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初中·课本中不会教你的 句型与疑难结构 正误速辨





句型与疑难结构 正误速辨

1 Jim and Tom are in different classes. →改为反义句

误  Jim and Tom are in the same classes .

误  Jim and Tom are not in different classes .

正  Jim and Tom are in the same class .

2 Mary and John were born in the same year. →换一种说法

误  Mary and John were both in the same year.

误  Mary was as old as John.

正  Mary is as old as John. (应改用一般现在时 )

正  Mary and John are (of) the same age.

3 He has more than ten English books.→改为反义句

误  He has not more than ten English books.

正  He has fewer than ten English books.

正  He has less than ten English books.

4 Will you go (skate) with me this afternoon?→填空

误  Will you go to skate with me this afternoon?

正  Will you go skating with me this afternoon?

5 Fish can't live without water. →改为主从复合句

误  Fish can't live if no water .

正  Fish can't live if there is no water .

6 He didn't know when to leave. →改为主从复合句

误  He didn't know when he left .(不合句意 )

正  He didn't know when he would leave .

7 Do you know how we can get to the station? →改为简单句

误  Do you know how can get to the station ?(结构错误 )

正  Do you know how to get to the station ?

8 I heard she was singing in the room. →改为简单句

误  I heard she singing in the room.

正  I heard her singing in the room.

9 The wall is very high; nobody here is able to climb it. →改为简单句和主从复合句

误  The wall is too very high for nobody here to climb.

误  The wall is too high for anybody here to climb it .

(it必须去掉,因为句中的The wall就是climb的逻辑宾语 )

正  The wall is too high for anybody here to climb.

(原句中的very必须去掉,nobody必须改为anybody )

正  The wall is so high that nobody here is able to climb it.

10 Tom is interested in English. He is interested in maths, too. →改为简单句

误  Tom is not only interested in English but also in maths .

正  Tom is interested not only in English but also in maths.

正  Tom is interested both in English and in maths.

11 多么高的大楼啊!→译成英语

误  How a tall building it is!

What tall a building it is!

正  What a tall building it is!

正  How tall a building it is!

How tall the building is!

12 多么大的树啊!→译成英语

误  How big trees they are!

How big they are!

正  What big trees they are!

How big the trees are!

13 这个湖有多宽?→译成英语

误  What is the wide of the lake?

正  How wide is the lake?

正  What is the width of the lake?

14 这本词典多少钱?→译成英语

误  What is the dictionary cost ?

正  How much is the dictionary?

正  How much does the dictionary cost?

正  What is the price of the dictionary?

15 北京有多少人口?→译成英语

误  How many population are there in Beijing?

How much population are there in Beijing?

正  What is the population of Beijing?

How many people are there in Beijing?

16 你母亲是干什么的?→译成英语

误  How does your mother do?

正  What does your mother do?

正  What is your mother?

17 你觉得杭州怎样?→译成英语

误  How do you think of Hangzhou?

正  What do you think of Hangzhou? (what同think of搭配)

正  How do you like Hangzhou?(how同like搭配 )

正  What is Hangzhou like?

18 你今天感觉怎样?→译成英语

误  What are you feeling today?

正  How are you feeling today?

19 明天天气怎样?→译成英语

误  How will the weather be like tomorrow?

正  What will the weather be like tomorrow?

正  How will the weather be tomorrow?

20 She often takes a walk in the evening. →改为否定句

误  She does not take a walk in the evening.

正  She seldom takes a walk in the evening.

21 I always go to bed at eleven o'clock. →改为否定句

误  I do not go to bed at eleven o'clock.

正  I never go to bed at eleven o'clock.

22 You had better go there with her. →改为否定句

误  You hadn't better go there with her.

误  You don't had better go there with her.

正  You had better not go there with her.

23 那些书是她的,是吗?→译成英语

误  Those books are hers. aren't those ?

正  Those books are hers, aren't they ?

24 你昨天看那场电影了,是吗?→译成英语

误  You saw the film yesterday, did not you?

正  You saw the film yesterday, didn't you?

(附加问句中的否定词要用缩写形式 )

25 I believe he opened the door. →改为反意疑问句

误  I believe he opened the door, don't I?

正  I believe he opened the door, didn't he?

(如果陈述句部分是复合句,主句是I believe, I think, I expect (我期望),I suppose (我认为)时,附加问句要同宾语从句的主语和谓语动词一致 )

26 He has never been to England. →改为反意疑问句

误  He has never been to England, hasn't he?

