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初中·课本中不会教你的 动词与时态 正误速辨





动词与时态 正误速辨

1 我每天早晨7点钟吃早饭。

误  I've breakfast at 7 every morning.

正  I have breakfast at 7 every morning.

评  动词have/has在一般现在时和一般过去时中不用简略形式。

2 他不知道为什么要早起床。

误  He didn't know why to get up early.

正  He didn't know why he had to get up early.

评  why不可用于why to do sth.。但who, whom, what, where, when, how等则可以与不定式连用。

3 我想要你回答这个问题。

误  I'd like you answer this question.

正  I'd like you to answer this question.

评  'd like是would like的缩写式,“would like +代词/名词+to do sth.”中to不可省。

4 让我们唱一首歌吧。

误  Let us to sing a song.

正  Let us sing a song.

评  “让某人做某事”要说let sb. do sth.,不可说let sb. to do sth.。

5 为什么今天不做呢?

误  Why not to do it today?

正  Why not do it today?

评  why not后加动词原形,意为“为什么不……呢”,表示建议。

6 我的表11点钟了。

误  My watch speaks eleven o'clock.

误  My watch tells eleven o'clock.

正  My watch says eleven o'clock.

评  这种说法应用say,相当于show。

7 你最好戒烟。

误  You'd better to give up smoking.

正  You'd better give up smoking.

评  'd better是had better的缩写,意为“最好”,后接动词原形。

8 他入团已经两年了。

误  He joined the League for two years.

正  He has been a League member for two years.

评  在英语中,非延续性动词表示的动作是短暂的,不可同表示一段时间的状语连用。

9 Has Jim slept?不同于Has Jim gone to sleep?


Has Jim slept ? (吉姆睡过了吗? )(问他是否已经睡过觉 )

Has Jim gone to sleep ? (吉姆睡着了吗? )(问他是否已入睡 )

10 打扫教室将要花去我们半个小时。

误  It will take us half an hour clean the classroom.

误  It will take us half an hour cleaning the classroom.

正  It will take us half an hour to clean the classroom.

评  “做某事花(某人)多少时间”要用“it takes (sb.)+时间+to do sth.”

11 我希望你下次早点来。

误  I hope you to come early next time.

正  I hope (that) you'll come early next time.

评  “希望某人做某事”不可说hope sb. to do sth.,要用hope+that从句,that可省。

12 他穿着一件新衬衫。

误  He is putting on a new shirt.

正  He is wearing a new shirt.

评  put on表示“穿上,戴上”,强调动作本身。wear表示“穿着,戴着”,强调状态。

13 他发现锻炼身体很重要。

误  He found important to take more exercise.

正  He found it important to take more exercise.

评  “发现做某事怎样”常用find it +形容词+to do sth.结构,这里的it是形式宾语,不可省。

14 母亲让我自己洗衣服。

误  Mother made me to wash the clothes myself.

正  Mother made me wash the clothes myself.

评  make sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,本结构中的不定式不可加to。

15 我能看见树上有一些鸟。

误  I can look at some birds in the tree.

正  I can see some birds in the tree.

评  see表示“看见”,指结果。look at表示“瞧,看一看”,强调动作本身。

16 她看见一只猴子跑进森林中去了。

误  She saw a monkey to run into the forest.

正  She saw a monkey run into the forest.

评  “see+名词/代词+不带to的不定式”是一个常用表达法。

17 你能在中午前到达那里吗?

误  Can you be able to get there before noon?

正  Are you able to get there before noon?

评  表示“能,能够”,可用can或be able to,但两者不可混用在一起。

18 我不知道读什么样的书。

误  I don't know what to read the book.

正  I don't know what book to read .

评  不定式作定语时,要置于所修饰的名词或名词短语后。

19 父亲告诉我不要迟到。

误  Father told me to not be late.

正  Father told me not to be late.

