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中级听力-被动时态语法英语听力材料 01








A: Hi, Peter.


B: Hi Ivy. 

B: 嗨,艾薇。

A: I haven't seen you in a while. What have you been up to?

A: 我有段时间没见到你了。你最近在忙什么?

B: I was busy with my driving classes. And last week I had my driving exam. Guess what? I passed!

B: 我忙着上驾驶课。上周我参加了驾驶考试。你猜怎么着?我通过了!

A: Congrats! I'm so happy for you.


B: Thanks! I'm getting my own car tomorrow. I'm really excited.


A: Wow, that's so cool!

A: 哇,太酷了!

B: Yeah, I look forward to not having to ask my parents to get me rides everywhere, I'll be able to drive my friends around too. It will help me with my independence big time.

B: 是啊,我希望我到哪都不用求父母载我去了,我也可以开车载我的朋友们。这对我的独立有很大的帮助。

A: That's for sure. Driving will give you a good start in life and it opens a lot more doors.

A: 那是肯定的。开车会给你的生活一个好的开始,它会带来很多东西。

B: You're right. I'm sure I'll have more job opportunities now. Actually, I've just applied for a part-time job.

B: 你说得对。我相信我现在也会有更多的工作机会。事实上,我刚刚申请了一份兼职工作。

A: Good luck then! I hope you get the job.

A: 祝你好运!我希望你能得到这份工作。

B: Thanks. How about you? Have you started practicing driving yet?

B: 谢谢。你呢?你开始练习开车了吗?

A: I got my permit 2 weeks ago, but I haven't been able to practice yet.

A: 我两周前拿到了执照,但我还没能练习。

B: Well, I hope you get a chance to drive soon.

B: 好吧,我希望你很快有机会开车。

A: Hey, I'm having a birthday party next Friday. Do you want to come?

A: 嘿,下周五我要举办一个生日聚会。你想去吗?

B: That sounds like fun. Is it at your house?

B: 听起来很有趣。是在你家吗?

A: Yes. 

A: 是的。

B:I'll be there. Please let me know if I can help you with the party.

B: 我会去的。派对如果有什么我能帮忙的,请告诉我。

A: Okay, thanks! Best of luck and safe driving in your new car!

A: 好的,谢谢!祝你好运,驾驶新车安全!



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