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说,叙述 Speak, Narrate, Murmur, Remark

a bad/poor talker 不善言辞的人

a broadcast/radio address 广播演说

a casual talk 随便的交谈

a commencement/graduation address 毕业典礼的讲话

a comment from the Atlantic Journal 《大西洋杂志》的评论

a commonplace remark 陈词滥调

a congratulatory remark 贺词

a cynical remark 冷嘲热讽的话

a faint murmur 微弱的低语声

a farewell/parting address 告别演说

a glib talker 口齿伶俐的谈话者

a golden saying 金玉良言

a good talker 健谈的人

a guest speaker 特邀发言人

a heart-to-heart talk 推心置腹的交谈

a keynote address 主题演讲

a low murmur breaking from the lips of the men 从人们嘴里发出的轻声私语

a murmur of pain 一阵痛苦的呻吟

a murmur of thanks 小声道谢

a passing remark 顺便讲的话

a private talk 私下的谈话

a public talk 公开的谈话

a rambling talk 东拉西扯的漫谈

a refined speaker 讲话文雅的人

a roundtable talk 圆桌会谈

a rude remark 粗鲁的话

a sales talk 推销言辞

a sarcastic remark 讽刺的话

a series of broadcast/radio talks 一系列广播讲话

a smug comment 自鸣得意的评论

a sour remark 尖酸的评价

a television address 电视讲话

a timely remark 适时的话

a time-worn saying 陈词滥调

a wise remark 明智的话

a woman of many words but of little wit 爱说话但头脑简单的女人

an audible whisper 听得见的低语

an eloquent address 雄辩的讲演

an empty/windy talk 空洞的讲话

an illuminating remark 发人深省的话

an ill-natured comment 居心叵测的评论

an impromptu address 即席演说

an inaugural address 就职演说

an outspoken comment 直言不讳的评论

an uncalled-for remark 多余的话

an untimely remark 不合时宜的话

abusive remarks 骂人的话

add a few remarks 再说几句话

address a few words to sb.对某人讲几句话

address oneself to sb.向某人讲话

adverse comments 非难,恶评

after-dinner speaking 餐后演说

answer in a whisper/in whispers 低声回答

approximately speaking 大概地说

arouse/cause/evoke/excite/provoke comment 引起评论/议论

as remarked above 如上所述

as the saying goes 常言道

bar all comments 禁止一切评论

be too well-known to require/need comment 众所周知,无须说明

be vividly related 讲得很生动

big words 大话,吹牛

break one's word 食言,失信

breezy and bright talk 轻松愉快的谈话

call off the talk 取消谈话

caustic comments 尖刻的评论

closing/concluding remarks 结束语

cold remarks 冷冰冰的话

comment favourably upon one's ability 对某人的能力加以称赞

comment on current events 评论时事

comment on sth.对某事进行评论

comparatively speaking 比较地说

complimentary remarks 赞美的话

compose/draft out/work on an address 起草发言稿

cross talk 机智的回答,相声

cut in with a few remarks 插嘴讲几句

cutting remarks 尖刻的话

describe [dɪ'skraɪb] 描述,描写

deserve a few words in passing 值得顺便提几句

dirty/indecent saying 下流话

drop a word 露口风

eat one's words 收回前言,承认说错

echo every word of sb.附和某人的每一句话

exchange a few remarks in a low voice 低声交谈几句

exchange a few words 交谈几句

fireside address (政治领袖在电视广播中)不拘形式的讲话

formal speaking 正式的演说

funny remarks 有趣的话

give/deliver an address to the nation over the radio 向全国发表广播讲话

give a closing address 致闭幕词

give a murmur of approval 低声表示赞同

give a talk on art 作关于艺术的演讲/报告

give an opening address 致开幕词

give sb. a word of advice 给某人一个劝告

give sb. the whisper 对某人说悄悄话

have a friendly talk 友好地交谈

have a word with sb.和某人谈谈

have nothing to say for oneself 无话可辩

have words with sb.和某人争吵

high-sounding words 夸张的言辞

hiss the speaker off the stage 把演讲人嘘下台

hold confidential talks with sb.同某人密谈

hold talks with sb.同某人举行会谈

indulge in tall talk 一味说大话

interpose/put in a remark 插话

introductory remarks 开场白,绪言

irresponsible remarks 不负责任的话

Magnificently/Well said!说得好!

