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初中·课本中不会教你的 代词 正误速辨





代词 正误速辨

1 我们都不喜欢这部电影。

误  We all don't like the film.

误  All of us don't like the film.

正  None of us like the film.

评  表示“我们都不”要用None of us...。

2 琳达,她是莉莉。

误  Linda, she is Lily.

正  Linda, this is Lily.

评  用英语介绍双方相识时,常用“this is...”结构。

3 我不能把他一个人留下。

误  I can't leave him himself .

正  I can't leave him by himself .

评  leave sb. by himself表示“把某人独个儿留下”,为习惯搭配。

4 是他写的那封信。

误  It's him who wrote the letter.

正  It's he who wrote the letter.

评  在正式场合,be动词后要用代词的主格形式,在口语中或在非正式场合可用代词的宾格形式。

5 那是什么?—那是椅子。

误  What's that?—That is a chair.

正  What's that?—It is a chair.

评  由this或that表示的问句,回答时要用it。it不译为“它”,而译为“这”或“那”。

6 我认为告诉你他们之间的区别很重要。

误  I think important to tell you the difference between them.

正  I think it important to tell you the difference between them.

评  think, find, feel等动词后常用it作形式宾语,而把真正宾语不定式后置。

7 这个书包不是我的,是她的。

误  This bag is not mine. It's her .

正  This bag is not mine. It's hers .

评  mine, ours, hers等名词性物主代词,可单独使用。my, her, our等形容词性物主代词,不可单独使用,后要跟具体的人或物。

8 这是谁的钢笔?—是汤姆的。

误  Whose pen is it? —Its Tom's.

正  Whose pen is it? —It's Tom's.

评  its是it的所有格形式,作定语。it's是it is的缩写。

9 谁能回答这个问题?我能!

误  Who can answer the question? I !

正  Who can answer the question? Me !

评  主格人称代词(I, we等)通常不单独使用,在简单回答中,一般用宾格人称代词。

10 那些是什么?—那些是鸡蛋。

误  What are those?—Those are eggs.

正  What are those?—They are eggs.

评  由these或those引起的问句,回答时要用they。

11 他们中谁会说英语?

误  Who of them can speak English?

正  Which of them can speak English?

评  which可指人或物,表示一定范围内的“哪一个,谁”。

12 她母亲是一位教师。

误  She mother is a teacher.

正  Her mother is a teacher.

评  “她母亲”要用代词所有格her,不可用代词主格。

13 任何人都不能摘这些花。

误  Anybody can not pick these flowers.

正  Nobody can pick these flowers.

评  anybody, anyone和anything用在肯定句中作主语,不可在否定句中作主语。nobody, no one和nothing用于否定句中作主语。

14 谁迟到了?—我想是玛丽。

误  Who is absent?—I think she is Mary.

正  Who is absent?—I think it's Mary.

评  回答Who is absent? Who's that等类似问句时,如果不能肯定是“谁”,常用it代替人。

15 他们哪一个也不知道答案。

误  Each of them doesn't know the answer.

正  None of them knows the answer.

评  each作主语时,只用于肯定句,不可用于否定句。

16 这是谁的词典?

误  Who's dictionary is this?

正  Whose dictionary is this?

评  who's是who is的缩写,不可作定语。whose意为“谁的”,作定语或表语。

17 我想喝点水,但杯子里没有水。

误  I want to drink some water, but there is nothing in the bottle.

正  I want to drink some water, but there is none in the bottle.

评  none作不可数名词表示“一点也没有”,相当于not any。nothing表示“没有什么(东西),什么(东西)也没有”。

18 这是她见过的最高的山。

误  It is the highest mountain which she has seen.

正  It is the highest mountain that she has seen.

评  作先行词的名词前有最高级修饰时,其后的定语从句要用that引导,不可用which。

19 所有这些书都是我的。

误  All these books are my .

正  All these books are mine .

评  mine是名词性物主代词,可作主语、表语或宾语,相当于my+名词。

20 就是在南京,她第一次遇见了他。

误  It was in Nanjing where she first met him.

正  It was in Nanjing that she first met him.

评  在“It is...that”强调结构中,无论强调地点、时间或人,均用that引导,不用where, which等。

21 这是艾丽丝的钥匙,请交给她。

误  This is Alice's key. Please give her it .

正  This is Alice's key. Please give it to her .

评  give可带双宾语。如果直接宾语代词是指物的it或them,只能说give it/them to sb.;如果直接宾语是名词,则可用give me the key或give the key to me。

22 我要说的就是:多注意你的发音。

误  What I want to say is that : Pay more attention to your pronunciation.

正  What I want to say is this : Pay more attention to your pronunciation.

评  this用于指代下面将要提及的事,that则指代上面已提到过的事。

23 他们所有人都喜欢这部电影。

误  All them like the film.

正  All of them like the film.

评  all不可直接修饰代词,要用“all of+代词宾格”结构。

24 他通常在星期天做家务。

误  He usually does his housework on Sunday.

正  He usually does housework on Sunday.

评  “做家务”要说do housework,不可加one's。

25 她本人和她的儿子都受了伤。

误  Herself and her son were hurt.

正  She and her son were hurt.

评  反身代词用于表示强调的场合。

26 玛丽穿着同莉莉一样的裙子。

误  Mary wears the same skirt that Lily wears.

正  Mary wears the same skirt as Lily wears.

评  the same...as表示“同……一样的”,但两者不是同一物,the same...that则表示两者为同一物。

27 你父亲是干什么的?—他是教师。

误  Who is your father?—He is a teacher.

正  What is your father?—He is a teacher.

正  What does your father do?—He is a teacher.

28 这个篮子里的苹果比那个篮子里的苹果大。

误  The apples in this basket are bigger than that in that basket.

