20,000 students on the register 20000名在籍学生
a beginner's/an elementary class 初级班
a booklined study 四壁排列着书籍的书房
a clear and logical mind 一个清晰且具有逻辑思维的头脑
a collegiate-level program 大学水平的教学大纲
a correct approach to the subject 研究这个问题的正确方法
a distinguished authority on Chaucer 一位研究乔叟的杰出权威
a fertile mind 有才智的头脑
a girl of weak apprehension 理解力差的女孩
a graduate/graduating class 毕业班
a man of independent mind 有独立思想的人
a passing acquaintance with astronomy [ə'kweɪntəns] 对天文学略知一二
a person with an original mind 有创造性头脑的人
a person with education 受过教育的人
a reasoning mind 理智的头脑
a spirit of adventure 冒险精神
a training class 培训班
an academic authority 学术权威
an acknowledged authority 公认的权威
an advanced class 高级班
an all-round commercial education 全面的商业培训
an elevated mind 高尚的心灵
an intelligent apprehension [ˌæprɪ'henʃn] 敏锐的理解力
an intermediate class 中级班
an unquestioned authority 无可争议的权威
an unsurpassed authority on computer science [ˌʌnsə'pɑːst] 计算机科学方面的无上权威
accept the professorship in applied mathematics 接受应用数学教授的职位
achieve universal primary education 普及小学教育
acquire knowledge from reading 从阅读中获得知识
acquire knowledge through experience 从经验中获得知识
acquisitive of knowledge [ə'kwɪzətɪv] 渴望得到知识
addiction to reading 读书入迷
administer/handle/conduct the affairs of a university 管理大学
admission to the school 入学
adult education 成人教育
advance a person from lectureship to professorship 把某人从讲师提升为教授
affiliated to/with a university [ə'fɪlɪeɪtɪd] 附属于某大学
aid sb. with money in his scientific studies 资助某人的科学研究工作
alumna [ə'lʌmnə] 女校友
alumnus [ə'lʌmnəs] 男校友
applicants to college 报考大学的考生
apply for admission to a university 申请进入某大学
apply oneself closely to the study of English 专心致志学习英语
apply oneself diligently to the Chinese classics 孜孜不倦地研究中国经典
apply oneself to learning English 刻苦学习英语
approach a problem from different angles 从不同角度去探讨问题
appropriation for schools [əˌprəʊprɪ'eɪʃn] 学校专用经费
arm oneself with knowledge 以知识充实自己
assiduous in/at one's studies [ə'sɪdjuəs] 学习勤奋
assistant to Professor Wood 伍德教授的助教
attain linguistic proficiency 精通语言
attend an advanced course 在高级班学习
attend college 上大学
be admitted into the university 被大学录取
be admitted to Peking University 被北京大学录取
be appointed in the university for life 被认命为那所大学的终身教授
be appointed on the evaluation committee of academic ranks 被任命为学术评审委员
be appointed to a professorship 被聘任为大学教授
be apprentice to a carpenter 跟木匠当学徒
be at one's studies 在用功
be backward at one's lessons 功课差
be backward in one's studies 学习落后
be brilliantly educated 受过极好教育
be demoted to the fourth grade 降到四年级
be educated for the law 学法律
be educated to literature/fine arts 接受文学/美术教育
be forced to leave college 被迫辍学
be not out of one's apprenticeship 尚未满师
be offered the professorship of Classical Studies 被授予古典文艺研究的教授职位
be plucked/spun in one's examination 未被录取
be proficient in French 精通法语
be promoted to the fifth grade 升入五年级
be sent to study abroad 被派遣出国学习
be slack in study 学习马虎
be vocationally educated 受过职业训练
be worthy of the name of teacher 为人师表
behavior that is hardly admissible on the university campus 大学里难以容许的行为
beyond all apprehension 无法理解
break up for the Spring Festival 放假过春节
break up on July 27月2号放假
campus ['kæmpəs] 校园
campus activities 校园活动
campus life 校园生活
check one's exercises 检查作业
come out first 考第一名
complete one's education abroad 在国外完成学业
compulsory education 义务教育
conduct ['kɒndʌkt] 品行
conduct a class 讲课
continue one's education at the university 在大学继续深造
correspondence course 函授课程
correspondence department 函授部