make a remark upon sth.就某事发表意见

make adequate comment upon sth.对某事做出适当的评论

make an address 发表讲话

make frivolous comments 做出愚蠢的评论

make no words about sth.不提某事

murmur ['mɜːmə(r)] 低语

murmur a secret to sb. 低声告诉某人一个秘密

murmur about the difficulty of the task 抱怨任务艰难

murmur against the government 私下抱怨政府

murmur coyly 腼腆地低声说

murmur in the trees (风)在树林中沙沙作响

murmur under one's own breath 喃喃自语

mutter ['mʌtə] 嘀咕

mutter to oneself 喃喃自语

naively remark 天真地说

narrate ['næreɪt] 叙述(有情节的事)

nothing to speak of 不值一提

offending remarks 触犯人的话

offensive words 冒犯的话

overhear a remark 偶然听到议论

pass remarks about sb.议论某人

penetrating remarks 入木三分的话

pick one's words 字斟句酌

play upon words 玩弄字眼,说俏皮话

pointed remarks 尖锐的评论

pointless remarks/talk 不得要领的话

polite remarks 客套话

popular sayings 俗话

quote an illuminating comment from sb. 引述某人一段发人深思的评论

relate [rɪ'leɪt] 叙述

relate briefly 简短地叙述

relate monotonously 单调地叙述

remark [rɪ'mɑːk] (评论性地)说

remark incidentally 附带说一下

remark jokingly 开玩笑地说

remark upon one's appearance 对某人的相貌品头论足

roughly speaking 简略地说

say a few words 说几句话

say it in English 用英语说

say it out 说出来

say it to sb.对某人说

say nothing 什么也不说

say sth. against sb.说某人的坏话

say sth. apologetically 辩解/抱歉地说

say sth. autocratically 专横地说

say sth. brusquely 鲁莽地说

say sth. clearly and impressively 说得明白而深刻

say sth. deliberately 故意地说

say sth. distinctly 清楚地说

say sth. for oneself 为自己辩护

say sth. hesitantly 犹豫地说

say sth. ironically 讽刺地说

say sth. out of envy 说……是出于妒忌

say sth. tactfully 婉转地说

say sth. to oneself 自言自语

say sth. unthinkingly 未经思考地说

say sth. without reserve 言无不尽

say too much 说得太多

small/talky talk 闲谈

smoking-room talk 男人之间的谈话

snort [snɔːt] 哼着鼻子说

sobbingly say 哭泣着说

speak adoringly of sb.称赞某人

speak aloud 大声讲话

speak by the book 确切地说

speak Chinese 说中文

speak contemptuously/scornfully 轻蔑地说

speak English fluently 英语说得极流利

speak fast and incoherently 说话快而语无伦次

speak feelingly upon a subject 充满深情地谈一个问题

speak for oneself 为自己辩护

speak from experience 根据经验说

speak from hearsay 根据道听途说讲

speak highly of 赞扬

speak ill of 说坏话

speak in Chinese 用中文讲

speak in earnest 认真地说

speak in fun 说着玩

speak interestingly and learnedly 说话风趣而富有学识

speak jeeringly 嘲弄地说

speak like a book 咬文嚼字

speak long-windedly 说话冗长

speak loud 大声说

speak low 低声说

speak of one's childhood 谈到童年

speak one's mind out 畅所欲言

speak out one's thought 毫无保留地说出自己的想法

speak over the radio 作广播讲话

speak over/through/upon the telephone 在电话里说

speak tender words to sb.对某人说温存的话

speak to a large audience 对很多听众演讲

speak too quickly/rapidly 说得太快

speak under one's breath 轻声说

speak well of 说……的好话

speak without books 凭记忆说

stammer ['stæmə] 结结巴巴地说

suggestive remarks 暗示的话

talk about/on art 谈论艺术

talk animatedly 热烈地谈论

talk behind one's back 背后议论某人

talk big 吹牛

talk black into white 说得黑白颠倒

talk in one's sleep 说梦话

talk off the point 离题

talk over old times 聊聊过去的事

talk over the telephone 在电话里交谈

talk round a subject 转弯抹角地谈某问题

talk sb. around/round 说服某人

talk sb. into concession 劝说某人做出让步

talk sb. into consent 说服某人同意

talk sb. out of his belief 说得某人抛弃了信仰

talk sb. out of…说服某人不……

talk the night away 谈了一夜

talk the situation over 讨论了形势

talk with sb. about sth.同某人谈某事

talk without stopping 说个不停

tell apart 分辨出

tell sb. flatly 直截了当地告诉某人

tell sb. one's mind 对某人畅所欲言

tell the news to sb.把消息告诉某人

the object of strong comment 猛烈批评的对象

throw in a word or two 插进一两句话

to say nothing of 更不用说

town talk 街谈巷议的话题

utter a witty remark 说一句妙语

waste one's words 白费口舌

whisper ['wɪspə] 耳语,低声说

whisper in one's ear 跟某人耳语


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