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中级听力-被动时态语法英语听力材料 02








B: Do you know who I bumped into yesterday?

B: 你知道我昨天碰到谁了吗?

A: Who?

A: 谁?

B: Peter, I hadn't seen him for a while!

B: 彼得,我有段时间没见到他了!

A: Oh really? How is he doing?

A: 真的吗?他怎么样了?

B: It sounds like he's doing well. He said he'd been busy with his driving classes, he was very proud of passing his exam the previous week, and I congratulated him, I told him how happy I was for him.

B: 听起来他干得不错。他说他一直忙于驾驶课,他为上周通过考试感到非常自豪,我向他表示祝贺,我告诉他我为他感到高兴。

A: That's nice. Does he have a car yet?

A: 太好了。他有车了吗?

B: He said he was getting one today. He was really excited about that. He said he looked forward to not having to ask his parents to give him rides everywhere. He was excited about being able to drive his friends around too, he said it would help him with his independence, big time! He also told me that he had just applied for a part time job.

B: 他说他今天要买一个。他对此非常兴奋。他说,他期待着不用让父母载他去任何地方。他也很兴奋能开车带他的朋友们到处转,他说这会帮助他独立,非常重要!他还告诉我他刚刚申请了一份兼职工作。

A: I think he needs to save money for college.

A: 我想他需要为上大学攒钱。

B: Yeah he's really responsible. He wanted to know if I had started practicing driving.

B: 是的,他很负责任。他想知道我是否开始练习开车了。

A: Did you tell him that you were learning to drive?

A: 你告诉他你在学开车了吗?

B: Yes I did, then I invited him to come to my birthday party, and he promised to come. He offered to help me with the party.

B: 是的,然后我邀请他来参加我的生日聚会,他答应来。他主动提出帮我筹办晚会。

A: That's so nice of him!

A: 他太好了!

B: Before we parted, I wished him the best of luck and safe driving in his new car.

B: 在我们分开之前,我祝他好运,在他的新车里驾驶安全。



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