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【演讲者及介绍】Soraya Chemaly,

Soraya Chemaly,获奖记者、散文家和作家,作品经常出现在国内和国际媒体上。




翻译者 Cissy Yun校对者 TED Translators Admin


So sometimes I get angry, and it took memany years to be able to say just those words. In my work, sometimes my bodythrums, I'm so enraged. But no matter how justified my anger has been,throughout my life, I've always been led to understand that my anger is anexaggeration, a misrepresentation, that it will make me rude and unlikable.Mainly as a girl, I learned, as a girl, that anger is an emotion better leftentirely unvoiced.



Think about my mother for a minute. When Iwas 15, I came home from school one day, and she was standing on a long verandaoutside of our kitchen, holding a giant stack of plates. Imagine howdumbfounded I was when she started to throw them like Frisbees...






into the hot, humid air. When every singleplate had shattered into thousands of pieces on the hill below, she walked backin and she said to me, cheerfully, "How was your day?"





Now you can see how a child would look atan incident like this and think that anger is silent, isolating, destructive,even frightening. Especially though when the person who's angry is a girl or awoman. The question is why.



Anger is a human emotion, neither good norbad. It is actually a signal emotion. It warns us of indignity, threat, insultand harm. And yet, in culture after culture, anger is reserved as the moralproperty of boys and men. Now, to be sure, there are differences. So in theUnited States, for example, an angry black man is viewed as a criminal, but anangry white man has civic virtue. Regardless of where we are, however, theemotion is gendered. And so we teach children to disdain anger in girls and women,and we grow up to be adults that penalize it.



So what if we didn't do that? What if wedidn't sever anger from femininity? Because severing anger from femininitymeans we sever girls and women from the emotion that best protects us frominjustice. What if instead we thought about developing emotional competence forboys and girls? The fact is we still remarkably socialize children in verybinary and oppositional ways. Boys are held to absurd, rigid norms ofmasculinity -- told to renounce the feminine emotionality of sadness or fearand to embrace aggression and anger as markers of real manhood. On the otherhand, girls learn to be deferential, and anger is incompatible with deference.In the same way that we learned to cross our legs and tame our hair, we learnedto bite our tongues and swallow our pride. What happens too often is that forall of us, indignity becomes imminent in our notions of femininity.



There's a long personal and political taleto that bifurcation. In anger, we go from being spoiled princesses and hormonalteens, to high maintenance women and shrill, ugly nags. We have flavors,though; pick your flavor. Are you a spicy hot Latina when you're mad? Or a sadAsian girl? An angry black woman? Or a crazy white one? You can pick. But infact, the effect is that when we say what's important to us, which is whatanger is conveying, people are more likely to get angry at us for being angry.Whether we're at home or in school or at work or in a political arena, angerconfirms masculinity, and it confounds femininity. So men are rewarded fordisplaying it, and women are penalized for doing the same.

这一分歧有着漫长的个人和政治故事。当愤怒时,我们可以是宠坏的公主和荷尔蒙爆发的青少年,也可以是难伺候的妇女,刺耳,丑陋的唠叨狂。我们也有口味,请挑选你的口味。当你生气时,你是热辣拉丁女郎?悲伤亚洲女孩?愤怒黑人女人?疯狂白人妇女?你可以挑选。但事实上, 当我们在表达对我们很重要的事时,通过愤怒传达时,人们更有可能对我们的愤怒感到生气。无论我们是在家里、在学校、在工作中还是在政治舞台上,愤怒证实了男子气概,却混淆了女性气质。所以,男人会因为展示它而得到回报,而女人也会因为它而受到惩罚。


This puts us at an enormous disadvantage,particularly when we have to defend ourselves and our own interests. If we'refaced with a threatening street harasser, predatory employer, a sexist, racistclassmate, our brains are screaming, "Are you kidding me?" And ourmouths say, "I'm sorry, what?"