正  The apples in this basket are bigger than those in that basket.

评  those和that均可指代前面已提到过的名词,those指代复数名词,that指代单数名词或不可数名词。

29 他自学英语。

误  He taught him English.

正  He taught himself English.

评  当主语与宾语为同一人时,要用反身代词。

30 他们两人,哪一个都会放风筝。

误  Any of them can fly a kite.

正  Either of them can fly a kite.

评  either表示“两个中的任何一个”;any表示“3个或3个以上中的任何一个”。

31 班上人人都喜欢运动。

误  Everyone in the class are fond of sports.

正  Everyone in the class is fond of sports.

评  everyone, everybody, everything, anyone, somebody等代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。

32 他打了她的脸。

误  He hit her in her face .

正  He hit her in the face .

评  “打某人的脸”,要用hit sb. in the face,习惯表达。

33 这幅画多美啊!

误  How a beautiful picture it is!

正  What a beautiful picture it is!

正  How beautiful the picture is!

评  what引导感叹句修饰名词,名词前可有其他形容词修饰。how引导感叹句修饰形容词、副词或动词。

34 我有一块手表,但是几天前弄丢了。

误  I had a watch but I lost this a few days ago.

正  I had a watch but I lost it a few days ago.

评  指代前面已提到过的单数名词,要用it,不用this。

35 我有些重要的事要告诉你。

误  I have important something to tell you.

正  I have something important to tell you.

评  修饰不定代词something, nothing, anything, everything等的形容词,要后置。

36 我的雨伞丢了,我要再买一把。

误  I've lost my umbrella, I want to buy it again.

正  I've lost my umbrella, I want to buy one again.

评  one用于泛指,代替同一名称的另一件东西,两者不是同一物。

37 他自己洗衣服。

误  Himself washed the clothes.

正  He washed the clothes himself .

评  反身代词通常不作主语,而作主语或宾语的同位语,也可作动词宾语或介词宾语,常表示强调。

38 她昨天什么也没有吃。

误  She didn't eat something yesterday.

正  She didn't eat anything yesterday.

评  something用于肯定句,anything用于否定句和疑问句。

39 我没有词典,得买一本。

误  I haven't got a dictionary and have to buy that .

正  I haven't got a dictionary and have to buy one .

评  表示泛指的“a/an+名词”常用one代替,表示特指的“the+名词”常用that代替。

40 那是我自己的房间。

误  That's myself room.

正  That's my own room.

评  反身代词myself, ourselves等不可作定语。

41 一个人应随时向别人学习。

误  Someone should always be ready to learn from others.

正  One should always be ready to learn from others.

评  one表示“一个人,任何人”,为泛指,包括说话人在内。someone表示“某人,有人”。

42 她在晚会上玩得很高兴。

误  She enjoyed her at the party.

正  She enjoyed herself at the party.

评  enjoy oneself表示“过得快活,玩得快活”,要用反身代词作宾语。

43 每个人都尽了全力。

误  Everybody has done their best.

正  Everybody has done his best.

评  everybody为单数,应用his保持一致。

44 这两扇窗子都开着。

误  The windows both are open.

正  The windows are both open.

评  both作同位语时,一般要放在be动词、助动词、情态动词后,行为动词前。如:They both joined the army. (他们两人都参了军。) We must both read the book again. (我们两人都得把这本书再读一遍。)

【提示】 all用作同位语时的位置与both相同。

45 汽车来了,不是吗?

误  There comes the bus, doesn't there ?

正  There comes the bus, doesn't it ?

评  there be句型表示“存在”时,其附加问句仍用there引导。

46 你怎样处理这些旧书呢?

误  How will you do with these old books?

正  What will you do with these old books?

评  do with意为“处理,对付”,do是及物动词,应有宾语,故要用what,不用how。

47 所有这样的工具都是手工做的。

误  Such all tools are made by hand.

正  All such tools are made by hand.

评  指示代词such应放在any, one, few, some, all, no等修饰语后。

48 她昨天收到了他的来信。

误  She heard from his letter yesterday.

正  She heard from him yesterday.

正  She received his letter yesterday.

评  “收到来信”可以说hear from sb.或receive sb.'s letter。

49 我昨晚9点钟做完了家庭作业。

误  I finished homework at nine o'clock last night.

正  I finished my homework at nine o'clock last night.

评  do one's homework和finish one's homework为固定表达。

50 他们几个人谁也没爬那座山。

误  Neither of them climbed the mountain.

正  None of them climbed the mountain.

评  neither表示“两者都不”;none指“3个或3个以上都不”。

51 中国有多少人口?

误  How many is the population of China?

误  How much is the population of China?

正  What's the population of China?

评  问“多少人口”要用What's the population...?或How big is the population...?不可用how many或how much。

52 她的父母是医生。

误  Her father and her mother are doctors.

正  Her father and mother are doctors.

正  Her parents are doctors.

评  and连接的两个名词,关系密切时,常共用一个冠词或代词,如果关系不密切,则每个名词前均要用冠词或代词。

53 两个男孩都在房间里。

误  Either of the boys are in the room.

正  Either of the boys is in the room.

评  “either of, neither of+复数名词或代词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

54 我和莉莉在同一班上。

误  I and Lily are in the same class.

正  Lily and I are in the same class.

评  出于礼貌,英语中通常把you放在最前面,把I放在最后。

55 那里没有人,是吗?

误  Nobody is there, is anybody ?

正  Nobody is there, are they ?

评  nobody作陈述句的主语时,其反意疑问句通常要用they。

56 他说:“我知道答案。”

误  He said that, “I know the answer.”

正  He said, “I know the answer.”

评  在直接引语中,不用连接词that,在间接引语中才用that。


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