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【演讲人】ZacharyR. Wood



翻译者Thomas Tam 校对:Psjmzmz



In 1994, Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein coauthored "The Bell Curve," an extremely controversial book which claims that on average, some races are smarter and more likely to succeed than others. Murray and Herrnstein also suggest that a lackof critical intelligence explains the prominence of violent crime in poorAfrican-American communities. But Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein are not the only people who think this.


2012年,身兼作家、记者和政治评论员的约翰‧德比希尔,写了一篇原本面向非黑人族群的文章,而如今,该文章也成为黑人父母建议孩子们如何保证自身安全的忠告。在文章中,他提出了如下建议:“不要参加可能会吸引很多黑人的活动”,“远离有大量黑人的社区”,和“别太乐善好施,主动帮助困境中的黑人”。而在2016 年,我邀请了约翰‧德比希尔,还有查尔斯‧默里来我的学校演讲,他们完全清楚,我会提供他们一个平台和关注度,去表达他们那些令我鄙视和排斥的想法。这只是令人不舒服的人生成长之旅的一个新篇章。

In 2012, a writer, journalist andpolitical commentator named John Derbyshire wrote an article that was supposedto be a non-black version of the talk that many black parents feel they have togive their kids today: advice on how to stay safe. In it, he offeredsuggestions such as: "Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks,""Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods" and "Do not act theGood Samaritan to blacks in distress." And yet, in 2016, I invited



When I was 10 years old, my mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia, a mental illness characterized by mood swings and paranoid delusions. Throughout mylife, my mother's rage would turn our small house into a minefield. Yet, thoughI feared her rage on a daily basis, I also learned so much from her. Ourrelationship was complicated and challenging, and at the age of 14, it was decidedthat I needed to live apart from her. But over the years, I've come toappreciate some of the important lessons my mother taught me about life. Shewas the first person who spoke to me about learning from the other side. Andshe, like me, was born and raised in a family of committed liberal democrats.Yet, she encouraged me to see the world and the issues our world faces ascomplex, controversial and ever-changing.



Oneday, I came across the phrase "affirmative action" in a book I wasreading. And when I asked her what the term meant, she spent what felt like anhour giving me a thorough and thoughtful explanation that would make sense to asmall child. She even made the topic sound at least as interesting as any of myprofessors have. She explained the many reasons why people of various politicalviews challenge and support affirmative action, stressing that, while shestrongly supported it herself, it was important for me to view the issue as acontroversial one with a long history, a questionable future and a host ofcomplicating factors. While affirmative action can increase the presence ofminorities at elite educational institutions, she felt that it could also disadvantagehardworking people of different races from more affluent backgrounds. My momwanted me to understand that I should never just write off opinions that Idisagreed with or disliked, because there was always something to learn fromthe perspectives of others, even when doing so might be difficult.



Butlife at home with my mom was not the only aspect of my journey that has beenformative and uncomfortable. In fourth grade, she decided that I should attenda private school in order to receive the best education possible. As a blackstudent attending predominantly white private schools, I've encounteredattitudes and behaviors that reflected racial stereotypes. Several of myfriends' parents assumed within minutes of meeting me that my best skill wasplaying basketball. And it really upset me to think that my race made it harderfor them to see me as a student who loved reading, writing and speaking.Experiences like this motivated me to work tirelessly to disprove what I knewpeople had assumed. My mother even said that, in order to put my best footforward, I had to be patient, alert and excruciatingly well-mannered. To provethat I belonged, I had to show poise and confidence, the ability to speak welland listen closely. Only then would my peers see that I deserved to be there asmuch as they did.



Despitethis racial stereotyping and the discomfort I often felt, the learning I gainedfrom other aspects of being at an elite private school were incrediblyvaluable. I was encouraged by my teachers to explore my curiosity, to challengemyself in new ways and to deepen my understanding of subjects that fascinatedme the most. And going to college was the next step. I was excited to take myintellectual drive and interest in the world of ideas to the next level. I waseager to engage in lively debate with peers and professors and with outsidespeakers; to listen, to learn and gain a deeper understanding of myself and ofothers. While I was fortunate to meet peers and professors who were interestedin doing the same thing, my desire to engage with difficult ideas was also metwith resistance.



To prepare myself to engage with controversy in the real world, I joined a group that brought controversial speakers to campus. But many people fiercely opposedthis group, and I received significant pushback from students, faculty and myadministration. For many, it was difficult to see how bringing controversialspeakers to campus could be valuable, when they caused harm. And it wasdisappointing to me facing personal attacks, having my administration cancelspeakers and hearing my intentions distorted by those around me. My work alsohurt the feelings of many, and I understood that. Of course, no one likes beingoffended, and I certainly don't like hearing controversial speakers argue thatfeminism has become a war against men or that blacks have lower IQs thanwhites. I also understand that some people have experienced traumaticexperiences in their lives. And for some, listening to offensive views can belike reliving the very traumas that they've worked so hard to overcome. Many argue that by giving these people a platform, you're doing more harm than good, and I'm reminded of this every time I listen to these points of view and feel my stomach turn.



Yet, tuning out opposing view points doesn't make them go away, because millions of people agree with them. In order to understand the potential of society toprogress forward, we need to understand the counterforces. By engaging withcontroversial and offensive ideas, I believe that we can find common ground, ifnot with the speakers themselves, then with the audiences they may attract orindoctrinate. Through engaging, I believe that we may reach a betterunderstanding, a deeper understanding, of our own beliefs and preserve theability to solve problems, which we can't do if we don't talk to each other andmake an effort to be good listeners.



But soon after I announced that John Derbyshire would be speaking on campus, student backlash erupted on social media. The tide of resistance, in fact, wasso intense, that my college president rescinded the invitation. I was deeply disappointed by this because, as I saw it, there would be nothing that any of my peers or I could do to silence someone who agreed with him in the office environment of our future employers.



Ilook out at what's happening on college campuses, and I see the anger. And Iget it. But what I wish I could tell people is that it's worth the discomfort,it's worth listening, and that we're stronger, not weaker, because of it. WhenI think about my experiences with uncomfortable learning, and I reflect uponthem, I've found that it's been very difficult to change the values of theintellectual community that I've been a part of. But I do feel a sense of hopewhen I think about the individual interactions that I've been able to have withstudents who both support the work that I'm doing and who feel challenged by itand who do not support it. What I've found is that, while it can be difficultto change the values of a community, we can gain a lot from individualinteractions.



WhileI didn't get to engage with John Derbyshire due to my president'sdisinvitation, I was able to have dinner with Charles Murray before his talk. Iknew the conversation would be difficult. And I didn't expect it to bepleasant. But it was cordial, and I did gain a deeper understanding of hisarguments. I found that he, like me, believed in creating a more just society.The thing is, his understanding of what justice entailed was very differentfrom my own. The way in which he wanted to understand the issue, the way inwhich he wanted to approach the issue of inequality also differed from my own.And I found that his understanding of issues like welfare and affirmativeaction was tied and deeply rooted in his understanding of various libertarianand conservative beliefs, what diminishes and increases their presence in oursociety. While he expressed his viewpoints eloquently, I remained thoroughlyunconvinced. But I did walk away with a deeper understanding.



It's my belief that to achieve progress in the face of adversity, we need a genuine commitment to gaining a deeper understanding of humanity. I'd like to see aworld with more leaders who are familiar with the depths of the views of thosethey deeply disagree with, so that they can understand the nuances of everyonethey're representing. I see this as an ongoing process involving constant learning, and I'm confident that I'll be able to add value down the line if I continue building empathy and understanding through engaging with unfamiliar perspectives.



Thank you.





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