正  He has never been to England, has he?

(陈述句部分中有never, hardly, seldom等否定意义的副词时,附加问句用肯定式 )

27 He has nothing to say. →改为反意疑问句

误  He has nothing to say, hasn't he?

正  He has nothing to say, has he?

(陈述句部分中有nothing, few, little等否定意义的代词或形容词时,附加问句用肯定式 )

28 我今年13岁,是吗?→译成英语

误   I am thirteen years old, am not I?

正  I am thirteen years old, aren't I?

(I am的反意疑问句应用aren't I )

29 这本书容易,是吗?→译成英语

误  This book is easy, isn't this ?

正  This book is easy, isn't it ?

(this和that作陈述句的主语或修饰主语时,附加问句用it )

30 The teacher let Jim try again. →改为反意疑问句

误  The teacher let Jim try again, doesn't he?

正  The teacher let Jim try again, didn't he?

(let是不规则动词,现在式、过去式和过去分词都是let,原句中的let应是一般过去时,如果是一般现在时,第三人称单数该用lets )

31 You'd better not borrow that book. →改为反意疑问句

误  You'd better not borrow that book, did you?

正  You'd better not borrow that book, had you?

32 She had better come at once. →改为反意疑问句

误  She had better come at once, doesn't she?

正  She had better come at once, hadn't she ?

33 The class has begun for twenty minutes. →改错

正  It is twenty minutes since the class began.

正  Twenty minutes have passed since the class began.

34 How long may I borrow this book? →改错

正  How long may I keep the book?

正  How long may I have the book?

35 She has left the factory for five days. →改错

正  She has been away from the factory for five days.

正  It is five days since she left the factory.

36 He was going out when the telephone rang. →译成汉语

误  当电话铃响的时候,他正要出去。

正  他正要出去,这时电话铃响了。

37 他直到母亲回来才睡觉。→译成英语

误  He went to bed until his mother came back.

正  He didn't go to bed until his mother came back.

38 I think he can do the work. →改为否定句

误  I think he can't do the work.

正  I don't think he can do the work.

39 He had no bread water for the whole day. →填空

误  He had no bread and water for the whole day.

正  He had no bread or water for the whole day.

正  He had no bread and no water for the whole day.

40 There is a small hole the wall. →填空

误  There is a small hole on the wall.

正  There is a small hole in the wall.

41 He studies hard. He also works well. →合成一个简单句

误  He studies not only hard but also works well.

误  He not only studies hard but works also well.

正  He not only studies hard but also works well.

42 There are two boxes on the desk. One is big and another is small. →改错

正  There are two boxes on the desk. One is big and the other is small.

43 他们相识已经30年了。→译成英语

误  They have got to know each other for thirty years.

正  They have known each other for thirty years.

正  It is thirty years since they have known each other.

正  It is thirty years since they got to know each other.

44 如果明天不下雨,我们就将去公园。→译成英语

误  We'll go to the park if it won't rain tomorrow.

正  We'll go to the park if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

45 谁教他们的英语?→译成英语

误  Who teaches their English?

正  Who teaches them English?

46 我们多长时间才能完成这项工作?

误  How long can we finish the work?

正  How soon can we finish the work?

47 当她回到家时,他已经离开了。→译成英语

误  He had already left when she returned back home.

正  He had already left when she came back home.

正  He had already left when she returned home.

48 她告诉他不要迟到。→译成英语

误  She told him don't be late.

误  She told him to not be late.

正  She told him not to be late.

49 你不喜欢这本书,汤姆也不喜欢这本书。→译成英语

误  Neither you nor Tom like the book.

正  Neither you nor Tom likes the book.

50 不是你要来,就是她要来。→译成英语

误  Either you or she are coming.

正  Either you or she is coming.

51 不仅你,而且我也准备买那本词典。→译成英语

误  Not only you but also I are going to buy the dictionary.

正  Not only you but also I am going to buy the dictionary.

52 除了吉姆外,没有人看过这部电影。→译成英语

误  No one except Jim have seen the film.

正  No one except Jim has seen the film.

53 5小时不是一段很长的时间。→译成英语

误  Five hours are not a long time.

正  Five hours is not a long time.

(复数时间名词作主语时,看作一个整体或一个时间段,谓语动词用单数。 )

54 50美元不够买这本书的。→译成英语

误  Fifty dollars are not enough for the book.

