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A ship loaded with grain left the Ukrainian port city of Odesa on Monday. It was the first grain shipment to leave Ukraine since the war with Russia cut off exports. It is headed to the Middle Eastern nation of Lebanon.
The ship, called the Razoni, has 26,000 tons of corn.
这艘名为 Razoni 的船载有 26,000 吨玉米。
Ukraine is one of the world's largest grain producers. But its ports have been closed for over five months because of the war with Russia.
The lack of corn and other grains started a worldwide food crisis. Many nations that do not produce enough depend on important supplies of wheat, barley, corn and sunflower oil from Ukraine.
Food shipments restarted after Ukraine and Russia signed agreements with Turkey and the United Nations on July 22. The goal is that 22 million tons of food staples will start to leave Ukrainian ports. Russia will also be permitted to export grain and fertilizer.
乌克兰和俄罗斯于 7 月 22 日与土耳其和联合国签署协议后,粮食运输重新开始。2200万吨主食将准备离开乌克兰港口。俄罗斯也将获准出口粮食和化肥。
Ukraine's minister of infrastructure, Oleksander Kubrakov, announced the ship's movement on the social media service Twitter. He said: "The first ship since Russian aggression has left port." He said starting shipments is "another step to prevent world hunger."
乌克兰基础设施部长 Oleksander Kubrakov 在推特上宣布了这艘船的动向。他说:“自俄罗斯侵略以来的第一艘船已经离开港口。” 他说,开始发货是“防止世界饥饿的又一步”。
In Moscow, Russian spokesperson Dmitry Peskov called the ship's movement "very positive." Russia in the past has denied that its invasion of Ukraine is the main reason for a world food problem. Russia has blamed international restrictions on its economy for shortages.
The ship must pass through the Black Sea and stop in Istanbul for an inspection on Tuesday. Teams made up of inspectors from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations will look at the ship before it moves on toward the Mediterranean Sea and Lebanon.
Turkey's defense minister is Hulusi Akar. Without the grain, Akar said, the food crisis could start a migration wave from Africa to Turkey and Europe.
The Razoni is going to the port city of Beirut, where an explosion in 2020 destroyed many buildings, including grain storage structures. Traditionally, Lebanon brings in wheat and corn from Ukraine.
Razoni 号将驶往港口城市贝鲁特,2020年,贝鲁特的一次爆炸摧毁了许多建筑物,包括粮食储存结构。照旧例,黎巴嫩从乌克兰进口小麦和玉米。
Ukraine said 16 other ships are preparing to leave ports on the Black Sea. Reports say there are 600,000 tons of products ready to be shipped. But ships in some areas of the Black Sea are threatened by underwater mines. Other shipping companies are concerned about being hit by Russian rockets.
乌克兰表示,其他16艘船只正准备离开黑海港口。报道称,有 600,000 吨产品准备发出。但黑海某些地区的船只受到水下水雷的威胁。其他航运公司担心被俄罗斯火箭击中。
Both U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Kubrakov praised the restart of shipping. Kubrakov said the shipments will bring in $1 billion to Ukraine's economy. Guterres said they will bring "stability."
联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯和库布拉科夫都对航运业的重启表示赞赏。库布拉科夫表示,这些货物将为乌克兰经济带来 10 亿美元的收入。古特雷斯则表示带来的是“稳定”。
Olena Vitalievna lives in Odesa. She heard the Razoni sound its horn as it left the port.
Olena Vitalievna 住在敖德萨。她听到拉佐尼号在离开港口时发出的喇叭声。
"Finally life begins to move forward," she said. She said she wants to see the city "bustle" or have a lot of activity, again.
One person who works on the ship is Abdullah Jendi of Syria. He said he is happy to be moving again after a long and worrisome stay in Ukraine during the war. He said he had "great fear" that the ship could be targeted in an attack.
一位在船上工作的叙利亚人 Abdullah Jendi表示,战争期间,在乌克兰长期逗留后再次启程他很高兴。他说他“非常担心”这艘船可能成为袭击的目标。
Although boats are starting to move again and some people are feeling good, the war continues in Ukraine.
Both Russia and Ukraine continued fighting in the southern and eastern parts of the country over the weekend. The governor of Donetsk called for people to leave the area, expressing concern over 52,000 children. The cities of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv also faced attacks.
周末,俄罗斯和乌克兰在该国南部和东部地区继续战斗。顿涅茨克州长呼吁人们离开该地区,对 52,000 名儿童表示担忧。哈尔科夫市和尼古拉耶夫市也面临袭击。
Experts said a Russian rocket hit Odesa shortly after the shipping agreement. So, the movements of grain might not last if there is another attack.
Volodymyr Sidenko is a researcher for the Razumkov Center in Kyiv. He said the first ship leaving does not solve the food problem. "It's just the first step," he said. He warned "it could also be the last" if attacks continue in southern Ukraine.
Volodymyr Sidenko 是基辅 Razumkov 中心的研究员。他说,一艘船并不能解决食物问题。“这只是第一步,”他警告说,如果乌克兰南部继续发生袭击,“也可能是最后一次”。
I'm Dan Friedell

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