评  不定式的否定式为“not+不定式”,not要放在to的前面。

20 Do you have time?不同于Do you have the time?

Do you have time? 你有空吗 ?(相当于Are you free now? )

Do you have the time? 你的表几点了 ?(相当于What time is it by your watch? )

21 我今天必须交作业吗?—不,不必。

误  Must I hand in my homework?—No, you mustn't .

正  Must I hand in my homework?—No, you needn't .

评  回答must开头的问句,表示“不必”时,要用needn't,不可用mustn't。mustn't含有禁止的意思,语气较强,意为“绝不能,一定不要”。

22 她可能今天还那本书。

误  She can return the book today.

正  She may return the book today.

评  表示“可能”时,can用于疑问句和否定句,may用于肯定句。

23 出去散散步怎样?

误  What about to go out for a walk?

正  What about going out for a walk?

评  What about...?用于征求意见,后接名词或动名词。

24 琳达擅长弹钢琴。

误  Linda is good at play the piano.

正  Linda is good at playing the piano.

评  be good at, be bad at(拙于)后要接名词或动名词。

25 他在找一个地方住。

误  He's looking for a place to live in .

正  He's looking for a place to live .

评  表示“住的地方,坐的地方”,要说a place to live, a place to sit,为习惯用法,不可加介词in或on。

26 莉莉可能在家。

误  Lily maybe at home.

正  Lily may be at home.

评  maybe是一个词,为副词,意为“可能,也许”。may be是两个词,是情态动词同be动词连用,意为“也许是,可能是”。

27 他喜欢在雨中散步。

误  He enjoys to take a walk in the rain.

正  He enjoys taking a walk in the rain.

评  enjoy后接名词或动名词。

28 请坐下。

误  Sit down please .

正  Sit down,please .

正  Please sit down.

评  在祈使句中,please放在前后均可,如放在后面,please前面常用逗号隔开。

29 他宁可看电视不愿散步。

误  He prefers watching TV to take a walk.

正  He prefers watching TV to taking a walk.

评  prefer doing sth. to doing sth.意为“宁愿……而不”,这种结构中只能用动名词。

30 她通常星期天去买东西。

误  She usually goes to shopping on Sunday.

正  She usually goes shopping on Sunday.

评  “go+动名词”是一种习惯表达法,意为“从事某种活动或运动”。

31 他不让孩子们在河里游泳。

误  He stopped the children to swim in the river.

正  He stopped the children (from) swimming in the river.

评  stop sb. from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”,from可省,这种结构中不可用不定式。

32 我们每逢星期日都在公园玩得很愉快。

误  We have got a good time in the park on Sundays.

正  We have a good time in the park on Sundays.

评  在口语中,常用have got代替have。

33 她听到他的话不禁大笑起来。

误  She couldn't help to laugh when she heard his words.

正  She couldn't help laughing when she heard his words.

评  can't help doing sth.意为“忍不住/不由得做某事”,后跟动名词,不跟不定式。

34 学生们正忙着复习功课。

误  The students are busy to review their lessons.

正  The students are busy reviewing their lessons.

评  be busy doing sth.意为“忙于做某事”,这种结构中不可用不定式。

35 他完全有能力做这件事。

误  He is quite capable to do it.

正  He is quite capable of doing it.

评  capable of doing sth.意为“有能力做某事”,这种结构不可用不定式。

36 雨接连下了一个星期。

误  It kept to rain for a week.

正  It kept raining for a week.

评  keep doing sth.表示“一直在……,老是在……”。

37 你想喝一杯茶吗?

误  Do you feel like to have a cup of tea?

正  Do you feel like having a cup of tea?

评  feel like意为“想要”,较口语化,后只能接动名词,不可接不定式。

38 他是团员吗?—是的,他是。

误  Is he a League member? —Yes, he's .

正  Is he a League member? —Yes, he is .

评  作主语的he/she/it可同is缩写为he's/she's/it's。

39 这是一支红铅笔,那是一支蓝铅笔。

误  This's a red pencil and that's a blue one.

