Innovative material for sustainable building

New Material Combines Multiple Functions
Researchers at the Institute for Microstructure Technology (IMT) and the Light Technology Institute (LTI) at KIT have now developed a novel polymer-based metamaterial that combines various properties and could replace glass components in construction in the future.
卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院微结构技术研究所 (IMT) 和光技术研究所 (LTI) 的研究人员现已开发出一种新型聚合物超材料,它结合了多种特性,可以在未来取代建筑中的玻璃组件。
Cooling, Light-Transmissive, and Glare-Free
In the lab and in experiments under open skies under real outdoor conditions, the researchers tested the material's properties and measured its light transmittance, light scattering, reflection properties, self-cleaning ability, and cooling performance using modern spectrophotometry. The results: The tests achieved cooling of 6 °C compared to the ambient temperature.
在实验室和真实室外条件下的露天实验中,研究人员测试了该材料的性能,并利用现代分光光度法测量了其透光率、光散射、反射性能、自清洁能力和冷却性能。 结果:与环境温度相比,测试实现了 6 °C 的冷却。
Potential for Construction and Urban Development
"Our newly developed material has the potential to be used in various areas and makes a significant contribution to sustainable and energy-efficient architecture," explains Richards. "The material can simultaneously optimize the use of sunlight indoors, provide passive cooling, and reduce reliance on air conditioning. The solution is scalable and can be seamlessly integrated into plans for environmentally friendly building construction and urban development,." says Huang.
理查兹解释说:“我们新开发的材料具有应用于各个领域的潜力,并对可持续和节能建筑做出了重大贡献。” “该材料可以同时优化室内阳光的使用,提供被动冷却,并减少对空调的依赖。该解决方案具有可扩展性,可以无缝集成到环保建筑建设和城市发展计划中。” 黄说。