IMF chief compares AI impact on labour to a ‘tsunami’
AI is poised to drastically reshape the global labour market, according to International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva. She likened its impact to a ‘tsunami’, projecting that 60% of jobs in advanced economies and 40% worldwide will be affected within the next two years. Georgieva emphasised the urgency of preparing individuals and businesses for this imminent transformation, speaking at an event organised by the Swiss Institute of International Studies in Zurich.
国际货币基金组织总裁克里斯塔利娜·格奥尔基耶娃表示,人工智能将彻底重塑全球劳动力市场。她将其影响比作“海啸”,预计未来两年内发达经济体 60% 的工作岗位和全球 40% 的工作岗位将受到影响。格奥尔基耶娃在苏黎世瑞士国际问题研究所组织的一次活动上发表讲话,强调了让个人和企业为这一迫在眉睫的转变做好准备的紧迫性。
While AI adoption promises significant gains in productivity, Georgieva warned against potential downsides, including the proliferation of misinformation and the exacerbation of societal inequality. She highlighted the recent vulnerabilities of the world economy, citing shocks like the 2020 global pandemic and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Despite these challenges, she noted a resilience in the global economy, with no imminent signs of a widespread recession.
虽然人工智能的采用有望显着提高生产力,但格奥尔基耶娃警告称,人工智能可能带来潜在的负面影响,包括错误信息的泛滥和社会不平等的加剧。她强调了世界经济近期的脆弱性,并列举了 2020 年全球大流行和乌克兰持续冲突等冲击。尽管面临这些挑战,她指出全球经济仍具有韧性,没有立即出现大范围衰退的迹象。
Addressing concerns about inflation, Swiss National Bank Chairman Thomas Jordan emphasised progress in Switzerland’s inflation management. With inflation reaching 1.4% in April, remaining within the SNB’s target range for the 11th consecutive month, Jordan expressed optimism about maintaining price stability in the coming years. However, he acknowledged lingering uncertainties surrounding future economic trends.