Right? And it's conflicting because the angergets all tangled up with the anxiety and the fear and the risk and retaliation.If you ask women what they fear the most in response to their anger, they don'tsay violence. They say mockery. Think about what that means. If you havemultiple marginalized identities, it's not just mockery. If you defendyourself, if you put a stake in the ground, there can be dire consequences.



Now we reproduce these patterns not in big,bold and blunt ways, but in the everyday banality of life. When my daughter wasin preschool, every single morning she built an elaborate castle -- ribbons andblocks -- and every single morning the same boy knocked it down gleefully. Hisparents were there, but they never intervened before the fact. They were happyto provide platitudes afterwards: "Boys will be boys." "It's sotempting, he just couldn't help himself." I did what many girls and womenlearn to do. I preemptively kept the peace, and I taught my daughter to do thesame thing. She used her words. She tried to gently body block him. She movedwhere she was building in the classroom, to no effect. So I and the otheradults mutually constructed a particular male entitlement. He could run rampantand control the environment, and she kept her feelings to herself and workedaround his needs. We failed both of them by not giving her anger the uptake andresolution that it deserved. Now that's a microcosm of a much bigger problem.Because culturally, worldwide, we preference the performance of masculinity --and the power and privilege that come with that performance -- over the rightsand needs and words of children and women.



So it will come as absolutely no surprise,probably, to the people in this room that women report being angrier in moresustained ways and with more intensity than men do. Some of that comes from thefact that we're socialized to ruminate, to keep it to ourselves and mull itover. But we also have to find socially palatable ways to express the intensityof emotion that we have and the awareness that it brings of our precarity. Sowe do several things. If men knew how often women were filled with white hotrage when we cried, they would be staggered.






We use minimizing language. "We'refrustrated. No, really, it's OK."






We self-objectify and lose the ability toeven recognize the physiological changes that indicate anger. Mainly, though,we get sick. Anger has now been implicated in a whole array of illnesses thatare casually dismissed as "women's illnesses." Higher rates ofchronic pain, autoimmune disorders, disordered eating, mental distress,anxiety, self harm, depression. Anger affects our immune systems, ourcardiovascular systems. Some studies even indicate that it affects mortalityrates, particularly in black women with cancer.



I am sick and tired of the women I knowbeing sick and tired. Our anger brings great discomfort, and the conflict comesbecause it's our role to bring comfort. There is anger that's acceptable. Wecan be angry when we stay in our lanes and buttress the status quo. As mothersor teachers, we can be mad, but we can't be angry about the tremendous costs ofnurturing. We can be angry at our mothers. Let's say, as teenagers --patriarchal rules and regulations -- we don't blame systems, we blame them. Wecan be angry at other women, because who doesn't love a good catfight? And wecan be angry at men with lower status in an expressive hierarchy that supportsracism or xenophobia. But we have an enormous power in this. Because feelingsare the purview of our authority, and people are uncomfortable with our anger.We should be making people comfortable with the discomfort they feel when womensay no, unapologetically. We can take emotions and think in terms of competenceand not gender. People who are able to process their anger and make meaningfrom it are more creative, more optimistic, they have more intimacy, they'rebetter problem solvers, they have greater political efficacy.



Now I am a woman writing about women andfeelings, so very few men with power are going to take what I'm sayingseriously, as a matter of politics. We think of politics and anger in terms ofthe contempt and disdain and fury that are feeding a rise of macho-fascism inthe world. But if it's that poison, it's also the antidote. We have an anger ofhope, and we see it every single day in the resistant anger of women andmarginalized people. It's related to compassion and empathy and love, and weshould recognize that anger as well.



The issue is that societies that don'trespect women's anger don't respect women. The real danger of our anger isn'tthat it will break bonds or plates. It's that it exactly shows how seriously wetake ourselves, and we expect other people to take us seriously as well. Whenthat happens, chances are very good that women will be able to smile when theywant to.






Thank you.



(Applause) (Cheers)



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