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中考英语 考纲词汇 L






lab[læb]n. 实验室

I'll meet you outside the lab. 我会在实验室外面见你。

This language lab can hold up to about 50 people. 这间语言实验室可容纳约50人。

lady['leɪdi]n. 女士;夫人

The lady was robbed by a young man. 一位女士被一个年轻男子抢了。

She saw an old lady standing by her car. 她看见一位老妇人站在她的车旁。

lake[leɪk]n. 湖

I was walking along the lake. 我正沿着湖边散步。

She was attracted by the colour of the lake. 她被湖水的颜色吸引了。

lamp[læmp]n. 灯

The desk lamp fell to the floor. 台灯掉到地上了。

The lamp is on the dresser. 灯在梳妆台上。

land[lænd]n. 陆地;土地 vt. & vi. 登陆;降落

The farmer has just bought a new piece of land. 这位农民刚刚又买了一块地。

The plane will land in ten minutes. 飞机将在10分钟后降落。

language['læŋgwɪʤ]n. 语言

Reading is a way to learn a foreign language. 阅读是学习外语的一个方法。

It's impossible to learn a foreign language well in a short time. 短时间内学好一门外语是不可能的。

lantern['læntən]n. 灯笼

We need them to make pumpkin lanterns. 我们需要他们做些南瓜灯。

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. 农历正月十五是元宵节。

large[lɑːʤ]adj. 大的;巨大的

Which city has the largest population ? 哪 个 城 市 人 口 最多?

A large number of travellers come here every year. 每年都有大量的游客来这里玩。

last[lɑːst]adj. 最近的;上一个的;最后的 adv. 最后;最近一次 n. 最后

Jim was stressed out last weekend. 吉姆上周末过度紧张了。

At last they found out a solution. 他们终于找到了一个解决方案。

late[leɪt]adj. 晚的;迟的 adv. 晚;迟

Sleeping late can get broke off of your health. 晚睡会葬送你的健康。

By late afternoon Tom had gained all sorts of toys. 下午晚些时候,汤姆赢得了各类玩具。

later['leɪtə(r)]adj. 晚些的;迟些的 adv. 后来;以后

Several years later, John was still a worker. 几 年 过 去了,约翰还是个工人。

Later, they remembered everything. 后来,他们记起了所有的事情。

laugh[lɑːf]vi. & n. 笑;大笑;嘲笑

They were laughing loudly. 他们大声地笑。

The talk show often makes people laugh. 这个脱口秀节目常使人开怀大笑。

law[lɔː]n. 法律

He studied laws in Harvard University. 他在哈佛大学修读法律。

Last month a new law was passed. 上个月,一项新法律通过了。

lawyer['lɔːjə(r)]n. 律师

Jim has become a lawyer. 吉姆成了一名律师。

The lawyer explained the new law to them. 律师向他们解释了新法律。

lay[leɪ](laid,laid) vt. 放;搁;下(蛋)

Sea turtles need dark beaches for laying eggs. 海龟要在黑暗的海滩上产卵。

She carefully laid them out on the table. 她小心地把它们放在桌上。

lazy['leɪzi]adj. 懒惰的

Tom is very lazy. 汤姆很懒。

Some students cheat because they're lazy. 一些学生因为懒惰而考试作弊。

lead[liːd](led,led) vt. & vi. 领导;带领

We will let the young man lead the fight. 我们将让这个年轻人领导这一仗。

The teacher led them back to the right way. 老师把他们领回到正路上来。

learn[lɜːn]( learnt, learnt; learned, learned) vt. & vi. 学习;学会

We spend at least an hour a day learning English. 我们每天至少花一小时学习英语。

The difficulty I have in learning English is how to remember new words. 我学英语遇到的困难是如何记单词。

leave[liːv](left,left) vt. 离开;把……留下;剩下 n. 准假

Please leave your name. 请留下你的名字。

Why don't you take a few days' leave? 你为什么不休几天假?

