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初中·课本中不会教你的 形容词和副词 正误速辨





形容词和副词 正误速辨

1 他是这个班上男孩中个子最高的。

误  He is tallest of all the boys in the class.

正  He is the tallest of all the boys in the class.

评  形容词最高级前要带有定冠词the。副词最高级前可带或不带the。

2 这两个男孩在同一个班上。

误  The two boys are in same class .

正  The two boys are in the same class .

评  same作定语或表语时,前面要加定冠词the。

3 我认为他是一位教师。—对的。

误  I think he is a teacher. — That's all right .

正  I think he is a teacher. — That's right .

评  对方讲的话或道理,你认为是对的,就用That's right。That's all right则表示“没关系,不用谢,不客气”,用于礼貌地回答别人的道歉或感谢。

4 这是一张中国地图。

误  This is a China's map .

正  This is a map of China .

正  This is a Chinese map .

评  “一张中国地图”可以说a map of China或a Chinese map。“一张世界地图”要说a map of the world。

5 你能来吗?—我恐怕不能。

误  Can you come? —I am not afraid .

正  Can you come? —I am afraid not .

评  I am not afraid意为“我不害怕”,I am afraid not意为“我恐怕不能”,是口语中常用的简略回答,表示不同意对方的请求或建议。

6 她只有很少几本书。

误  She has only a little books.

正  She has only a few books.

评  a little修饰不可数名词,a few/few修饰可数名词。

7 这朵花是什么颜色?白的还是红的?

误  What colour is the flower? White or red?

正  Which colour is the flower? White or red?

评  which用于两个或一个限定的范围内的提问。what用于未加限定的范围内的提问。

8 他的工作很忙。

误  His work is very busy .

正  He is very busy .

评  busy的主语通常是指人的名词或代词,表示“人忙”,不可用work或job作主语。

9 瓶子里没有墨水。

误  There is not ink in the bottle.

正  There is no ink in the bottle.

评  no可作形容词修饰名词。not是副词,不可修饰名词。

10 我买了两件衬衫,一件是白色的,一件是蓝色的。

误  I bought two shirts. One is white and other is blue.

正  I bought two shirts. One is white and the other is blue.

评  表示“一个……另一个”时,要用one...the other,定冠词the不可省。

11 所有这些花都是红的。

误  These all flowers are red.

正  All these flowers are red.

评  all用作形容词,同带定冠词、物主代词、these、those的名词连用时,all应放在这些词的前面。

12 我母亲身体很好。

误  My mother is quite good .

正  My mother is quite well .

评  well可用作形容词,表示某人身体“好”。well也可用作副词。good则用于表示人或物的品质、质量、内容等的“好”,为形容词。

13 房间里没有椅子。

误  There aren't some chairs in the room.

正  There aren't any chairs in the room.

评  any用于疑问句或否定句,some一般用于肯定句。

14 今天下午将有大雨。

误  There will be a big rain this afternoon.

正  There will be a heavy rain this afternoon.

评  “大雨”“大雪”要用heavy,均不可用big。

15 不要担心,还有一点时间。

误  Don't worry. There is little time.

正  Don't worry. There is a little time.

评  little意为“几乎没有”,有否定含义。a little意为“有一点,有一些”,有肯定含义。均用于修饰不可数名词。

16 她对这个问题作了进一步的研究。

误  She made a farther study of the problem.

正  She made a further study of the problem.

评  表示空间或时间上的“更远的/地”,两者常可换用,但farther比further更普通些。表示程度上的“进一步,更多的”,只能用further。

17 他每三天打扫一次房屋。

误  He cleans the house each three days.

正  He cleans the house every three days.

评  表示“每隔……”要用every,不可用each。

18 再喝点咖啡好吗?

误  Would you like any more coffee?

正  Would you like some more coffee?

评  表示客气地请求或希望对方给予肯定答复的疑问句中,要用some,不用any。

19 这道菜很好吃。

误  The dish is very delicious to eat .

正  The dish is very delicious .

评  delicious已含有“好吃的,美味的”的意思。再加eat在语义上就重复了。

20 全城的市民都出来欢迎英雄们。

误  Whole town went out to welcome the heroes.

正  The whole town went out to welcome the heroes.

评  whole修饰单数名词时,前面要加the, this, that或形容词性物主代词。

21 我明天忙。

误  I busy tomorrow.

正  I'm busy tomorrow.

评  busy, free, ready, afraid等是形容词,不可单独作谓语,要加be动词。

22 这儿很静。

误  It is very quite here.

正  It is very quiet here.

评  quite是副词,意为“很,非常”。quiet意为“寂静的,安静的”。

23 他现在很少去看电影。

误  He scarcely goes to the cinema now.

