academic committee 学术委员会
academic credit 文凭
academic qualifications 学历
accommodation [əˌkɒmə'deɪʃn] 膳宿
admission committee 录取委员会
admission eligibility 入学资格
admission office 招考办公室
affidavit of support form [ˌæfə'deɪvɪt] 经济担保书
allowance [ə'laʊəns] 生活补贴
all-female dormitory 女生宿舍
all-male dormitory 男生宿舍
application [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃn] 申请
application form 申请表
application procedure 申请程序
assistantship [ə'sɪstəntʃɪp] 助学金
associate graduate diploma 大专文凭
bachelor ['bætʃələ] 学士
certificate [sə'tɪfɪkət] 结业证书
certificate of birth 出生证明书
certificate of educational background 学历证书
certificate of marriage 结婚证书
certificate of noncriminal record 无犯罪记录证书
certificate of personal experience 经历证书
College English Test Band Four 大学英语四级考试
College English Test Band Six 大学英语六级考试
confer a degree 授予学位
cost of books 书本费
cost of living 生活费
cost of meals 膳食费
co-ed dormitory (男女同校的)学生宿舍
degree [dɪ'ɡriː] 学位
diploma [dɪ'pləʊmə] 文凭
doctor's degree/doctorate 博士学位
dormitory/dorm 宿舍
English Aptitude Test 英语能力测试
English Proficiency Test 英语水平测试
English test 英语考试
enrollment [ɪn'rəʊlmənt] 入学
exchange students 交换学生
exchange visitors 交换学者
fellowship ['feləʊʃɪp] 助研金
financial aid 经济资助
financial guarantee 经济担保
full scholarship 全额奖学金
full-fee paying student 全自费生
further-training student 进修生
government sponsored self-paying student 公派自费生
government sponsored student 公费生
graduation fee 学位费
GRE(Graduate Record Examination)留美研究生入学考试
half-fee paying student 半自费生
health certificate 健康证明书
international student office 外国留学生办公室
letter of acceptance/certificate of enrollment 入学/录取通知书
letter of application 申请信
letter of recommendation 推荐信
Litt.D.(Doctor of Literature)文学博士
major in 专攻
major/subject 专业
matriculation [məˌtrɪkjʊ'leɪʃn] 入学注册
notarial certificate [nəʊ'teərɪəl] 公证书
notary public office 公证处
off-campus dormitory 校外住宿
on-campus dormitory 校内住宿
overseas student office 海外留学生办公室
postdoctoral student 博士后
register/registration 注册
registrar ['redʒɪstrɑː] 注册官员
registration office 入学报到处
research assistantship 研究助学金
Sc.D.(Doctor of Science)理学博士
scholarship ['skɒləʃɪp] 奖学金
self-sponsored student 自费生
sponsor ['spɒnsə] 资助人,资助
sponsor a student 资助学生
T.A.(teaching assistantship)助教金
TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)托福考试
tuition fee 学费
tutor fee 辅导费
TWE(Test of Written English)英语写作测验
undergraduate diploma 本科文凭