credit system 学分制
cultivate/refine one's mind by reading 读书自我陶冶
curriculum vitae [kəˌrɪkjələm 'viːtaɪ] 简历(美resume)
dabble in literature 涉猎文学
demonstrate/display proficiency in English 显示出对英语的精通
department [dɪ'pɑːtmənt] (大学的)系;(英faculty ['fækltɪ] )
devote one's life to the acquisition of knowledge 把毕生精力花在求知上
diligent in one's studies 学习勤奋
dining room 饭厅
diploma for prize 获奖证书
diploma of graduation 毕业证书
diploma of merit 奖状
do one's schoolwork 做作业
do well in maths 数学成绩好
don't get much school 没上过多少学
dormitory ['dɔːmətrɪ] 寝室,宿舍
drop out of/quit college 从大学退学
dual-track system 双轨制
dwarf the mind 阻碍智力的发展
earn one's way through college 自己挣钱上完大学
educate sb. for a profession 培养某人从事……
education for the handicapped 残疾人特殊教育
education through play 通过游戏进行的教育
education with electrical audio-visual aids 电化教育
educational cause 教育事业
educational policy 教育方针
educational system 教育制度
elective course 选修课
elementary education 初等教育
e-mail 电子邮件
endow a university 资助一所大学
English proficiency 英语的熟练程度
enjoy a splendid education 受良好教育
enjoy scholarship 享受奖学金
ennoble the mind 使思想高尚
enroll at a college 注册进入大学
enter a college at 17 17岁上大学
establish/found a university 创办一所大学
excessive activities outside the campus 过多的校外活动
expel sb. from school 把某人开除出校
far above the average 大大超过平均水平
finance one's education 资助某人接受教育
finish one's primary schooling 读完小学
finish school with an A average 以优等平均分数毕业
finish/graduate from college/university 大学毕业
first-rate education 一流的教育
food for the mind 精神食粮
four-year system 四年制
full-time schooling system 全日制
further education 进修
general course 公共课
get a teaching appointment at a new school 在一所新学校里获得一个教员职务
give a lecture 授课
give interested attention to 饶有兴趣地专心听
give special coaching to 进行特别辅导
give up one's admission to a school 放弃入学资格
go through regular school 接受正规教育
go to the university for the furtherance of one's studies 去大学深造
graduate as Ph.D.毕业获哲学博士学位
graduate first 以第一名的成绩毕业
graduate with honours 以优异成绩毕业
graduate with the M.A. degree 毕业获文学硕士学位
graduation oral examination 毕业答辩会
grant free admission to students 准许学生免费入场
guidance ['ɡaɪdəns] 辅导,指导
gymnasium [dʒɪm'neɪzɪəm] 体育馆,健身房
gymnastics 体操
have a full enrollment 招生满额
have a higher education 受过高等教育
have a mother's/motherly affection for the pupils 对学生怀有母亲般的慈爱
have a nimble mind 十分伶俐
have a reading acquaintance with Russian 能读懂俄语
have little schooling 没受过什么教育
have only five years of schooling 只读过五年书
have very little formal education 几乎没有受过正规教育
high school diploma 中学毕业证书
higher education 高等教育
hold a high academic appointment 担任学术界高级职务
hold up one's hand to ask a question 举手提问
home education 家庭教育
homecoming ['həʊmkʌmɪŋ] 校友返校活动
homework ['həʊmwɜːk] (家庭)作业
ideological and political education 思想政治教育
idle ['aɪdl] 懒惰的,虚度的
improve the mind by reading and reflection 通过阅读和思考提高智力
inauguration ceremony [ɪˌnɔːɡjə'reɪʃn] /school's opening 开学典礼
instruction after class 课外辅导
intellectual education 智育
intensive reading 精读
Internet ['ɪntənet] 因特网
jump/skip a year 跳级
junior fellow apprentice 师弟
keep a diary 记日记
keep up with the class 赶上全班
lack formal school 缺少正规教育
learn by heart 背出
learn from experience 吸取经验教训
learn shoe-making as apprentice to a master craftsman 跟皮匠师傅学做鞋
lecture ['lektʃə] 大课,讲座
lectureship program 进修计划
lesson ['lesn] 功课
major ['meɪdʒə] 专业,主修
major in economics 攻读经济学
major in 主修
make a speciality of 以……为专业
make a very able speech 做一次很出色的演说
make progress in one's studies 学业有进步
make some experiments on electricity 做电学实验