正  He rarely goes to the cinema now.

评  rarely表示“很少,不常”,相当于seldom。scarcely表示“几乎不,简直不”。

24 上海是中国第二大城市。

误  Shanghai is the second larger city in China.

正  Shanghai is the second largest city in China.

评  “第二大城市”意为“第二个最大的城市”,因而要用最高级largest。

25 你再喝点酒好吗?

误  Would you like more some wine?

正  Would you like some more wine?

评  some和any同more连用时,总是要说some more, any more。

26 请再给我一点水。

误  Please get me a little water again .

正  Please get me a little more water.

评  这里的“再给”,不是表示“重新一次”,而是表示添加点水,故用more,不用again。

27 这本书有人数最多的读者。

误  This book has the most number of readers.

正  This book has the largest/biggest number of readers.

评  修饰number要用large, big或small,不用most。

28 你要多大码的鞋?

误  How large size shoes do you want?

正  What size shoes do you want?

评  英语中问“多大尺码”要用what size提问。

29 她两小时前离开家的。

误  She left home two hours before .

误  She left home before two hours .

正  She left home two hours ago .

评  从现在说话时往前推算,用ago,而从过去某时再往前推算,或表示过去某个时间点之前用before。

30 你的书包同她的书包是一样的。

误  Your schoolbag is the same with hers.

正  Your schoolbag is the same as hers.

评  表示“同……一样”,the same as为正确搭配,不可用with。

31 他很晚才睡觉。

误  He went to bad very lately .

正  He went to bad very late .

评  late可作形容词或副词,反义词为early。lately是副词,表示“近来,最近”,相当于recently。

32 吉姆跑得比我快得多。

误  Jim runs very faster than I/me.

正  Jim runs much faster than I.

评  very用于修饰形容词或副词原级,much修饰形容词或副词比较级。

33 这本书是你的还是李明的?—是我的。

误  Is this book yours or Li Ming's?—Yes, it's mine .

正  Is this book yours or Li Ming's?—It's mine .

评  回答选择问句不用Yes或No,直接说出被选项即可。

34 她五点半钟回家的。

误  She went to home at half past five.

正  She went home at half past five.

评  “回家”常用go home表示,这里的home为副词,故不可加to。

35 她每两周回家1次。

误  She went home every two week .

误  She went home every third weeks .

正  She went home every other week .

正  She went home every two weeks .

正  She went home every second week .

评  “每两周”就是“每隔一周”,表示“每隔一”用every other+单数名词;表示“每隔二或二以上”用“every+基数词+复数名词”或“every+序数词+单数名词”。

36 这只苹果又大又甜。

误  The apple is big , sweet .

正  The apple is big and sweet .

评  两个形容词作表语时,中间应有连词连接。两个以上的形容词并列作主语时,在最后一个形容词前加连词。

37 你的鞋子在这里。穿上吧。

误  Here are your shoes. Put on them , please.

正  Here are your shoes. Put them on , please.

评  由“及物动词+副词”构成的短语动词,其宾语为人称代词时,要放在介词前面,但如果宾语是名词,则放在介词前后均可。

38 这架飞机能运载300名乘客。

误  The plane is able to carry three hundred passengers.

正  The plane can carry three hundred passengers.

评  able通常只用于表示人的能力,不能用于表示物的能力。

39 明天请把你的词典带到这里来。

误  Please bring your dictionary to here tomorrow.

正  Please bring your dictionary here tomorrow.

评  here, there是副词,前面不可加介词to。

40 她不到20岁。

正  She is less than twenty.

正  She is below twenty.

正  She is under twenty.

评  表示“不到……岁”,可用below或under或less than。表示“超过……岁”,可用over或more than。

41 她非常喜欢英语。

误  She very likes English.

正  She likes English very much .

评  very意为“很,非常”,虽为副词,但不直接修饰动词,只能修饰形容词或副词。very much表示“很,非常”,用于修饰动词。

42 很可能要下雨。

误  It'll rain likely .

正  It'll very likely rain.

正  Very likely it will rain.

评  likely表示“很可能”,作副词时,不能单独使用,要用very, quite, more, most修饰。

43 他星期天通常在家。

误  He usually is at home on Sunday.

正  He is usually at home on Sunday.

评  usually, often等频度副词一般放在be动词、助动词或状态动词后,行为动词前。

44 这本书比那本书厚多了。

误  This book is more thicker than that one.

正  This book is much thicker than that one.

评  “more+多音节或部分双音节形容词原级”构成比较级,形容词或副词比较级,不可用more修饰,但可用much, even, a lot等修饰。

45 这个国家的人口有多少?

误  How many is the population of the country?

正  How large is the population of the country?

正  What's the population of the country?

