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中考英语 考纲词汇 R






race[reɪs]vt. & vi. 比赛;赛跑 n. 赛跑

I should race against time. 我应该和时间赛跑。

This is an exciting race! 这是一场激动人心的比赛!

radio['reɪdiəʊ]n. 无线电;收音机

I was listening to the radio. 我在听收音机。

Should you try the radio again? 你要不要再试试收音机?

railway['reɪlweɪ]n. 铁路;铁道

A railway will be built there next year. 一条铁路将于明年在那里兴建。

Can you tell me the way to the railway station? 你能告诉我去火车站的路怎么走吗?

rain[reɪn]n. 雨;雨水 vt. & vi. 下雨

There will be rain in the city. 这个城市将有雨。

Dark clouds are a sign of rain. 乌云是将要下雨的预兆。

rainy['reɪni]adj. 有雨的;多雨的

He works both on sunny days and on rainy ones. 他风雨无阻地工作。

Summer is a rainy season. 夏季是一个多雨的季节。

raise[reɪz]vt. 举起;使升高;饲养;抚养;筹钱

Please raise your head. 请抬起头来。

How were you going to raise money for it? 你怎样为此筹集资金呢?

rarely['reəli]adv. 罕有;很少;不常

The leader rarely shows himself in public. 这位领导很少在公众场合露面。

She rarely comes here anymore. 她很少来这儿了。

rather['rɑːðə(r)]adv. 相当;颇;宁可

I had rather go on a picnic with my father. 我宁愿和我的父亲去野炊。

His car is rather heavy on petrol. 他的汽车相当费油。

reach[riːtʃ]v. 到达

Go down the road till you reach the hospital. 沿路前行直到那家医院。

They reached Shenzhen at 14:00. 他们14时到达深圳。

read[riːd](read,read) vt. & vi. 读;朗读

I like to read China Daily. 我喜欢读《中国日报》。

She has read every book on the shelves. 书架上所有的书她都读过了。

ready['redi]adj. 准备好的;乐于

The boy is ready at all times to go to parties. 那男孩随时都准备去参加聚会。

My teacher is always ready to help others. 我的老师总是乐于助人。

real[rɪəl]adj. 真实的;确实的;真正的

It's where the real danger lies. 这是真正的危险所在。

What was the real reason for his absence? 他缺席的真正原因是什么?

realize['riːəlaɪz]vt. 认识到;实现

She could not realize her own danger. 她没能意识到自己的危险。

Do you realize your mistake yet? 你意识到你的错误了吗?

real y['riːəli]adv. 真正地;确实

I didn't really want to go. 我确实不想去。

He hasn't really got into his new job yet. 他还没有真正熟悉新工作。

reason['riːzn]n. 理由;原因

I have reason to believe that he was lying. 我有理由相信他在撒谎。

Kate is in bad with Alice for some unknown reason. 由于一些不为人知的原因,凯特和艾丽斯关系不好。

rebuild[ˌriː'bɪld]vt. 重建

They will rebuild this hospital. 他们将重建这家医院。

We decided to rebuild this school after fire. 大火后我们决定重建这所学校。

receive[rɪ'siːv]vt. & vi. 收到;得到

Every student will receive a gift. 每一个学生都会收到一份礼物。

I stepped forward to receive my prize. 我走向前去领奖。

recent['riːsnt]adj. 近来的;最近的

In recent weeks he has been late every day. 近几个星期以来他每天都迟到。

I have become very forgetful in recent years. 近年来我变得十分健忘。

recently['riːsntli]adv. 最近;近来

Recently it rained every day. 近来每天都下雨。

I've only recently started learning English. 我是最近才开始学英语的。

recognize['rekəgnaɪz]vt. 辨认出;认识

Can you recognize that man? 你能认出那个人吗?

Did you recognize the handwriting on the paper? 你能辨认这纸上的笔迹吗?

record['rekɔːd] n. 记录;唱片 [rɪ'kɔːd]vt. & vi. 录制;录音;记录

I should keep a record of my expenses. 我应该做个开支的记录。

Please record what he says. 请录下他的话。

recorder[rɪ'kɔːdə(r)]n. 录音机

I bought a new recorder. 我买了一台新的录音机。

The recorder in the room is theirs. 房间里的录音机是他们的。

red[red]n. 红色 adj. 红色的

I like red very much. 我很喜欢红色。

Whose red coat is that? 那件红色外套是谁的?

