄——最让男性渴望。