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英语修辞与写作·13.1 四辞格的含义和形式





13.1 四辞格的含义和形式

13.1A Parody

1) Parody汉译“仿拟”,“仿化”,即仿照,又变化。它通常是对人们熟知的某个谚语、格言、名句乃至文章体裁适当地“改头换面”而构成一种颇为新奇的表达形式。例如:

Quality breeds success.

这是1993年3月间美国福特汽车公司电视广告中的一句话,是“Familiarity breeds contempt.”的仿化。

2) 仿化所涉及的不仅是句中的某一个或几个词语,也可能是整个句子,甚至整篇文章。例如:

Skill and Patience will succeed where Force fails.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention.

(Aesop's Fables)

上述“Necessity is the Mother of Invention.”和“Failure is the mother of success.”以及“Failure teaches success.”这三句谚语可视作仿化的结果。

在Carroll所写的儿童文学名著Alice in Wonderland中,有一首儿歌就是仿拟英国诗人Jane Taylor的“the Star”中的一节。试比较:

Twinkle, twinkle, little bat,

How I wonder what you're at!

Up above the world you fly

Like a teatray in the sky.

(Lewis Carrol)

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky!

(Jane Taylor)

13.1B Reverse

1) Reverse汉译“序换”,是将谚语、成语中某词语的词序加以调换而构成的一种修辞形式。例如:

Isabel drove with Goodrich beside her. Happy, but still feeling she was casting swine before pearls, Isabel was painfully conscious of the shortcomings of the scenery; above all its literal flatness.

(L. P. Hartley)

句中casting swine before pearls是英谚cast pearls before swine的换序说法。谚语“把珍珠丢在猪前”是一句隐喻,意思是“把贵重的东西给不能欣赏的人”,序换后的意思是“很有欣赏能力的人(指伊丽莎白和古德里奇)遇上了不值一游的风景”。

2) 序换虽然只涉及谚语或成语中个别词语的词序,但往往引起内容上的显著变化,从而形成与原谚语或成语等的强烈对照。例如:

“Bennie's their son,” said Henry.

“Like son, like father, I imagine,” said Bonnefois.

(P. P.Read)

怎么英谚“有其父,必有其子”(Like father, like son)变成了“有其子,必有其父”呢?据美国作家里德在《教授的女儿》(The Professor's Daughter)中讲美国参议员的儿子贝尼有一次公然指责法国人“忘恩负义”,法国人鲍涅斯十分气愤,于是灵机一动,利用谚语的序换加以回击,意思是“儿子这么放肆,其父肯定更不像话了。”

13.1C Anadiplosis

1) Anadiplosis汉译“蝉联”,是Repetition的一种形式,称“链式反复”或“尾首反复”,即在后一句的开头重复前句末尾的词语。例如:

This unfrequented place to find some ease,

Ease to the body some, none to the mind

From restless thoughts.


And, more over, if you must go to the sea, it had better not have been to South End.

South End is an unhealthy place ...

(Jane Austin)

In literature, as in life, one of the fundamentals is to find, and be, one's true self. One's true self may indeed be unpleasant, ...

(Frank Laurence Lucas)

2) 蝉联的成份富于变化,除重复前面的同样词语外,同源词、同义词语或同义分句等也可以构成链形反复。例如:

There had been enemies, criminals, workers — and there are rebels. These rebellious heads looked very subdued to me on their sticks.

(J. Conrad)

I heard a light sigh and then my heart stood still, stopped dead short by exulting and terrible cry, by the cry of inconceivable triumph and of unspeakable pain.

(J. Conrad)

“Oh, really?” She said, “She didn't seem to be giving you so much of a pain at Elsie's party last night, I notice. I notice you couldn't even talk to anybody else, that's how much of a pain she gave you.”

(D. Parker)


It's the profit now, not the product. Half the time, we cheat the foreman, the foreman cheat the management, the management cheats the customers. And the customers are we.

(J. B. Priestly)

13.1D Regression

1) Regression汉译“回环”,亦作“逆序反复”,指在一个句子或一段文字中以相反的顺序重复前面的词语。例如:

Woe to them who call evil good and good evil.


2) 在实际使用中的回环形式相当生动活泼,一是除了上例那种音、形、义都相同的词语外,还可以是同音、同形异义词或同音、异形异义词,等;二是除了上例那种工整的依次回环形式外,大量的还是采用错综词序,或者换词、增减词等方式。例如:

It is better to make friends fast than to make fast friends.

We can make young people grown and grown people young.

Britain rules the waves, Mussolini waives the rules.

You can fool all the people some of the time some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

(Abraham Lincoln)

Love is the business of the idle, but idleness (is) of the busy.

(Edward Bulwer-Lytton)

An original writer is not one who imitates nobody but one whom nobody can imitate.





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