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It has become hard to imagine life without digital devices, especially smartphones.

While gadgets are becoming more intelligent, chips, their very backbones that make connectivity easier, are becoming smaller in size though larger in terms of importance.

A nail-sized chip used in smartphones now contains more than 10 billion transistors, and each transistor needs to be produced by high-end equipment such as photolithography machines, laser etching machines and thin film equipment, according to Hu Xiao, director of the securities business department of Shanghai-based Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc China.
总部位于上海的Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc China证券业务部总监胡晓表示,智能手机中使用的指甲盖大小的芯片现在包含100多亿个晶体管,而每个晶体管都需要光刻机、激光蚀刻机和薄膜设备等高端设备来生产。 

"It is extremely difficult to make major technology breakthroughs in the chip industry. Investment in chipmaking can be stratospheric. Investing in an advanced chip production line requires tens of billions of dollars, which is far beyond the ability of ordinary enterprises. The capital market is thus needed," said Hu.

Yang Fu, executive vice-president of chip design company UNISOC, said continued capital injection is indispensable for technology-intensive industries like integrated circuits. Meanwhile, a market more tolerant of the ups and downs of technology advancement is crucial, she said.

In this sense, insurance capital can fit into the scenario as it is "highly patient" and an advocate of long-term and value investment, said Liu Fan, vice-president of China Life Asset Management Co Ltd, an investment arm of the country's largest insurance group China Life Group.
中国最大的保险集团中国人寿集团的投资部门--中国人寿资产管理有限公司副总裁刘凡说,从这个意义上讲,保险资金可以融入这一方案,因为它 “极具耐心”,是长期投资和价值投资的倡导者。

Late last year, the insurer set up an 11.8-billion-yuan ($1.6 billion) S fund to purchase equities from the government-backed Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund. Shanghai Advanced Silicon Technology Co Ltd, UNISOC and Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc China have all benefited from this newly established fund.

S fund purchases existing interests or assets from primary private equity fund investors. This can be considered PE trading in the secondary market, facilitating capital liquidity.

CLAMC has used diversified investment tools beyond S fund to direct more capital to emerging industries.

In mid-April, the National Financial Regulatory Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and National Development and Reform Commission jointly announced a plan to deepen financial services in the manufacturing industry and advance new type industrialization.

Insurance capital, with risks under control, should provide long-term and stable support for strategic emerging industries via bonds, direct equity investment, PE funds, venture capital and asset management products.

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