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在英国,一项有关儿童性教育的政策也引起了该国人民的讨论。这一政策规定,全部学校都应当将性教育课纳入必修课范畴,即便是只有4、5岁的儿童也要接受现代两性关系(modern relationships)教育。

针对这一现象,英国《金融时报》记者Miranda Green撰写文章支持了这一政策。


Sex education gets an upgrade for the smartphone generation


Teenage self-consciousness about the horrific, daily possibility of being asked to speak in lessons probably peaked for many of us with the paralysing embarrassment of sex education classes.I can still feel the livid flush and thumping heart that accompanied my silent prayer to the biology teacher:Please, oh please, do not ask me to come up and label that diagram.


Another cringe-making moment of my youth was watching Peter Lilley's adaptation of a Gilbert and Sullivan ditty at a Conservative party conference in 1992.Against a backdrop of moral panic about sky-high teenage pregnancy rates, the then social security secretary serenaded the Tory faithful with a version of the executioner's song from The Mikado.Included on his “little list / of benefit offenders” were “young ladies who get pregnant just to jump the housing queue”.

另一次我年少时感到尴尬的时刻,是1992年保守党会议上,观看Peter Lilley改编自Gilbert和Sullivan的歌剧作品。当时少女怀孕率居高不下,引发了道德恐慌。这位当时的社会保障大臣惘然不顾,为保守党员吟唱了一曲改编自歌剧《日本天皇》中的刽子手唱的歌曲。在这首他的“little list / of benefit offenders”歌中,他唱道:“那些怀孕的年轻女性不过是组建家庭时插了队”。

At the time teenage mothers were a familiar feature of British life—as deplorable, unhealthy and yet inevitable as the national addiction to starchy snacks.Neither the accident-prone crusading ministers of the “back to basics” era, nor an under-the-radar National Health Service action plan managed to make a dent in the figures.


After a week in which a subsequent Tory minister, education secretary Justine Greening, has announced compulsory sex and relationship education for state schools, it is worth revisiting Mr Lilley's shame—along with that he sought to inflict on those girls whose experience of sex had already gone way beyond textbook studies.

在随后的保守党大臣——教育大臣Justine Greening宣布性和两性关系教育成为全部公立学校必修课程一周后,我们有必要回顾一下Peter Lilley的羞耻了:那时候他为那些经历了教科书以外性经历的女孩们,施加了更大负担。

Because seeing teenage pregnancy through a different prism led to a stunning success story.New Labour swept into office in 1997 with an activist attitude to seemingly intractable problems.The new government launched a strategy to cut the rates of under-age motherhood, based on seeing its causes as a mixture of ignorance about sex, confused messages to the young from an adult world obsessed but also embarrassed by the subject, and low expectations.


In trying to sell an interventionist policy to a sceptical audience of “family values” defenders, the bright-eyed Blairites also fell foul of liberal columnists who disapproved of anything that smacked of anti-sex, anti-youth prejudices.


Yet, derided from both sides, it worked.Last year, the Office for National Statistics said the rate of pregnancy among 15-18 year olds was down to 23 per 1,000—compared with the high 40s in the early 1990s.Labour's target to halve the rate by 2010 had (belatedly) been met.


Of course, concerns about the sexual menaces facing today's generation of schoolchildren have changed.The unplanned pregnancy threat has given way to online harassment, sexting by smartphone and a sketchy grasp of the principle of consent—plus limited understanding of why readily-available online pornography is a poor guide to human intimacy.


But the two challenges are comparable, not least in their diagnosis of the factors that compound the likelihood of young people making bad choices.Ignorance still needs to be tackled (one teacher wrote this week that his class had believed crisp packets were an effective contraceptive); society is as obsessed and possibly just as confusing in the messages it sends about sex; and young people with low expectations or a hazy sense of their future still find it difficult to resist donating a sexted image to the world via a mistakenly trusted friend.


Some are still more vulnerable to sexual self-sabotage than others.The psychologist Philip Zimbardo explains the different health choices made by children from different social backgrounds in terms of their sense of time.Do they have the ability to envisage how life might pan out? Less so in deprived communities.The teenage pregnancy statistics are still higher in areas of the country, such as the north-east, where overall educational attainment is low.

和其他人相比,一些青少年在性方面更容易自我堕落。心理学家Philip Zimbardo解释说,来自不同社会背景的孩子,在健康方面做出的不同选择是源于他们时间观念的不同。他们是否设想过如何才能实现人生的成功?在缺乏教育的社群里,“是”的答案往往更少。青少年怀孕统计数在乡村地区依然较高,譬如英国东北地区——在那里,整体教育水平都不高。

Ms Greening's decision is welcome.She has ceded to a campaign for mandatory classes in all state schools.They will go beyond the biology, so pupils can better cope with the real-world challenges of sex, as well as with the increasingly odd ways in which the virtual world impinges on relationships.Unlike her immediate predecessors, but very like the political optimists of the late 1990s, Ms Greening believes intervention is necessary where young people are damaging their own prospects.


Sex ed classes may continue to serve up some embarrassing moments.But Ms Greening has thrown off the shame culture of the early 1990s in favour of a little bit of benign nanny statism.We just have to hope she will refrain from singing about it at the party conference—that really would be excruciating.





I can still feel the livid flush and thumping heart that accompanied my silent prayer to the biology teacher:Please, oh please, do not ask me to come up and label that diagram.




Another cringe-making moment of my youth was watching Peter Lilley's adaptation of a Gilbert and Sullivan ditty at a Conservative party conference in 1992.

另一次我年少时感到尴尬的时刻,是1992年保守党会议上,观看Peter Lilley改编自Gilbert和Sullivan的歌剧作品。



New Labour swept into office in 1997 with an activist attitude to seemingly intractable problems.






The unplanned pregnancy threat has given way to online harassment, sexting by smartphone and a sketchy grasp of the principle of consent—plus limited understanding of why readily-available online pornography is a poor guide to human intimacy.



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