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新奇事件簿 流浪狗因棒球重获新生





An abandoned puppy has been given a new home and a new job. The 7-week-old pup was left at the stadium of the Savannah Bananas baseball team in Georgia, USA last week. It was found crying in the parking lot. It had no name tag, collar, microchip, or anything else to identify it. The team posted a message on its website about the dog, but the owner did not come forward. The president of the team, Jared Orton, decided he would adopt the puppy and named her Daisy. The lucky pup also has a new job. She is now the team's official 'bat dog'. The job of a bat dog is to take baseball bats to players, collect balls on the baseball field and please the crowd.

流浪狗找到新家,获得新工作。上周,7周小狗被遗弃在佐治亚州“avannah Bananas”棒球队体育场。当时它正在停车场哭泣。身上无名牌、项圈,微晶片等身份物件。棒球队在网上发出消息,但狗主人依然了无音讯。球队总裁杰瑞德·奥顿决定收养小狗,并给她起名黛西。这只幸运小狗还有了新工作。她如今是球队的官方“棒球狗”。她的工作就是将棒球棒送到球员手中,捡起场地散落棒球,以及取悦观众。

Mr Orton spoke about meeting Daisy for the first time. She looked very tired and a little lost. Orton said: "We took Daisy to the vet and aside from being hungry and dehydrated, she was in pretty good health." He told reporters that although she has the job of bat dog, she might be a little too small to hold a bat in her mouth. He said: "We aren't sure how big she'll get, so it's hard to say if she'll be able to pick up a bat or just coach first base." He added that she will become a regular feature at the ballpark and will be very popular with fans. She will also greet visitors every day at the team's office. Mr Orton said finding Daisy was her fate. He said: "It was just meant to be that we'd have a team dog as part of our staff."



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