正  Fifty dollars is not enough for the book.

55 一百公里是一个很长的距离。→译成英语

误  One hundred kilometres are a long distance.

正  One hundred kilometres is a long distance.

56 消息传得快。→译成英语

误  News go fast.

正  News goes fast.

57 英国人喜欢喝茶。→译成英语

误  The English likes tea very much.

正  The English like tea very much.

58 Two-thirds of the earth are covered by water. →改错

正  Two-thirds of the earth is covered by water.

(two-thirds of后的名词为不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数 )

59 Half of his money are lost.→改错

正  Half of his money is lost.

60 Most of the snow have melted (融化).→改错

正  Most of the snow has melted.

61 Some of the ice have broken. →改错

正  Some of the ice has broken.

62 他朝那只野兔开枪。→译成英语

误  He shot the hare.

正  He shot at the hare.

63 他说的话是对的。→译成英语

误  What he said are right.

正  What he said is right.

正  His words are right.

64 你在哪里看见这幅画的?→译成英语

误  Where have you seen the picture?

正  Where did you see the picture?

65 你什么时候读了那本书的?→译成英语

误  When have you read the book?

正  When did you read the book?

66 他到这里已经5天了。→译成英语

误  It was five days since he got here.

误  He has got here for five days.

正  It is/has been five days since he got here.

67 我曾在那所学校工作过。→译成英语

误  I have once worked in the school.

误  I ever worked in the school.

正  I once worked in the school.

正  I worked in the school before.

68 你不去,他也不去。→译成英语

误  You won't go and he won't go, too .

正  You won't go and he won't go, either .

(否定句中要用either表示“也” )

69 任何人都不会喜欢它。→译成英语

误  Anybody doesn't like it.

正  Nobody likes it.

正  No one likes it.

70 他们都不是学生。→译成英语

误  All of them are not students.

(但本句意为:他们并不都是学生。 )

正  None of them are/is students.

(“all+否定谓语”表示的是部分否定,意为“并非所有的……都”,即有一部分是,有一部分不是,因此全部否定要用none )

71 这2支铅笔都不是红的。→译成英语

误  Both of the pencils are not red.

(但本句意为:这2支铅笔并不都是红的。 )

正  Neither of the pencils is red.

(“两者都不”要用neither, “both+否定谓语”是部分否定 )

72 这里的一切都不是他的。→译成英语

误  Everything here isn't his.

正  Nothing here is his.

73 每个盒子里都没有钢笔。→译成英语

误  Every box hasn't a pen in it.

(但本句意为:并非每个盒子里都有一支钢笔。 )

正  No box has a pen in it.

(“每个……都不”不能用“every...+否定谓语”,这是部分否定,要用no...+肯定谓语 )

74 Nobody can finish the work in one day. →改为被动语态

误  The work can be finished by nobody in one day.

正  The work can not be finished by anybody in one day.

(如果主动语态的主语是nobody, nothing, no one等表示否定意义的词,改为被动语态时,必须把谓语改为否定式,而把动作的执行者改为相应的anybody, anything或anyone )

75 Nothing can make him happy. →改为被动语态

误  He can be made happy by nothing .

正  He can not be made happy by anything .

76 No one has told them the news. →改为被动语态

误  They have been told the news by no one .

正  They have not been told the news by anyone .

77 The stone can not be moved by anybody. →改为主动语态

误  Anybody can not move the stone. (anybody+否定谓语为部分否定 )

正  Nobody can move the stone.

78 He made them work the whole day. →改为被动语态

误  They were made work the whole day.

误  Work was made by them the whole day. (原句中的work是动词,为不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,所以不能把作宾语补足语的动词work变为主语,而必须把宾语them变为主语 )

正  They were made to work the whole day. (动词make (使得),let, see, hear, watch, listen to等作主动语态的谓语动词时,后跟的不定式作宾语补足语时不带to,但转换为被动语态时,作补足语的不定式要带to)

79 We call this a chemical change (化学变化).→改为被动语态

误   A chemical change is called this (by us).

正  This is called a chemical change (by us).

(把含有宾语补足语的句子变为被动语态时,应把宾语变为被动语态的主语,而不能把宾语补足语变为被动语态的主语 )

80 The town has built several parks. →改为被动语态

误  Several parks have been built by the town .

正  Several parks have been built in the town .