reduce[rɪ'djuːs]vi. 减少;缩减

She would not reduce it in price. 她不愿降低它的价格。

We have to reduce expenses this year. 我们今年必须减少开支。

reference['refrəns]n. 编号;参考

Jack used no reference books in class. 杰克上课时不用参考书。

This book is used as a reference book. 这本书被用来做参考书。

refuse[rɪ'fjuːz]vt. & vi. 拒绝;不愿

I refuse to go there. 我拒绝去那儿。

He wouldn't refuse help to an old friend. 他不会拒绝帮助一位老朋友。

regular['regjələ(r)]adj. 有规律的;经常的;定期的

He is a regular reader of this newspaper. 他是这份报纸的长期读者。

I made a regular visit to my parents. 我定期看望父母亲。

relationship[rɪ'leɪʃnʃɪp]n. 关系

Experiments prove this relationship to be true. 实验证明这种关系是真实的。

A good relationship is built on trust. 良好的关系是以信任为基础的。

relative['relətɪv]n. 亲戚

She is a distant relative of mine. 她是我的一位远亲。

His aunt is his nearest relative. 他姨妈是他的至亲。

relax[rɪ'læks]vt. & vi. (使)放松;松弛

Beautiful scenery will relax you. 美丽的风景会使你心情轻松。

You can relax on my bed. 你可以到我的床上休息一下。

rely[rɪ'laɪ]vi. 依靠

We have to rely on the river for our water. 我们用水只能依靠这条河。

I rely on you to set an example. 我全靠你来树立一个榜样。

remember[rɪ'membə(r)]vt. & vi. 记得;想起;记住

Remember you are a Chinese. 记住你是中国人。

I can't remember your name. 我想不起你的名字了。

repair[rɪ'peə(r)]n. & vt. 修理

I had to wait in for the repair man. 我只得在家里等修理工。

Peter is repairing his car by himself. 约翰正在修理自己的汽车。

repeat[rɪ'piːt]vt. 重复

History often repeats itself. 历史经常重演。

The teacher asked me to repeat what he had said. 老师要我重复他所说的话。

reply[rɪ'plaɪ]vi. & n. 回答;答复 vt. 回应;做出反应

The teacher gave me no chance to reply to his question.老师没有给我回答他问题的机会。

I can't give you a reply. 我不能给你答复。

report[rɪ'pɔːt]n. 报道;报告;成绩单 vt. & vi. 报告;汇报

Would you help him with the report? 你愿意帮他写报告吗?

Find out the truth to report back quickly. 查明事实真相回来汇报。

reporter[rɪ'pɔːtə(r)]n. 记者

This reporter has a nose for news. 这名记者对新闻特别敏感。

The reporter took down everything he said. 记者把他说的一切都记下来了。

republic[rɪ'pʌblɪk]n. 共和国

The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. 中华人民共和国成立于1949年。

This country became a republic in 1970. 这个国家于1970年成为共和国。

require[rɪ'kwaɪə(r)]vt. & vi. 需要;要求

My father required that I go at once. 父亲要求我立刻去。

Did you require anything else? 你们还需要别的什么吗?

research[rɪ'sɜːtʃ]vi. 研究;调查 vt. 从事……的研究

She needs to research about the coffee market. 她需要对咖啡市场进行调查。

I research whether this new car will sell well or not. 我调查这款新车的销路好坏。

resource[rɪ'sɔːs]n. 资源

Time is a special resource. 时间是一种特殊的资源。

There is a rich resource of water. 水资源丰富。

respect[rɪ'spekt]vt. 慎重对待;尊重

We should respect our elders. 我们应该尊重长者。

I didn't respect him because he was playful. 我不尊敬他,因为他贪玩。

response[rɪ'spɒns]n. 响应;反应;作答

He made no response to my letter. 他没有回我的信。

I always take the lead in response to the government's call. 我总是带头响应政府的号召。

responsible[rɪ'spɒnsəbl]adj. 负责的;有责任的

The teacher is a very responsible person. 这名教师是一个非常负责的人。

Everyone should be responsible for his work. 每个人都应对自己的工作负责。

rest[rest]n. 休息;剩余部分;其余的人(物) vi. 休息;歇息

vt. 使休息

Soon he dropped behind the rest of the class. 不久他就落在班上其他同学后面了。

I had to lie down for a while to rest my legs. 我得躺一会儿让腿休息一下。

restaurant['restrɒnt]n. 饭馆;饭店

He had his breakfast in the small restaurant. 他在一家小饭馆里吃了早饭。

He invited me to dinner at a French restaurant. 他邀请我去一家法国餐馆吃饭。

result[rɪ'zʌlt]n. 结果;成果

The girl felt nervous about the result. 这个女孩十分担心结果。

They can only guess at the result. 他们只能猜测结果。

retired[rɪ'taɪəd]adj. 退休的

The retired old teacher is living at his ease. 这位退休教师生活过得很安逸。

The retired workers are sitting in the sunshine. 退休工人们正坐着晒太阳。

return[rɪ'tɜːn]v. 回来;返回;归还;偿还

What time does your father return from work? 你父亲什么时候下班回家?