正  This is a red pencil and that's a blue one.

评  that is可缩写为that's,但this is不可缩写为this's。

40 她避而不见他。

误  She avoided to see him.

正  She avoided seeing him.

评  avoid后接动名词,不接不定式。

41 我不是教师。

误  I amn't a teacher.

正  I'm not a teacher.

评  I am not不可缩写成I amn't,但可以写成I'm not。

42 我今天已经读了10页。

误  I read ten pages today.

正  I have read ten pages today.

评  今天尚未过去,包括现在在内,表示到现在为止这一段时间内完成的事,故要用现在完成时。

43 我已写完了那封信。

误  I have finished to write the letter.

正  I have finished writing the letter.

评  finish doing sth.为正确用法,不可接不定式。也可说finish with sth.,意为“用完某物,不再使用某物”。

44 他否认拿了钱包。

误  He denied to take the wallet.

正  He denied taking the wallet.

评  deny doing sth.为正确结构,不跟不定式。

45 请你把这个单词再读一遍。

误  Please you read the word again.

正  Please read the word again.

评  祈使句中please后,通常省略主语you。

46 规则禁止在这里抽烟。

误  The rules forbid to smoke here.

正  The rules forbid smoking here.

评  forbid doing sth.为正确结构,不跟不定式。

47 他喜欢运动吗?

误  Does he likes sports?

正  Does he like sports?

48 桌子上有一部收音机和几本书。

误  There are a radio and some books on the desk.

正  There is a radio and some books on the desk.

评  There be结构中的主语有两个或两个以上时,be动词的形式同第一个主语一致。

49 那个穿红衣服的女孩是玛丽。

误  The girl in the red is Mary.

正  The girl in red is Mary.

评  in red意为“穿着红衣服”,为惯用短语,可作表语或后置定语。

50 打开门你介意吗?

误  Would you mind to open the door?

正  Would you mind opening the door?

评  mind后用动名词,不跟不定式。

51 我认为你不对。

正  I think you are not right.

正  I don't think you are right.(更佳 )

评  think后的宾语从句表示否定时,通常把对从句的否定转移到对think的否定。

52 你每天12点钟吃午饭吗?

误  Have you lunch at twelve every day?

正  Do you have lunch at twelve every day?

评  have为行为动词,不作“有”解,其疑问句和否定句要用助动词do, does, did。

53 如果你愿意去游泳,我就带你去。

误  If you go swimming, I'll take you along.

正  If you will go swimming, I'll take you along.

评  这里的will不表示将来,而表示意愿,是will的一种用法。

54 我常在晚上做功课,李明也一样。

误  I often do my homework in the evening, and so Li Ming does .

正  I often do my homework in the evening, and so does Li Ming .

评  表示前一句的情况也适合另一人或物,常用“so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”这一倒装法表示。

55 我们昨天没开会。

误  We hadn't a meeting yesterday.

正  We didn't have a meeting yesterday.

评  have a meeting意为“开会”,have不表示“有”,构成疑问句或否定句要用助动词do, does或did。

56 这消息令人激动。

误  The news is excited .

正  The news is exciting .

评  excited含被动义。exciting含主动义。

57 他直到11点钟才睡觉。

误  He went to bed until eleven o'clock.

正  He didn't go to bed until eleven o'clock.

评  如果主句谓语动词是短暂性的,表示“直到……才”时,该动词要用否定形式。

58 如果我明天有空,我将去拜访她。

误  I'll call on her if I shall have time tomorrow.

正  I'll call on her if I have time tomorrow.

评  if引导的条件状语从句表示将来,要用一般现在时表示,不可用will或shall。

59 他现在学习情况怎样?

误  How is he going with his study?

正  How is he getting on with his study?

评  How are you getting on with...?意为“你在……方面情况怎样?”,为惯用句型。

60 她进来时我正在看电视。

误  I watched TV when she came in.

正  I was watching TV when she came in.