(如果主动语态的主语是地点名词,在被动语态中,通常要改为“in+地点名词”。 )

误  She gave a dictionary me .

正  She gave me a dictionary .

正  She gave a dictionary to me.

81 I wrote him two letters last month. →改为被动语态

正  He was written two letters by me last month. (give, ask等动词跟双宾语时,既可以把直接宾语变为主语,也可为主语 )

正  Two letters were written to him by me last month.

82 I will ask him some questions. →改为被动语态

误  Some questions will be asked to him .

正  He will be asked some questions .

正  Some questions will be asked him .

(可以说send sth. to sb., give sth. to sb., write sth. to sb.,但不能说ask sth. to sb.。只能说ask sb.+sth.,所以上面句中用to是错的 )

83 The question is too difficult for her to answer. →改为复合句

误  The question is so difficult that she can't answer .

误  The question is so difficult that she doesn't answer it.

正  The question is so difficult that she can't answer it . (由too...to句型转换为so...that句型后,that从句中的动词后必须补上适当的宾语)

84 He arrived too late to catch the train. →改为复合句

误  He arrived so late that he couldn't catch the train.

(事实上就是没赶上车,不是不能赶上,所以根据句意不能用couldn't )

正  He arrived so late that he didn't catch the train.

正  He arrived so late that he missed the train.

85 That box is so heavy that nobody can carry it. →改为简单句

误  That box is too heavy to carry it .

正  That box is too heavy to carry .

正  That box is too heavy for anybody to carry . (主语That box就是作不定式to carry逻辑上的宾语,即carry的就是That box, 所以,后面不用加it)

86 They are so small that he can't see them. →改为简单句

误  They are too small to see.

误  They are too small to see them .

正  They are too small for him to see.

(如果原来that从句中的主语是确指某人,转换为too...to句型时,要改为“for+名词或代词宾格”,不可省。如果原来that从句中的主语是nobody, anyone, people等表示泛指的词,则可省去for短语 )

87 Her sister is not old enough to go to school.→改为too...to句型和复合句

误  Her sister is too old to go to school.

误  Her sister is so young enough that she can't to go school.

正  Her sister is too young to go to school.

正  Her sister is so young that she can't go to school.

88 These books are too hard to read. →改为复合句

误  These books are so hard that we can't read .

正  These books are so hard that we (或I, you, he, she, they) can't read them.

89 她去上海了,一周后回来。→译成英语

误  She has been to Shanghai and will return after a week.

正  She has gone to Shanghai and will return in a week.

90 Tom is not old enough to join the League. →改为复合句

误  Tom is so old enough that he can't join the League.

误  Tom is so old that he can join the League.

误  Tom is so young that he doesn't join the League.

正  Tom is so young that he can't join the League.

(原句中的not old enough意为“年龄不够大”,是否定说法,必须改为肯定说法“年龄这么小”,用so young )

91 Tom didn't do as well as Mary. →换一种说法

误  Tom didn't do well than Mary.

误  Tom did not as well as Mary.

误  Tom didn't do better than Mary.

正  Tom did less well than Mary.

正  Tom did worse than Mary.

92 He ran faster than Jim. →改为否定句

误  He ran less faster than Jim.

误  He ran less fast as Jim.

误  He ran not faster than Jim.

正  He didn't run as fast as Jim.

正  He ran less fast than Jim.

93 She doesn't get up as early as her mother. →换一种说法

误  She didn't get up earlier than her mother.

正  She gets up less early than her mother.

正  She gets up later than her mother.

94 She is one of the best students in the class. →换一种说法

误  She is the best student in the class. (与原句意不符 )

正  She is among the best students in the class.

95 He studied hardest in the class. →换一种说法

误  He studied harder than any student in the class.

误  He studied harder than other student in the class.

正  He studied harder than any other student in the class.

正  He studied harder than other students in the class.

96 You have to do it right now. →改为否定句

误  You haven't to do it right now.

误  You have to not to do it right now.

正  You don't have to do it right now.

(have to是固定短语,意为“不得不,必须”,应作行为动词看待 )

97 They had a meeting yesterday. →改为否定句

误  They hadn't a meeting yesterday.

正  They didn't have a meeting yesterday.

98 They have arrived already.→改为否定句

误  They haven't arrived already .

正  They haven't arrived yet .

99 He can't dance and so can she. →改错

正  He can't dance and neither/nor can she .

