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水 Water

a bubbling tiny waterfall 潺潺作声的小瀑布

a constant flow of water 水流不停

a crowded waterway 拥挤的航道

a job at the waterworks 自来水厂的一份工作

a misty waterfall 雾蒙蒙的瀑布

a pool of water 一滩水

a roaring waterfall 轰鸣的瀑布

a torrent of water 一股激流

an overhanging waterfall 悬挂的瀑布

above water 在水面上的

alga ['ælɡə] 水藻,海藻

aquarium [ə'kweərɪəm] 养鱼缸,水族馆

aquatic animal 水生动物

aquatic bird/water bird 水鸟

at high tide 涨潮

at low tide 落潮

bail water out of a boat 舀出小船里的水

be driven by water-power 水力驱动

be swept away by the rush of water 被急流冲走

blue water 大海,外海

boat dwellers 水上人家

boil water in a tea kettle for tea 用茶壶烧滚水沏茶

boiled water 开水

boiling water 沸水

bubble ['bʌbl] 起泡,潺潺地流

bubble up through the sand (水)从沙中冒出来

by waterways 走水路

by water 由水路,乘船

calm water 平静的水

cold water 冷水

cool water 凉水

curative waters 有疗效的矿泉水

cut out the water supply 切断水源

cut/shut off running water 切断自来水

dash/gush over the edge of a precipice (瀑布)从峭壁上倾泻下来

discharge water 放水

distilled water 蒸馏水

disturb the placid water of the lake 搅动平静的湖水

divert water into the fields 向田里引水

drain away/off the water 排水

draw water from a well 从井里吸水

drink water 喝水

drink/take the waters 饮用矿泉水

drinking water 饮用水

drip from the eaves (水)从屋檐滴下

drip-drop 滴水声

drown [draʊn] 淹没

dry up 干涸

fall into the water 掉进水里

fish for the moon in the water 水中捞月

flood/inundation 水灾

fresh/sweet water 淡水

glue water 胶水

go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火

gurgle ['ɡɜːɡl] 汩汩响

hard water (化)硬水

have a drink of water 喝一口水

heavy water (化)重水

high water 高潮,满潮

inland waters 内陆水域

install waterworks 安装供水系统

jump into water 跳入水中

key water control project 水利枢纽

land and water 水陆

lash against the bank 拍岸

leave boiled water to cool 让开水凉一凉

mineral water 矿泉水

mountain flood 山洪

muddy water 泥水

muddy/stir the waters 把水搅浑

on the ebb (潮)退了

on the flow (潮)涨了

piped water 自来水

plough the waters of the ocean 在海洋上破浪前进

plunge oneself into water 纵身跃入水中

pour cold water on/over 对……泼冷水

pour into the sea 流入大海

pump water from a well 从井里抽水

pure water 清洁的水

rapid flow/rushing current 水流湍急

ripple ['rɪpl] 潺潺

rise and fall 起伏

rise to a level of five meters 涨至5米

rise/swell [swel] 上涨

roll on (水)汹涌

rove about seeking water and grass 逐水草而居

run over (水)溢出

run the water off 把水放掉

running water 自来水,流动的水

sail on water 在水上航行

salt water 咸水

sink into the earth 渗入土中

sink [sɪŋk] /subside 下降,(水)退

skip stones on the water 打水漂

slack water 平潮

sluice/water gate 水闸

soda water 苏打水

spill water on the floor 把水溅在地板上

splash water on the ground 向地上泼水

splash water over the green vegetables 在青菜上泼水

sponge up the spilled water on the floor 吸干溅在地板上的水

spray from the hose 从水管中喷出

spray water on the fruit trees 向果树上喷水

sprinkle/spray water on the flowers 给花浇水

stagnant water 不流动的水,死水

still water 静水

store fresh water 贮藏淡水

suck up water 吸水

surge [sɜːdʒ] 奔涌

sweep away 卷走

swim across the river 游过河去

swim below the water 在水底游泳

take (the)water 去游泳,(船)下水

take its rise from the hills 源于山中

territorial waters 领海

the beautiful waterfalls in the mountain 山中美丽的瀑布

the coastal waters 沿海水域

the rising water vapour 升腾的水汽

the shallow waters near the shore 靠近海岸的浅水区

The surface of the water is as smooth as a mirror.水平如镜。

the tiny ripples on the surface of the water 水面上的涟漪

the upper waters of the Yangtze River 长江上游

The water and the sky are of/merge in one color.水天一色。

the watershed between the two rivers 两条河的分水岭

the watershed of the Yellow River 黄河流域

the water's edge 水边

toilet water 花露水

tread water 踩水

trees reflected in the calm water 倒映在平静水面上的树木

trickle ['trɪkl] 涓涓流

under water 在水下,为水所淹

unfit for drinking 不宜饮用

untreated water 未经处理的水

wade across the stream 涉水过小河

wander eastward 蜿蜒东流

waste water 废水

water a street 给街上洒水

water burial 水葬

water column 水柱

water conservancy facilities 水利设施

water mill 水磨

water the flowers 给花草浇水

waterside town/a region of rivers and lakes 水乡

waterweeds/water plants 水生植物

When the river rises the boat goes up. 水涨船高。

When the water is too clear there are no fish.水至清则无鱼。

willowy brook 绿柳成荫的小溪

with plenty of water and lush grass 水草丰美


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