She longed for her son to return home. 她渴望儿子早日回家。

review[rɪ'vjuː]n. & vt. 复习;评论

She wrote a review of that book. 她给那本书写了一个评论。

I promised to review the film. 我答应评论这部电影。

rice[raɪs]n. 稻;米;米饭

Rice is the chief crop in that area. 稻谷是那个地区的主要作物。

He ate three bowls of rice this morning. 他今天早上吃了三碗米饭。

rich[rɪtʃ]adj. 富裕的;有钱的;味道浓的;重油的

She's quite rich. 她很富有。

She has gained rich experience in these years. 这些年来,她取得了丰富的经验。

rid[rɪd]vt. 使摆脱

It's hard to rid oneself of a habit. 要改掉一个习惯是不容易的。

I got rid of my old TV 5 years ago. 我5年前扔掉了我的旧电视。

ride[raɪd](rode,ridden) vt. & vi. 骑(马、自行车等) n. 乘车旅行

The boy is riding a horse now. 那个男孩现在正在骑马。

He lives just a short bus ride from school. 乘公交车从他家到学校就几站路。

right[raɪt]adj. 对的;正确的;恰当的;右边的 adv. 正确地;恰恰;向右;在右边 n. 右;权利

Most people write with their right hands. 多数人用右手写字。

You have this right. 你有这个权利。

ring[rɪŋ](rang, rung) vt. 使(钟、铃等)响;打电话 vi. 按铃;敲钟 n. 打电话;铃声;环形物

This phone never stopped ringing. 这部电话一直在响。

I will give him a ring. 我会给他打电话。

rise[raɪz](rose, risen) vi. 上升;上涨;起立

I watched the smoke rise from my cigarette. 我看着烟雾从香烟上升起。

Shouldn't we rise? 我们不需要站起来?

river['rɪvə(r)]n. 江;河

There is a river here. 这里有一条河。

Some fish are swimming around in the river. 一些鱼在水里游来游去。

road[rəʊd]n. 路;道路

There is very little traffic on the roads. 这些公路上车辆稀少。

She lives over the road. 她住在马路边上。

roast[rəʊst]vt. & vi. 烤(肉)

He would rather roast a chicken whole. 他更愿意烤整只鸡。

They had roast mutton for dinner. 他们晚餐吃烤羊肉。

rob[rɒb]vt. & vi. 抢夺;抢劫

He didn't rob a bank. 他没有抢银行。

I saw several boys rob the bank. 我看见几个男孩子抢劫银行。

robbery['rɒbəri]n. 抢劫

She described the robbery in detail to us. 她向我们详细地描述了那起抢劫事件。

He was given 10 years for robbery. 他因抢劫被判刑10年。

robot['rəʊbɒt]n. 机器人

This robot's hand has broken off. 这个机器人的手坏了。

Many people visited the robot. 许多人参观了这个机器人。

rock[rɒk]n. 岩石

The road is blocked by a huge rock. 道路被一块大岩石堵住了。

I must get the rock out of the path. 我必须把石头从路上搬走。

rocket['rɒkɪt]n. 火箭

We planned to send a rocket to the moon. 我们计划向月球发射火箭。

They wanted to made a rocket. 他们想制造一枚火箭。

room[ruːm, rʊm]n. 房间;室;空间;地方

He ran back to his room. 他跑回了他的房间。

There is room for growth. 还有扩大的空间。

root[ruːt]n. 根;根源;起源

I must get to the root of this problem. 我必须找到这个问题的根源。

This is at root a question of maths. 从根本上来说,这是一个数学问题。

rope[rəʊp]n. 绳子

Let down a rope. 放下绳子。

I passed her the rope and she took it. 我递给她绳子,她接住了。

rose[rəʊz]n. 玫瑰花

There is a rose bush in front of the classroom. 教室前面有一丛玫瑰花。

I don't like rose. 我不喜欢玫瑰花。

rough[rʌf]adj. 粗糙的;不平的;粗暴的;汹涌的

This ship made slow progress through the rough sea. 这只船在汹涌的大海中缓慢前进。

My hands were rough with work. 我的双手因为工作而变得粗糙。

round[raʊnd]adj. 圆的;球形的 adv. 环绕地;在周围 prep.环绕一周;围着

I like these round cakes. 我喜欢这些圆饼。

All round them was desert. 他们周围全都是沙漠。

row[rəʊ]n. (一)排;(一)行

Ten players stood in a row. 10名运动员站成一排。

How many trees are there in a row?一排有多少棵树?

rubbish['rʌbɪʃ]n. 垃圾;废物

Rubbish can cause all sorts of problems. 垃圾会产生各种问题。

My job is to clear away the rubbish. 我的工作是清除这些垃圾。

rule[ruːl]n. 规则;规定 vt. & vi. 统治

I will break this rule. 我将打破这个规则。

He ruled for eight years. 他统治了8年。

run[rʌn](ran,run) vt. & vi. 跑;奔跑 vt. 经营;管理 n.跑;奔跑

I ran this business myself. 我自己经营这家公司。

Shower right after your run. 跑步后要立即冲澡。

rush[rʌʃ]vi. 冲;奔跑

He has got to rush for a meeting. 他得赶去开会。

I had to rush off to class. 我得赶去上课了。


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