100 他学习非常努力。他的确非常努力。→译成英语

误  He studies very hard. So does he .

正  He studies very hard. So he does .

101 He must be in the classroom. →改为否定句

误  He mustn't be in the classroom.

正  He can't be in the classroom.

102 我没有什么话可说了。→译成英语

误  I have nothing to say it .

正  I have nothing to say .

103 He hopes you to go there instead of him. →改错

正  He hopes that you will go there instead of him.

(hope后不可跟不定式作宾语补足语,但可以说hope to do sth.或hope +that从句 )

104 要他回答这个问题很难。→译成英语

误  It is difficult of him to answer this question.

正  It is difficult for him to answer this question.

正  It is not easy for him to answer this question.

(不定式的逻辑主语要用for引导,这种句子可以把不定式及其逻辑主语转化为句子的主语:For him to answer this question is not easy. )

105 我不知道乘哪路车。→译成英语

误  I don't know to take which bus.

正  I don't know which bus to take .

106 She said, “I was born in 1993.”→改为间接引语

误  She said that she had been born in 1993.

正  She said that she was born in 1993.

(在直接引语中,如果是一般过去时同确指的过去时间状语连用,变为间接引语时,时态不作变化。 )

107 “I have no time.” Li Ming will say. →改为间接引语

误  Li Ming will say that he had no time.

正  Li Ming will say that he has no time.

(如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时或一般将来时,直接引语变为间接引语时,谓语动词时态不变 )

108 “How did you like the play?” he asked me. →改为间接引语

误  He asked me how I had liked the play.

正  He asked me how I liked the play.

(如果直接引语中的动词具有想象性含义,表示“认为……怎样,觉得……怎样”,变为间接引语时,时态不变 )

109 “You had better do it now.” he said. →改为间接引语

误  He said I had had better do it then.

正  He said I had better do it then.

(直接引语中的谓语动词含有had better时,变为间接引语时态不变 )

110 “I'd like to have a try.” she said to me. →改为间接引语

正  She said to me that she'd like to have a try.

(直接引语中的谓语动词含有would like时,变为间接引语时态不变 )

111 “You mustn't say it to Jack.”she said. →改为间接引语

误  She said I needn't say it to Jack.

误  She said I hadn't to say it to Jack.

正  She said I mustn't say it to Jack.

(直接引语中的谓语动词含有must时,变为间接引语时态不变,因为must没有过去式 )

112 “Don't open the window.” he said to me. →改为间接引语

误  He said to me not to open the window.

正  He asked me not to open the window.

正  He told me not to open the window.

(如果直接引语为祈使句,变为间接引语时,要把原来的say或say to sb.改为tell, ask ,order (命令)等词 )

113 “Wait for me here, Jim.” said the woman. →改为间接引语

误  The woman told to wait for her there Jim .

正  The woman asked Jim to wait for her there.

正  The woman told Jim to wait for her there.

(直接引语中有称呼语时,应把它变为间接引语中谓语动词的宾语 )

114 “Please lend me some money, Tom.” she said. →改为间接引语

误  She asked Tom to please lend her some money.

正  She asked Tom to lend her some money.

正  She told Tom to lend her some money.

(直接引语中有please时,变为间接引语时必须省去 )

115 She said to Jim: Mary has lived here since she got to Nanjing. →改为间接引语

误  She said to Jim that Mary had lived there since she had got to Nanjing.

正  She said to Jim that Mary had lived there since she got to Nanjing.

116 “John, it is going to rain soon. Don't go out.” mother said. →改为间接引语

误  Mother said to/told John that it was going to rain soon and don't go out.

正  Mother told John that it was going to rain soon and asked him not to go out.

117 我有一些书,可以借给你几本。→译成英语

误  I have few books and I can lend some to you.

正  I have a few books and I can lend some to you.

118 I have a little money left. Please ask others. →改错

正  I have little money left. Please ask others.

119 He is only thirteen years old. He knows a lot of English. →合并成主从复合句和并列复合句

误  Though he is only thirteen years old, but he knows a lot of English.

正  Though he is only thirteen years old, he knows a lot of English.

正  He is only thirteen years old, but he knows a lot of English.

120 Come early, and you will see the writer. →换一种说法

误  If you come early, and you will see the writer. (这是主从复合句,不可用并列连词and连接,and用于连接并列句 )

误  If you will come early. you will see the writer. (主句用一般将来时,if从句必须用一般现在时 )

正  If you come early, you will see the writer.

