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BreakingNews·210605- More young people suffering from 'eco-anxiety'

所属教程:Breaking News 边听边练 2021



More young people suffering from 'eco-anxiety'

More children are suffering from "eco-anxiety". They are worrying about the future of Earth, climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. Teachers want more lessons in schools about these issues. They say schools should have eco-lessons for all year groups. A campaign group said only four per cent of schoolchildren knew enough about the environment. The group said this is making more children experience eco-anxiety.

The Earth Rangers campaign group said: "Eco-anxiety is not an official...disorder. However, it does affect children in very real ways. This includes feelings of fear." It wants to help children find ways to manage negative feelings. It said schools should make activities so children can teach their parents about protecting nature. Earth Rangers said we needed to help children more. It said: "Children are on the front lines of climate change."


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