评  表示过去某一时刻正在发生的动作,要用过去进行时。

61 公共汽车来了。

误  There the bus comes .

正  There comes the bus.

评  以副词there, here开头的句子,如果后面的主语是名词,要用倒装结构。但如果主语是代词,则不可倒装。

62 我明天得去买东西。

误  I'll have got to go shopping tomorrow.

正  I have got to go shopping tomorrow.

正  I have to go shopping tomorrow.

评  have got to意为“不得不,必须”,不可同助动词或情态动词连用。

63 他讨厌说谎。

误  He is hating telling lies.

正  He hates telling lies.

评  hate, love, like, own (拥有),belong (属于)等表示情感、心理、拥有等的动词,通常不用进行时态。

64 你什么时候听到那个消息的?

误  When have you heard the news?

正  When did you hear the news?

评  when引导的特殊疑问句,其谓语动词一般不可用现在完成时,要用一般过去时。

65 工作一结束我就回家去。

误  I'll go home as soon as I shall finish the work.

正  I'll go home as soon as I finish the work.

评  as soon as引导的时间状语从句,表示将来时,要用一般现在时代替。

66 你最好去修一下你的表。

误  You'd better have your watch repair .

正  You'd better have your watch repaired .

评  have sth. done表示“由别人做某事”或“遭遇某种不幸”。

67 事故发生在昨天夜里10点钟。

误  The accident was happened at ten last night.

正  The accident happened at ten last night.

评  happen以及take place(发生)为不及物动词,不可用于被动语态。

68 不要靠近火。

误  Not go near the fire.

正  Don't go near the fire.

正  Do not go near the fire.

评  祈使句的否定式要在动词原形前加Do not,或缩写或Don't。

69 我3天前复习了功课。

误  I have gone over my lessons three days ago.

正  I went over my lessons three days ago.

评  现在完成时不可同表示过去特定时间的状语连用。

70 请叫汤姆打点水。

误  Please tell Tom fetch some water.

正  Please tell Tom to fetch some water.

评  tell sb. to do sth.意为“叫某人做某事”,为正确结构。

71 对不起,到书店的路怎么走?

误  Sorry , which is the way to the bookstore?

正  Excuse me , which is the way to the bookstore?

评  sorry侧重于因不能满足对方的需求而表示歉意,或对做错的事表示歉意。Excuse me用于问路,询问对方情况,插话等场合。

72 工作按时完成了。

误  The work finished on time.

正  The work was finished on time.

评  在英语中,只要主语是谓语动作的承受者,通常都要用被动语态。

73 这是你的小刀吗?—是的。—给你吧。多谢。

误  Is this your knife? —Yes, it is. —Give you . —Thanks a lot.

正  Is this your knife? —Yes, it is. —Here you are . —Thanks a lot.

评  给别人某种东西,或别人向你借东西,你说“给你吧”,要用Here you are.

74 会议于上午8点开始。

误  The meeting began at a.m. 8 .

正  The meeting began at 8 a.m.

评  a.m.表示“上午”,p.m.表示“下午”,在句中可大写或小写,但要放在具体时间之后。

75 她母亲会做鞋子。

误  Her mother can do shoes.

正  Her mother can make shoes.

评  do表示做事或做某项工作,make表示“制造,做”某种东西。

76 你要吃点什么吗?

误  Do you like something to eat?

正  Would you like something to eat?

评  Would you like...?表示“想要,愿意”,用于提出要求或愿意提供帮助,语气较婉转。Do you like...?表示“你喜欢……吗?”,问某人是否喜欢。

77 什么也没剩下,所有的东西都丢了。

误  Nothing is left; all are lost.

正  Nothing is left; all is lost.

评  all用作代词,指事物,表示“一切东西,所有东西”时,谓语动词用单数。all表示“人人,所有人”时,谓语动词用复数。

78 谢谢你的帮助。—没关系。/别客气。

误  Thank you for your help.— Never mind ./It doesn't matter .

正  Thank you for your help.— Not at all .

