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教,学 Teaching, Learning

a man of extensive learning 博学者

a reprimand in written form 书面警告

absent ['æbsənt] 缺席

academic [ˌækə'demɪk] 学术的

academic rank/title 学衔

academic year 学年

admission [əd'mɪʃn] 录取,允许进入

adopt teaching as a profession 选择教学作为职业

after-school activity 课外活动

all-round instruction 全面教育

an advanced learner 程度较高的学习者

assistantship [ə'sɪstəntʃɪp] 助教奖学金

attend a lecture 听课

attend instruction 听课

attendance [ə'tendəns] 出席率

audit ['ɔːdɪt] 旁听

basic course 基础课

basic knowledge 基础知识

basic skill 基本功

basic training 基础训练

be conveyed by written instruction 书面传授

be expelled from school 被学校开除

be learned in the ways of the world 精通世事

bibliography [ˌbɪblɪ'ɒɡrəfɪ] 参考书目

break/interval ['ɪntəvl] 课间休息

broadcast instruction 广播教学

class/classroom teaching 课堂教学

clinical instruction 临床讲授

coach [kəʊtʃ] 辅导教师,教练

coach individually/collectively 个别/集体辅导

combine instruction with amusement 使教育与娱乐相结合

commencement (美)/graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

consistency [kən'sɪstənsɪ] 连贯性

continue/resume one's studies at the university 继续在大学学习

copious knowledge combined with deep humility 博学谦逊

corporal punishment ['kɔːpərəl] 体罚

cram [kræm] (为应考)临时死记硬背

cram the students with facts 填鸭式地教学

creative [krɪ'eɪtɪv] 有创造性的

curriculum [kə'rɪkjələm] 学校的全部课程

derive much instruction from 从……得到很多教益

describe 记述,描述

detest study 厌恶学习

dictation [dɪk'teɪʃn] 听写

diploma/graduation certificate 毕业证书

diploma-winning design 毕业设计

discipline ['dɪsəplɪn] 纪律

discontinue one's studies 辍学

doctors learned in the law 精通法律的博士

elective [ɪ'lektɪv] 选修科目

elementary [ˌelɪ'mentrɪ] 初级的,基础的

elicitation [ɪˌlɪsɪ'teɪʃn] 启发

enroll [ɪn'rəʊl] 招生

enrollment/registration 注册,登记

enter a higher grade 升级

extensive reading 泛读

extra-curricular activities 课外活动

fellowship ['feləʊʃɪp] 研究生奖学金

field of study 学习专业

field-work 野外研究

first-rate teaching 一流的教学

full-time 全日制的

further one's learning 深造

gain instruction on a subject 获得一个题目的指导

give instruction in ethics 讲授伦理学

give musical instruction to 对……讲授音乐

give up teaching 放弃教学工作

have very little formal instruction 受的正规教育极少

instruct sb. in reading and writing 教某人阅读与写作

instruct students in history 教学生历史

instruction by lecturing 以演讲方式授课

instruction in fine arts 美术教育

learn by imitation 通过模仿学习

learn by sheer memory 全凭记忆学习

learn by the mistake of others 从别人的错误中学习

learn English from/with/under a foreign teacher 跟国外教师学习英语

learn slowly through experience 慢慢地从经验中学习

learn sth. thoroughly 完全学会某事

learn the poem off 熟记这首诗

learn through failures 从失败中学习

mass instruction 民众的教育

methods of teaching 教学方法

miscellaneous costs 杂费

mislead the learner 误导学习者

miss [mɪs] 缺课

motto ['mɒtəʊ] 口号,座右铭

new theories of instruction 新的教学理论

object teaching 实物教学

on-the-spot teaching 现场教学

period ['pɪərɪəd] 节,学时

physical training 体育课

post-graduate training 进修

preliminary [prɪ'lɪmɪnərɪ] 预备的,预科的

principles of teaching 教学原则

private study/self study/self teaching 自学

program ['prəʊɡræm] 大纲,(教学)计划

programmed learning 循序渐进地学习

pursue learning 求知

quality of teaching 教学质量

quit school 退学

read to oneself 默读

receive collegiate instruction 接受大学教育

receive instruction in rudiments 接受基础教育

recite [rɪ'saɪt] 背诵

recreation/recreational activity 文娱活动

reference book 参考书

relax one's studies 放松学业

repeat the year 留级

report book/card 通知单

research paper 研究报告

review [rɪ'vjuː] 复习

room and board 膳宿

rote study 死记硬背

schedule/timetable 课程表

scholarship ['skɒləʃɪp] 奖学金

school fee/tuition 学费

school/academic year 学年

seek personal instruction from 请求……的亲自指导

semester [sɪ'mestə] 学期

seminar ['semɪnɑː] 讲座,研究班

shun study 逃避学习

specialize ['speʃəlaɪz] 专修

specialized course 专业课

sports meet/athletic meeting 运动会

stipend ['staɪpend] /grants-in-aid 助学金

study at Cambridge 在剑桥大学读书

study by oneself 自学

study for knowledge 为求知而学

study for master's degree 攻读硕士学位

study into the early morning hours 学习到凌晨

study late into the night 学习到深夜

system of promoting or holding back students 升留级制度

take notes/jot down 记笔记

take up music teaching 从事音乐教学

teach for a living 靠教书为生

teach French to one's students 教学生法语

teach geography competently 胜任地理教学

teach lexicology systematically 系统地讲授词汇学

teach the pupils by example 用榜样教育学生

teaching activity 教学活动

teaching by demonstration 示范教学

teaching by pouring in 填鸭式教学

teaching from books 书本教学

teaching hour 教学时数

teaching material 教学材料

teaching method 教学方法

teaching plan 教学计划

teaching with electric audio-visual aids 电化教学

transfer [træns'fɜː] 转学

trimester [traɪ'mestə] 三学期制中的一个学期

truancy ['truːənsɪ] 旷课,逃学

truant ['truːənt] 旷课的小学生

under instruction 在接受教育

undergo instruction from 受教于……

violate the discipline ['vaɪəleɪt] 违反纪律

visual aids ['vɪʒʊəl] 直观教具

visual instruction 直观教学

work-and-rest schedule 作息时间


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