- Player A (Frostmourne): FlameRage, your deck composition was truly unexpected. I almost got overturned by your "Flamestrike."
- Player B (FlameRage): Haha, thanks for the compliment. But your "Frost Nova" field control was impeccable too. Without your stable play in the early game, I wouldn't have had a chance to turn things around.
- Player A: Your "Fire Elemental" summons were timed perfectly, leaving me off-guard.
- Player B: Indeed, the explosive power of the Fire Elemental is a key point in my deck. But your "Death Knight" was also excellent, saving your board at crucial moments.
- Player A: This match was truly exciting. I'm looking forward to our next encounter.
- Player B: Me too, hoping to face you again in a thrilling duel.
- 玩家A(霜之哀伤): 火焰之怒,你的卡牌组合真是出其不意,我差点就被你的"烈焰风暴"翻盘了。
- 玩家B(火焰之怒): 哈哈,多谢夸奖。不过你的"冰霜新星"控制场面也是一绝,如果不是你前期稳扎稳打,我也难以有翻盘的机会。
- 玩家A: 你的"火元素"召唤得恰到好处,让我有些措手不及。
- 玩家B: 是的,火元素的爆发力是我卡组的一个关键点。但你的"死亡骑士"也很出色,它在关键时刻拯救了你的场面。
- 玩家A: 这次的对战真的很精彩,期待我们下次的较量。
- 玩家B: 我也是,希望下次能再与你一决高下。
- unexpected 出其不意(): 形容行动、思想、办法等突然出现,使人感到意外。
- turn things around(翻盘): 在游戏中指原本处于劣势的一方通过一系列操作或策略逆转局势,最终取得胜利。
- stable play (稳扎稳打): 形容在游戏前期采取稳定、扎实的策略,逐步积累优势。
- off-guard (措手不及): 形容事情发生得突然,来不及防备或应对。
- deck (卡组): 在炉石传说中,指玩家所选的30张卡牌组成的牌组,用于对战。
- Flamestrike (烈焰风暴): 炉石传说中法师职业的一个法术牌,能造成大量范围伤害。
- Frost Nova(冰霜新星): 炉石传说中法师职业的一个法术牌,能冻结敌方随从并减慢其行动速度。
- Fire Elemental (火元素): 炉石传说中一种具有强大火焰伤害能力的随从牌。
- Death Knight (死亡骑士): 炉石传说中一个强大的随从,具有多种技能,可以拯救或控制场面。