评  回答别人的感谢,要用Not at all。当别人向你表示歉意时,常用Never mind.或It doesn't matter.作答。

79 先生,你想要什么?—要一件上衣。

误  What do you want , sir?—A coat.

正  What can I do for you , sir?—A coat.

评  售货员问顾客“你需要什么,你买什么”,常说What can I do for you?也可说Can I help you?

80 动不动就生气是没有好处的。

正  It's no good to get angry at once.

正  It's no good getting angry at once.

评  It's no good/use后跟动名词,表示泛指的、一般的情况,这种结构后也可跟不定式,表示某一具体情况。

81 月亮将在8点钟左右升起。

误  The moon is going to rise around eight o'clock.

正  The moon will rise around eight o'clock.

82 她明天将飞往北京。

误  She will fly to Beijing by air tomorrow.

正  She will fly to Beijing tomorrow.

评  fly to已表示“飞往某地”,再用by air就重复了。

83 这是我第一次看到这种鸟。

误  It's the first time that I see this kind of bird.

正  It's the first time that I have seen this kind of bird.

评  在It's the first/second... time that...句型中,that后的从句一般要用现在完成时,强调某事对现在的影响。

84 他已不再吸烟了。

误  He has given up to smoke .

正  He has given up smoking .

评  give up意为“放弃,停止”,后跟动名词,不跟不定式。

85 我们休息一下好吗?—行。

误  Shall we have a rest?—Yes, we shall .

正  Shall we have a rest?—All right .

评  回答Shall we...?常用All right.或Yes, let's...,否定回答用No, let's not.或No, I don't think we shall.回答Shall I...?要说Yes, please.否定回答用Please don't.或No, thanks.

86 你把花浇一下好吗?

误  Are you going to water the flowers?

正  Will you water the flowers?

评  表示客气的请求、邀请时,常用will或would。

87 他做这项工作有困难。

误  He had difficulty to do the work.

正  He had difficulty in doing the work.

评  have difficulty in sth./doing sth.表示“在……方面有困难”,不可接不定式。

88 老师叫我把课文再读一遍。

误  The teacher called me to read the text again.

正  The teacher asked me to read the text again.

评  call意为“叫喊,呼叫”。ask sb. to do sth.表示“叫/请某人做某事”。

89 玛丽出生在中国吗?

误  Did Mary born in China?

正  Was Mary born in China?

评  “出生于”要说be born in,born是bear(出生)的过去分词。

90 她昨天可能已经走了。

误  She may go yesterday.

误  She might go yesterday.

正  She might have gone yesterday.

评  对过去行为的推测,要用may/might have done,表示“可能已经……”。另外,must have done表示“肯定已经……”,can/could have done表示“可能已经……”。

91 我有幸见到那位著名科学家。

误  I had the pleasure to see the famous scientist.

正  I had the pleasure of seeing the famous scientist.

评  have the pleasure of sth./doing sth.表示“有幸,荣幸地”,后不可跟不定式。

92 天黑了,请打开灯。

误  It is getting dark. Please open the light.

正  It is getting dark. Please turn on the light.

评  表示“开灯,开收音机,开电视机”要用turn on,表示“关掉”(灯,收音机,电视机)用turn off。表示“开门,开窗,打开书”要用open。

93 这里常下雨,是吗?

误  It often rains here, isn't it?

正  It often rains here, doesn't it?

评  反意疑问句中,简短问句的谓语形式要同前面句中的谓语形式一致。

94 她每天练习说英语。

误  She practises to speak English every day.

正  She practises speaking English every day.

评  practise意为“练习”,后跟动名词,不跟不定式。

95 请吃点水果。

误  Please eat some fruit.

正  Help yourself to some fruit.

评  对客人说“请(随意)吃……”,在英语中要说help oneself to sth.。

96 人们常看见他在湖边散步。

误  He is often seen take a walk along the lake.

正  He is often seen to take a walk along the lake.