评  population是集体名词,含抽象意义,要用large, big或small修饰,不可用many,less修饰。

46 你多久打扫一次房间?

误  How long do you clean your room?

正  How often do you clean your room?

评  how often指“多长时间一次”,用来提问在某一特定时间内做某事的次数,回答通常是once a week (一周一次),three times a month (每月三次),never等。how long用于问“时间多长”,回答通常是two hours, a whole month等。

47 我没有时间。

误  I have no any time.

正  I have not any time.

评  no是形容词,常修饰名词,相当于not any,不可说no any。

48 她唱得很好。

误  She sings very good .

正  She sings very well .

评  good是形容词,修饰名词。well是副词,常修饰动词。

49 他两个月后就离开了那所学校。

误  He left the school two months late .

误  He left the school two months later on .

正  He left the school two months later .

评  late意为“迟到,晚的”,常作表语或前置定语,不可作后置定语。later on意为“后来,今后”,为副词短语。“一段时间+later”意为“一段时间后”,为习惯用法。

50 这花闻起来很香。

误  The flower smells sweetly .

正  The flower smells sweet .

评  在系动词后要用形容词,如:smell (闻起来),feel(感觉),taste (尝起来),look (看起来)等。

51 你不在一班吗?—不,我在一班。

误  Aren't you in Class One? —No. I am .

正  Aren't you in Class One? —Yes. I am .

评  回答否定疑问句,表示肯定就用“Yes+肯定结构”,表示否定就用“No+否定结构”。

52 房间里至多有5把椅子。

误  There are no more than five chairs in the room.

正  There are not more than five chairs in the room.

评  “not more than+数词”表示“至多,不超过”,相当于at (the) most。“no more than+数词”表示“仅仅”,相当于only。

53 晚饭多久才能准备好?

误  How long will supper be ready?

正  How soon will supper be ready?

评  how soon意为“多久以后”,对“过多长时间就……”提问。how long意为“多久,多长时间”,对一段时间进行提问。

54 他匆匆吃了早饭,上学去了。

误  He quick finished breakfast and went to school.

正  He quickly finished breakfast and went to school.

评  quick和quickly均可用作副词。quick常用在口语中,同come,run等表示行为的动词连用,一般要放在动词后。quickly既可放在动词前,也可放在动词后。

55 我将替你做那件事。

误  I'll instead you to do it.

正  I'll do it instead of you.

评  instead表示“代替”,为副词,不可作谓语。“代替某人”要用instead of sb.。

56 他一点也不在乎。

误  He doesn't mind at (the) least .

正  He doesn't mind in the least .

评  in the least意为“一点,丝毫”,常用于否定句中。at (the) least意为“至少,起码”。

57 这是相当高的一棵树。

误  It is quite tall a tree .

正  It is quite a tall tree .

正  It is a quite tall tree .

评  quite修饰单数名词时,如果名词前另有形容词,有两种词序:quite+a/an+形容词+名词,a quite+形容词+名词。

58 有一天我在图书馆里碰到了她。

误  I met her in the library some day .

正  I met her in the library one day .

评  some day或someday用于将来时中,不用于过去时。one day既可用于将来时中,也可用于过去时中。

59 天变得越来越冷了。

误  The days are getting more and more cold .

正  The days are getting colder and colder .

评  “more and more+多音节形容词或副词”表示“越来越……”。如果是单音节形容词或副词,则用“比较级+and+比较级”。

60 她转过身来,向窗外望去。

误  She turned back and looked out of the window.

正  She turned around and looked out of the window.

评  “转过身来”要说turn around/round。turn back则表示“转回来,往回走”。

61 这条河同那条河一样宽。

误  This river is so wide as that one.

正  This river is as wide as that one.

评  在肯定句中,表示两者“同……一样”,只用as...as。而在否定句中,要用not so... as或not as...as。

62 他们是非常相像的兄弟。

误  They are brothers very alike.

正  They are brothers very much alike.

评  以a字母开首的表语形容词,如alike, afraid等,要用much或very much修饰,不用very修饰。

63 晚饭后她就上楼去了。

误  She went to upstairs after supper.

正  She went upstairs after supper.

评  upstairs (楼上)和downstairs (楼下)常用作副词,直接修饰动词作状语。

64 我上个月去过上海。

误  I last month went to Shanghai.

正  I went to Shanghai last month .

评  通常情况下,表示确切时间的副词或副词短语要放在句尾。

65 The car is running nice and fast.的含义

误  这辆小车跑得好,跑得快。

正  这辆小车跑得很快。

评  “nice and+形容词/副词”表示“很……”,相当于very+形容词/副词。

66 他比别人跑得快。

误  He runs faster than anybody .

正  He runs faster than anybody else .