121 If you study hard, you will pass the exam. →换一种说法

误  Study hard, you will pass the exam. (并列连词and不可省 )

正  Study hard, and you will pass the exam. (祈使句+and+陈述句:是一种常用结构,前面的祈使句表示条件,后面的陈述句表示结果,祈使句后一般要用逗号,也可不用,并且用and连接前后两个句子 )

122 What is the woman over there? She is her mother. →改错

正  Who is the woman over there? She is her mother. (who问亲属关系或身份 )

正  What is the woman over there? She is a doctor. (what问职业 )

123 我和吉姆在同一个班。→译成英语

正  Jim and I are in the same class. (英语中几个人称代词连用时,通常把I放在最后,以示谦虚、礼貌。 )

124 那位老人的头发白了。→译成英语

误  The old man's hairs are white.

正  The old man's hair is white. (hair作“头发”解时,是总称,不可加s,后用单数动词 )

125 这封信是我母亲的一位朋友写的。→译成英语

误  This letter was written by a my mother's friends . (不定冠词不可同其他限定词如my, their, this等连用 )

正  This letter was written by a friend of my mother's .

126 It took him twenty minutes cleaning the room. →改错

正  It took him twenty minutes to clean the room.

正  To clean the room took him twenty minutes.

127 The shirt spent her 30 dollars. →改错

误  She spent 30 dollars to buy the shirt. (不可说spend+钱或时间+不定式 )

正  The shirt cost her 30 dollars. (cost用物作主语,不用人作主语 )

正  She spent 30 dollars on the shirt. (spend用人作主语,不用物作主语 )

正  She spent 30 dollars buying the shirt. (“spend+钱或时间+动名词”为正确结构,意为“花钱或时间做某事” )

128 He has finished to do his homework. →改错

正  He has finished doing his homework. (finish后跟动名词是正确结构,不可加不定式 )

129 这幢大楼高100米。→译成英语

误  The building is high 100 meters .

正  The building is 100 meters high . (数词+high/long/deep/wide是正确结构 )

130 He spent two hours writing the letter. →换一种说法

正  It took him two hours to write the letter.

正  To write the letter took him two hours. (不定式作主语 )

正  Writing the letter took him two hours. (动名词作主语 )

131 写那封信花了她一些时间。→译成英语

误  It took her sometime to write the letter.

正  It took her some time to write the letter.

132 他们将和二班比赛。→译成英语

误  They are going to play with Class 2.

正  They are going to play against Class 2. (和……比赛或打球,要说play against sb., 不可说play with sb.,因为play with表示“和……玩耍,玩弄” )

133 He will be back long before. →改错

正  He will be back before long .

134 Lesson Two is more difficult than Lesson One. →换一种说法

正  Lesson One is not so/as difficult as Lesson Two.

正  Lesson One is less difficult than Lesson Two.

135 To take a walk after supper is good. →换一种说法

误  It is good take a walk after supper.

正  It is good to take a walk after supper.

136 To buy is better than to borrow. →换一种说法

误  It is better to buy than borrow . (相比较的应是相同的结构,都是不定式 )

正  It is better to buy than to borrow .

137 He is rich enough to buy the house. →换一种说法

正  He has enough money to buy the house.

正  He is so rich that he can buy the house.

138 They can get to the top of the hill easily. →换一种说法

误  It is easily for them to get to the top of the hill.

正  It is easy for them to get to the top of the hill.

139 She can read and write. →改为否定句

正  She can't read or write.

正  She can neither read nor write.

140 It's a fine day. →改为感叹句

误  What fine day it's !(it is在感叹句中不可缩写为it's )

误  How a fine day it is!

正  What a fine day it is!

正  How fine a day it is!

141 He is running very fast. →改为感叹句

误  How very fast he is running! (转换为感叹句时,原句中的very必须省去 )

误  How he is running fast ! (how同被修饰的副词不可分开 )

正  How fast he is running!

142 There is nothing wrong with the radio. →改为肯定意思句

正  There is something wrong with the radio.

143 他发生了什么事?→译成英语

误  What was happened to him?(happen to不能用于被动语态 )

误  What has he happened to?

误  What has happened him ?

误  He has happened to what ?