评  在被动语态中,不定式作主语补足语时要带to。

97 你明天来时给我带点茶叶来。

误  Take me some tea when you come tomorrow.

正  Bring me some tea when you come tomorrow.

98 我正在考虑买一辆自行车。

误  I'm considering to buy a bike.

正  I'm considering buying a bike.

评  consider后跟动名词,不可跟不定式。

99 我把词典忘在教室里了。

误  I forgot my dictionary in the classroom.

正  I left my dictionary in the classroom.

评  表示“把某物忘/丢在某处”要用“leave+sth.+地点”。forget只表示“忘记”某物、某人、某事,不同地点状语连用。

100 他是3天前,也就是4月8日离开家的。

误  He left home three days ago, that was to say , on April 8.

正  He left home three days ago, that is to say , on April 8.

评  that is to say/that's to say/that is表示“也就是说,换句话说”,为固定短语,作插入语时态永远不变,只用is。

101 我希望她不久就回来。

误  I wish she will be back soon.

正  I hope she will be back soon.

评  wish表示不太可能实现的愿望,后面的从句要用虚拟语气。hope则表示有把握实现的希望。

102 因为他努力工作,所以能够按时完成任务。

误  He could finish the work on time because he worked hard.

正  He was able to finish the work on time because he worked hard.

评  表示“设法完成,设法办成”时,要用be able to。

103 他的名字叫杰克。

误  His name is called Jack .

正  His name is Jack .

正  He is called Jack .

评  “某人名叫,(把)某人叫做”在英语中可用call或name。用call时,主语必须是人,name不可用作call的宾语。

104 他梦想成为一名作家。

误  He dreamed to become a writer.

正  He dreamed of becoming a writer.

评  要说dream of doing sth.,不说dream to do sth.。

105 她赶上了开往南京的火车。

误  She caught up with the train for Nanjing.

正  She caught the train for Nanjing.

评  表示“赶上车、船”等,要用catch,反义词为miss (没赶上)。

106 一辆公共汽车刚刚开过去。

误  A bus past by just a moment ago.

正  A bus passed by just a moment ago.

评  past作介词,意为“(时间、地点、程度等)过”。pass作动词,意为“经过,穿过,路过”。

107 I can't wait to see her again.的含义

误  我不能等待再见到她。

正  我急切想再次见到她。

评  “can not wait +不定式”表示“迫不及待要做某事”,为习惯用法。

108 我将对他讲这件事。

误  I'll speak him about it.

正  I'll speak to him about it.

评  “对某人说”要用speak to sb., “同某人交谈”要说speak with sb.。

109 他昨天下午到达上海的。

误  He arrived Shanghai yesterday afternoon.

正  He arrived in Shanghai yesterday afternoon.

正  He reached Shanghai yesterday afternoon.

正  He got to Shanghai yesterday afternoon.

评  “到达”可用reach, arrive in/at, get to表示,但只有reach为及物动词,后可直接跟宾语。

110 他没有电视机。

误  He doesn't have got a radio.

正  He doesn't have a radio.

111 老师指着墙上的地图。

误  The teacher points the map on the wall.

正  The teacher points at the map on the wall.

评  point at表示“指着,指点”,point out意为“指出,指示”。

112 这座城市建于1 000多年前。

误  The city was found one thousand years ago.

正  The city was founded one thousand years ago.

113 请叫警察来。

误  Go for the police, please.

正  Send for the police, please.

评  go for表示“自己去请”。send for表示“派人去请”。

114 他没有回答她的问题。

误  He didn't reply her question.

正  He didn't reply to her question.

评  reply表示回答问题或回信时,为不及物动词,要同to连用。

115 她药吃得太多了。

误  She eats too much medicine.

正  She takes too much medicine.

正  She has too much medicine.

评  “吃药”不可说eat medicine,要说take medicine或have medicine。

116 他感冒已经一周了。

误  He has caught a cold for a week.

正  He has had a cold for a week.