make up missed lessons 补课
military training 军训
money on education 教育经费
moral education 德育
neglect education 忽视教育
neglect one's schoolwork 对作业马虎
obtain a scholarship 获得奖学金
obtain/receive an education 受教育
off-campus housing 校外住房
one-track system 单轨制
one's academic/educational background 学历
one's appoitment to the professorship 某人教授职务的任命
on-campus 校内的
open/start class in 开……课
ordinary education 普通教育
overall assignment 统一分配
parent/parental education 父母亲的教育
party branch 党支部
pass through a college/university 大学毕业,念完大学
patriotic education 爱国主义教育
persons of average education 受过一般教育的人士
persons of superior education 受过优等教育的人士
persons qualified to teach 师资
physical education 体育
physical examination 体检
play truant 逃学
playground/sports ground 操场,运动场
popularize education 普及教育
practise and train one's mind 运用和锻炼智力
prepare one's lessons 准备功课
pre-school education 学龄前教育
primary education 初等教育
professional education 专业教育
profitable for mental discipline 对智力训练有益
program/syllabus ['sɪləbəs] 教学大纲
prolonged attention to a single subject 长期研究某单项学科
promote education 推动教育
promote higher education 发展高等教育
proper arrangement of work and rest 劳逸结合
pursue education further 深造
put sb. through college 资助某人读完大学
quick/slow/dull apprehension 理解敏捷/迟钝
read for a degree in physics 攻读物理学学位
reform (s)in education 教育改革
register for the new term 新学期注册
relax one's studies 放松学习
reprimand ['reprɪmɑːnd] 警告处分
required course 必修课
requirement [rɪ'kwaɪəmənt] 必修课
run by the local people and subsided by the state 民办公助
say it in concert 齐声读
school system 学制
schools under civilian auspices 民办学校
schools under government auspices 公办学校
school-run factory 校办工厂
send a boy to schooling 送孩子上学
secondary college 中专
secondary education 中等教育
self-study period 自习课
send one's daughter to (a)university 送女儿上大学
senior fellow apprentice 师兄
serve one's apprenticeship to/with an engraver 在一个雕工那儿当学徒
serve out one's apprenticeship/be through one's apprentice 满师
sex education 性教育
short of teachers 师资不足
skip school 逃学
slack off in study 学习松懈
slip one's mind entirely 忘得干干净净
socially prominent person 名流
specialized course 专业课
specialized education 专门教育
spiritual/mental/intellectual food 精神食粮
spread education 普及教育
student at college 在校大学生
students respecting teachers and teachers cherishing students 尊师爱生
Students' Union 学生会
study assignment 学习任务,作业
study by correspondence 函授学习
study deeply into 深入钻研
summer vacation 暑假
systematic education 系统教育
take apprentice 收徒弟
take classes 听课
take notes 做笔记
teach by correspondence 函授
teachers training class 教师培训班
teacher-student relationship 师生关系
teaching administration 教务科
teaching plan 教学计划
teaching principle 教学原则
teaching research group 教研组
technical education 技术教育
television college 电视大学
the children above seven years of age 7岁以上的儿童
the cultured minds 有教养的人
the graduation ceremony 毕业典礼
the master under whom he serves his literary apprenticeship 他文学方面的启蒙老师
the teachers' dignity 师道尊严
the wife of one's teacher or master 师母
under the auspice of 在……资助下
undergo an apprenticeship of five years 当五年学徒
universal education 普及教育
unruly conduct 不端行为
upon graduation 一毕业
video room 录像室
vocational/professional education 职业教育
watch lectures on TV听电视讲座
wide-ranging reading 博览群书
win a prize for a good scholastic record 因成绩好获奖
win a prize for good behaviour 因表现好获奖
winter/Christmas vacation 寒假
with a college background 受过大学教育
work one's way through college 半工半读念完大学
works of taste 高雅的作品
Youth League Committee 团委