正  What has happened to him? (happen to的主语必须是物,不能是人,happen是不及物动词 )

144 The boy fears dogs. →换一种说法

正  The boy is afraid of dogs. (be afraid of意为“害怕” )

145 He can't pass the exam if you don't help him. →改为简单句

误  He can't pass the exam without help . (谁给的帮助不清楚 )

误  He can't pass the exam without you help . (语法错误 )

正  He can't pass the exam without your help . (注意加上your才合乎英语习惯 )

146 There are trees on both sides of the river. →换一种说法

误  There are trees on either sides of the river.

误  There are trees on every side of the river. (every用来指3个或3个以上 )

正  There are trees on either side of the river. (用either时,后必须用单数名词 )

147 I can't believe your words. →改为复合句

误  I can't believe what you say .

正  I can't believe what you said . (应是说过的话 )

148 She put on her glasses so that she could see better. →改为简单句

正  She put on her glasses to see better.

正  She put on her glasses in order to see better. (in order to do sth.表示“为了干什么事”,引导不定式短语作目的状语 )

149 May I borrow your pen?→换一种说法

正  Can you lend me your pen?

正  Please lend me your pen.

150 There's one pen in the box. →对画线部分提问

误  How many pen is there in the box?

误  How many pens is there in the box?

正  How many pens are there in the box?

151 The book on the bed is hers. →对画线部分提问

误  Which the book is hers?(疑问词不可同the等限定词连用,the必须去掉 )

误  Where the book is hers?

正  Which book is hers?

152 The boy in white is his brother. →对画线部分提问

误  What boy is his brother?

正  Which boy is his brother?

153 There are two bottles of wine on the table. →对画线部分提问

误  How many wine is there on the table?

误  How many bottles of wine are there on the table?(提问时不可把画线部分再说出来 )

正  How much wine is there on the table?

154 The weather today is very hot . →对画线部分提问

误  How is the weather today like ? (how不同like搭配 )

正  What is the weather today like ?

正  How is the weather today?

155 There are many children in the park. →对画线部分提问

误  What is there in the park?

误  What are in the park?

误  What are there in the park?

正  What's in the park?

156 She went to the doctor every other day . →对画线部分提问

误  When did she go to the doctor?

误  What time did she go to the doctor?

正  How often did she go to the doctor?

157 Jim has worked here since he came in 2003 . →对画线部分提问

误  When has Jim worked here?

正  How long has Jim worked here?

158 He has lived here since he left his home . →对画线部分提问

误  When has he lived here?

正  Since when has he lived here?

159 She will not go. I think. →改为主从复合句

误  I think she won't go .

正  I don't think she will go.

160 When she was twenty, she joined the Party. →改为简单句

误  In the age of twenty , she joined the Party.

误  On the age of twenty , she joined the Party.

正  At the age of twenty , she joined the Party. (“在……岁时”通常要用at the age of... )

161 She took the children to the park for a visit. →换一种说法

正  She showed the children around the park.

162 You may come in May or in June.→换一种说法

误  You may come not only in May but also in June.

正  You may come either in May or in June.

163 “Help to some more fish”. Mother said to the children. →填空

误  “Help yourself to some more fish.” Mother said to the children.

正  “Help yourselves to some more fish.” Mother said to the children.

164 There is a lot of snow here in winter. →换一种说法

误  It snows much here in winter.

正  It snows a lot here in winter.

165 The man got into the car. →改为反义句

误  The man got off the car.

误  The man got out the car.

正  The man got out of the car.

166 我错拿了她的书。→译成英语

误  I took her book to mistake .

误  I took her book in mistake .

正  I took her book by mistake. (take...by mistake意为“错拿” )

167 我要8号的衬衫。→译成英语

误  I want size eight shirt.

误  I want an eight size shirt. (要说size eight,不可说eight size )

正  I want a size eight shirt. (a size表示某一尺寸的衣服,不可没有a。但也可以说size eight shirts )

168 你知道他什么时候来的吗?→译成英语

误  Do you know when did he come ?

误  Do you know when he comes ? (根据句意他已来过了,应用过去时 )

误  Do you know when he did come ? (不应再用助动词did )

正  Do you know when he came ? (宾语从句必须用陈述句语序 )

169 她看上去很幸福。→译成英语

误  She looks very happily .

正  She looks very happy . (look在这里是连系动词,后面要跟形容词 )


正  He looked angry . 他看上去生气了。(look表示“看上去”,后跟形容词angry作表语 )

正  He looked at her angrily . (look at表示“看着”,为行为动词短语,后面要用副词angrily修饰)


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