评  一人或一物与其同类或同范围的人或物进行比较时,要加else。

67 我从没见过这么高的山。

误  I've never seen a such high mountain.

误  I've never seen so a high mountain.

正  I've never seen such a high mountain.

正  I've never seen so high a mountain.

68 这是不可能的,是吗?

误  It is impossible, is it ?

正  It is impossible, isn't it ?

正  It is not possible, is it ?

评  在反意疑问句中,陈述句的谓语部分如果有im-, un-, ir-, dis-等否定前缀构成的词,该陈述句仍看作是肯定,其后的附加问句用否定式。

69 他学习像他哥哥一样努力。

误  He studies as hardly as his brother.

正  He studies as hard as his brother.

评  hard作副词意为“努力地”;hardly则表示“几乎不”,本身有否定含义。

70 骑自行车比开车容易。

误  It is easier to ride a bike than driving a car.

正  It is easier to ride a bike than to drive a car.

评  两个相比较的部分在结构上应相同,对称。

71 会议就要开始了。

误  The meeting is about to begin at once .

正  The meeting is about to begin.

评  be about to本身含有“将要”的意思,不可同at once, soon, next week等时间状语连用。

72 他对篮球很感兴趣。

误  He is very interesting in basketball.

正  He is very interested in basketball.

73 他几天后返回家了。

误  He returned back home a few days later.

正  He returned home a few days later.

评  return意为“返回”,相当于come back,因而return不可同back连用。

74 他们是2009年5月10日下午3点出发的。

误  They set out on the afternoon at three o'clock May 10th 2009.

正  They set out at three o'clock on the afternoon of May 10th 2009.

评  按英语习惯,总是把确切时间放在比较确切时间之前,比较确切时间放在较笼统时间之前,并且是由小到大。

75 他们曾经在同一所学校读书。

误  They ever studied in the same school.

正  They once studied in the same school.

评  表示“曾经”,在肯定句中用once,在疑问句、否定句和条件句中用ever。

76 你们班谁跳得最高?

误  Who jumps tallest in your class?

正  Who jumps highest in your class?

评  high可作形容词或副词,而tall仅作形容词。

77 他很少去看电影。

误  He goes to the cinema seldom .

正  He seldom goes to the cinema.

评  英语中的频度副词总是放在主要谓语动词之前。

78 她从来没有去过北京。

误  She never has been to Beijing.

正  She has never been to Beijing.

评  频度副词总要放在助动词、情态动词或be动词之后。

79 你为什么做那件事?

误  Why did you do that for ?

正  Why did you do that?

正  What did you do that for ?

评  why和what for都可用于特殊问句,表示“为什么……?”why强调原因,常用because回答。what for强调目的,常用不定式回答,给出目的。

80 过去几乎没有人见过这种花。

误  Nearly no one saw this kind of flower in the past.

正  Almost no one saw this kind of flower in the past.

评  no one, nobody, nothing等否定性词要用almost修饰,不用nearly修饰。

81 他们今天下午将去公园里举行一次聚会。

误  They will have a party this afternoon in the park .

正  They will have a party in the park this afternoon .

评  同一个句子中既有时间副词,又有地点副词时,应是地点副词在前,时间副词在后。

82 你还有什么别的事情要告诉我吗?

误  Do you have else anything to tell me?

正  Do you have anything else to tell me?

评  else意为“别的,其他的”,常用于修饰something, nothing, anything, nobody等不定代词,或修饰疑问代词、疑问副词,放在被修饰词之后。

83 只有李明知道答案。

误  Li Ming only knows the answer.

正  Only Li Ming knows the answer.

评  only, even等词,在句中位置灵活,不同的位置往往有不同的含义,通常应紧放在所修饰的词之前。

84 我没去那里,杰克也没去那里。

误  I didn't go there. Jack either .

正  I didn't go there. Jack didn't either .

评  either表示“也”,通常用于否定句,放在句尾,本身没有否定意义。

85 你越经常练习,你的英语就讲得越流利。

误  The oftener you practise, the more you can speak English fluently.

正  The oftener you practise, the more fluently you can speak English.

评  “the+比较级……,the+比较级”意为“越来……越……”,两个比较级结构不可拆开。

86 河太宽了,他游不过去。

误  The river was too wide that he couldn't swim across it.

正  The river was so wide that he couldn't swim across it.

评  so...that结构,表示“如此……以致”,so不可换成too, very, much等词。that引导结果状语从句。

87 那个村庄离我们城市有200英里。

误  The village is 200 miles far from our city.

正  The village is 200 miles (away) from our city.

评  far from意为“离……远,远离”。表示“离……有多远”常用“数词+miles/kilometres+away from”, away可省。


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