评  catch a cold (感冒)和catch a fever (发烧)中的catch为非延续性动词,不可同表示一段时间的状语连用,而have a cold和have a fever则可以。

117 老师说光比声音传播得快。

误  The teacher said that light travelled faster than sound.

正  The teacher said that light travels faster than sound.

评  如果宾语从句讲的是客观真理或自然现象,其时态不受主句时态的影响,通常用一般现在时。

118 他有许多工作要做。

误  He has plenty work to do.

正  He has plenty of work to do.

评  plenty是名词,不可作定语,要用plenty of修饰名词。

119 他将在这里住两天。

误  He will live here for two days.

正  He will stay here for two days.

评  live指“住在某处,长期居住”。stay表示“短期逗留”。

120 那个男孩要更多的食物。

误  The boy asked more food.

正  The boy asked for more food.

评  “要某物”要说ask for sth.。

121 这位老人得到了很好的照顾。

误  The old man is well taken care .

正  The old man is well taken care of .

评  take care of意为“照顾”,为固定短语,of不可漏缺。

122 我能借用一下你的房间吗?

误  Can I borrow your room?

正  Can I use your room?

评  use通常用于不能拿走的东西,borrow通常指可以拿走的东西。

123 他骑上自行车回家了。

误  He rode his bike and went home.

正  He got on his bike and went home.

评  ride (骑)表示的是持续动作,get on才表示一个短暂或瞬间的动作。

124 他已经找到了一所房子居住。

误  He has found a house to live .

正  He has found a house to live in .

评  live表示“居住,住”时,为不及物动词,要用live in同house构成动宾关系。

125 他们没有休息,继续植树。

误  They didn't have a rest and went on to plant trees.

正  They didn't have a rest and went on planting trees.

评  go on doing sth.表示“继续做一直做的事”,而go on to do sth.则表示“(做完一件事)接着做另一件事”。

126 你来参加我们的英语晚会吗?

误  Do you like to come to our English evening?

正  Do you want to come to our English evening?

正  Would you like to come to our English evening?

评  Do you like to...?问某人是否喜欢做某事,指某种习惯。Do you want to...?和Would you like to...?问某人是否愿意做某事。

127 盒子掉在地上,裂开了。

误  The box fell on the floor and was broke open.

正  The box fell on the floor and broke open.

评  break表示“破裂,破碎”时,为不及物动词。break也可作及物动词,表示“打破,打碎”。

128 公共汽车来了。

误  Here came the bus.

正  Here comes the bus.

评  本句中的“来了”,指的是“来的动作”,不表示时间,要用一般现在时。

129 我昨晚做了一个怪梦。

误  I made a strange dream last night.

正  I had a strange dream last night.

评  “做梦”要说have a dream或dream a dream。

130 那场战争几时爆发的?

误  When was the war broken out ?

正  When did the war break out ?

评  break out意为“(战争、火灾等)爆发”,不用于被动语态。

131 你得准备好动身了。

误  You must get ready for leave .

正  You must get ready to leave .

评  get ready to do sth.或get ready for (doing) sth.均为正确结构。

132 钟刚打过点。

误  The clock just struck .

正  The clock has just struck .

评  汉语中的“刚刚”,表示最近的过去,英语中常用现在完成时。

133 刚才谁来了?

误  Who did come just now?

正  Who came just now?

评  who, what作主语构成的特殊疑问句,后直接跟谓语动词,不用do, does, did等助动词。但如果who, what在问句中作宾语,则要有助动词。如:What did he say to you?(他对你说了什么?)

134 学生们每天做作业吗?

误  Do the students their homework every day?

正  Do the students do their homework every day?

评  do one's homework中的do为行为动词,一般现在时疑问句要用do或does提问,do不可漏缺。

135 你最好不要把消息告诉他。

误  You hadn't better tell him the news.

正  You had better not tell him the news.

评  had better do sth.意为“最好做某事”,其否定式为had better not do sth. (最好不做某事)。


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