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智慧,才智 Gift, Talent, Intelligence, Wisdom, Wit

a child with talent 聪颖过人的孩子

a class of low intellegence 低能班

a clever reply 机敏的回答

a commander of great military talent 有非凡军事才能的指挥员

a decidedly intelligent boy 绝顶聪明的男孩

a gift for languages 语言天赋

a gift for writing poetry 诗才

a gifted voice 金嗓子

a major loss of talents 大量人才流失

a man of average intelligence 中等才智的人

a man of brilliant intellect 才华横溢的人

a man of colossal intellect 奇才

a man of high/ordinary intellegence 智力超群/平平的人

a man of sense 明智的人

a man of shining talents 有卓越才干的人

a man of wit 风趣的人,机智的人

a man with average intelligence 智力平常的人

a person of many gifts 多才多艺的人

a pianist of rare talent 钢琴奇才

a student who shows very little intelligence 一个缺乏智力的学生

a talent for writing 写作才能

a talented musician 天才音乐家

a talented scholar 才子

a wise decision 明智的决定

A wise man 智者

a wise plan 妙计

a wise saying 箴言

a woman of much/no small intellegence 极聪明的女人

administrative talent 管理才能

an exceptionally gifted scientist 有非凡天赋的科学家

at one's wits' end/at the end of one's resources 智穷才尽

be born into a family noted for its intellect 生于一个以才智卓著闻名的家庭

be clever at chemistry 擅长化学

be clever with one's hands 手巧

be defective in intellegence 有智力缺陷

be endowed with unusual literary talents 才高八斗

be gifted in mathematics 有数学天才

be gifted linguistically 在语言方面有天才

be gifted with dramatic power 有演戏的天才

be gifted with rare talents 极有才华

be in one's (right) wits 神经正常

be intelligent of one's own merits 有自知之明

be out of one's (right) wits 神经错乱

be scared out of one's wits 吓得魂不附体

be talented with one's hands 双手灵巧

be wise in law 精通法律

blunt one's intellect 使智力迟钝

both brave and resourceful/both intelligent and courageous 智勇双全

brilliant/remarkable talent for language 出色的语言天赋

call for special talents 需要特殊才能

collective wisdom 集体的智慧

cultivate/develop one's talents 培养才能

decayed intelligence 衰退的智力

develop morally, intellectually,aesthetically and physically 在德育、智育、美育、体育几方面都得到发展

develop one's talents 发展才智

diplomatic talent 外交人才

discover new talents 发现新人才

doubt/question the wisdom of an action 怀疑某一行为是否明智

endowed with both beauty and talent/be both beautiful and talented 才貌双全

envy one's surprising gift 羡慕某人过人的天赋

even the wise make mistakes 智者千虑,必有一失

exceptional talent 才华横溢

far-seeing wisdom/intelligence 先见之明

fully develop one's talents 大显身手

genius and beauty 才子佳人

gigantic in intellect 智力过人

have a brilliant intellect 智力出众

have a high/low IQ 智商高/低

have a keen intelligence/have quick wits 有急智

have a low/limited intellect 智力低下/有限

have a quick imagination 才思敏锐

have a talent for drawing 有绘画天赋

have a witty tongue 谈吐诙谐/机敏

have little talent and less learning/have inadequate ability and knowledge 才疏学浅

have quick/nimble wits 头脑灵活

have slow/dull wits 头脑迟钝

have the gift of oratory 有演说天才

have the talent for speaking well 口才好

highly/exceptionally gifted 天赋很高的

impart wisdom 传授知识

increase/grow/advance in wisdom 增长聪明才智

insult public intellegence 辱没公众的智力

intellective crime 智能犯罪

intellectual curiosity 求知欲

intellectual education 智育

intellectual integrity 健全的理智

intellectual power/ability 智能

intellectual powers 智力

intelligence bank/storehouse of intelligence 智库

intelligence quotient(IQ) 智商

intelligence test 智力测验

intelligent being 智能生物

intelligent life existing beyond our solar system 存在于太阳系之外具有高度智慧的生命

intelligent material 智能材料

learn wisdom from the follies of others 从别人的愚蠢中学到智慧

literary talent 才情

literary/artistic talent 文学/艺术才华

live by one's wits 靠耍花招、小聪明骗人过日子

look for athletic talents 物色体育人才

lose one's wits 神志失常

measure intellect 测定智力

men of mediocre talents 平庸之才

not within the limits of human intellect 非人的智力所能及

of limited capability 才能有限

one of the great intellects 英才之一

outstanding in ability and wisdom 才智过人

outstanding talent 天资过人

people with profound wisdom 极富才智的人

possess the gift of tongues 具有语言天赋

practical wisdom 常识

quick-witted 富于机智的,机敏的

recruit athletic/acting talents 招募体育/表演人才

regain one's wits 神志恢复正常

sharpen one's talent 使才思敏捷

surerman wisdom 超人的智慧

talent and learning/scholarship 才学

talent and skill 才艺

tap/develop talent 智力开发

the accumulated wisdom of generations 历代积累的知识

the gift of the gab 口才,辩才

the intellect of modern man 现代人的智力

the intellect of the time 当代知识界

the quiker intellects 机敏的人

the slower intellects 迟钝的人

verbal intellect 口才

wisdom/intelligence ['wɪzdəm] [ɪn'telɪdʒəns] 智慧

wise crack 妙语,俏皮话

write with intelligence and wit 写文章富于才思,措辞巧妙

young writers of intellectual gifts and originality 具有聪明才智、富于创意的作家


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