eat one's cake and have it (too)这个词语在特定语言环境下很容易使人误译,那么你觉得eat one's cake and have it (too)应该怎么翻译呢?eat one's cake and have it (too)的原意又是什么呢?
[例句] Paul is wishing to eat his cake and have it too .
[误译] 保罗希望吃了蛋糕还能带走 。
[原意] 保罗想鱼与熊掌兼得 。
[说明] eat one's cake and have it (too) 是从谚语You can't
eat your cake and have it (too)(鱼与熊掌不可兼得)来的。You can't eat your cake and have it (too)也可说成You can't have your cake and eat it (too),因此eat one's cake and have it (too)亦可说成have one's cake and eat it (too)。
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