lecture['lektʃə(r)]n. 讲座;讲课;演讲

He didn't go to the lecture this morning. 他上午没去听讲座。

Miss Evans gave a lecture last Friday. 埃文斯小姐上周五做了一堂讲座。

left[left]adj. 左边的 n. 左;左边 adv. 向左

Turn left and you will see the library. 左拐,你就会看到图书馆。

On the left, there were some different clocks. 左边有一些各种各样的钟。

leg[leg]n. 腿

Bob hurt his leg yesterday. 鲍勃昨天伤着腿了。

I will operate on his legs. 我会为他的双腿做手术。

lend[lend](lent,lent) vt. 借(出);把……借给

You mustn't lend the book to others. 你不许把这本书借给别人。

I really like the book you lent me yesterday. 我真喜欢你昨天借给我的那本书。

length[leŋθ]n. 长度

This river is six times the length of that one. 这条河的长度是那条河的6倍。

I measured the length of the room. 我量了房间的长度。

lesson['lesn]n. 课;功课;教训

The lesson had been on for five minutes. 课已经开始五分钟了。

The traffic accident was a lesson to him. 这次交通事故对他来说是个教训。

let[let](let,let) v. 让

I let my child go to school without a cellphone. 我不让孩子带手机去上学。

Let me get you some fruit. 让我给你买些水果。

letter['letə(r)]n. 信;字母

She was always pleased to receive his letters. 她总是很高兴收到他的来信。

Make sure those capital letters are written properly. 检查大写字母是否写对了。

level['levl]n. 水平线;水平

The table top isn't level. 桌面不平。

The flood rose to a level of 30 feet. 洪水涨到30英尺高。

librarian[laɪ'breəriən]n. 图书馆管理员

The librarian told him that he should return the book. 图书管理员告诉他该还书了。

I asked the librarian to help me. 我请图书管理员帮忙。

library['laɪbrəri]n. 图书馆;图书室

The library is still open during the summer holidays. 这个图书馆暑假也依旧开放。

He is reading in the library now. 现在他正在图书馆里看书。

lie[laɪ]n. & vi. 谎言;说谎(lied, lied) vi. 躺;卧;位于


He can lie without a red face. 他撒谎不会脸红。

Jack lay on the ground. 杰克躺在地上。

life[laɪf](复 lives) n. 生命;生活;人生

Without health, life is not life. 没有健康的身体, 生活就不成为生活。

Computer plays an important role in our lives. 电脑在我们生活中的作用很重要。

lift[lɪft]n.[英]电梯vt. & vi. 举起;抬起

I took the lift to the top floor. 我乘电梯来到顶楼。

He lifted one hand. 他举起一只手。

light[laɪt]n. 光;灯光 adj. 明亮的;轻的;浅色的

Would you mind turning on the light?你介意把灯打开吗?

Things are much lighter on the moon than on the earth. 东西在月球上比在地球上轻得多。

like[laɪk]vt. 喜爱;喜欢;想要(should / would like) prep.像;跟……一样

He likes this kind of bags very much. 他非常喜欢这种款式的包。

We say it looks like a cat. 我们说那看起来像一只猫。

likely['laɪkli]adj. 很可能的

It makes students more likely to get colds. 这使得学生们更容易患感冒。

It's very likely to clear up by and by. 很可能不久天就要放晴了。

limited['lɪmɪtɪd]adj. 有限的;限制的

The edition is limited to 100 copies. 这个版本限量出版100本。

They had only limited communication with the natives. 他们与本地人的交往有限。

line[laɪn]n. 排;行;线路 vt. & vi. 排队

He put the stones in a line. 他把石头排成了一排。

Hundreds of people lined up to buy iPhone 5S. 成百上千的人排队购买iPhone 5S。

link[lɪŋk]vt. & vi. & n. 连接;联系

You must link theory with practice. 你必须理论联系实际。

The link between your body and brain works in two ways.大脑和身体的连接以两种方式进行。

lion['laɪən]n. 狮子

The lion is a dangerous animal. 狮子是种危险的动物。

We call the lion “the king of the jungle”. 我们称狮子为“丛林之王”。

liquid['lɪkwɪd]n. 液体

What is this liquid? 这种液体是什么?

Are you getting information from this liquid? 你能从这些液体中得到什么信息吗?

list[lɪst]n. 目录;清单

Make a list of those things. 把那些事情列个清单。

His name comes before mine on the list. 名单上他的名字在我前面。

listen['lɪsn]vi. 听;仔细听

I was listening to music. 我在听音乐。

That report excited everybody who listened to it. 那个报告使每一个听到的人都感到振奋。

litter['lɪtə(r)]n. 废物;垃圾v. 乱丢杂物

Some people always drop litter everywhere. 有些人总是随处乱扔垃圾。

You must not litter the ground with paper. 你不许在地上乱扔纸屑。

little['lɪtl](比较级 less,最高级 least) adj. 小的;少的 adv.很少地;稍许 n. 没有多少,一点

The boy frightened the little cat away. 这个男孩把小猫吓跑了。

Who's the little boy in the picture? 照片里那个小男孩是谁?

live[lɪv]vi. 生活;居住;活着

We normally live in a hot place. 我们通常住在炎热的地方。

Jennie lived in a beautiful house in the countryside. 珍妮住在乡下漂亮的房子里。

local['ləʊkl]adj. 当地的;地方的

There's a good play on at the local theatre. 本地剧院正在上演一出好剧。

I am not familiar with the local laws. 我对当地的法律并不熟。

locate[ləʊ'keɪt]vt. & vi. 坐落于;确定……的地方

Please locate this city on the map. 请在地图上找出这座城市的位置。

The head company decided to locate in Shenyang. 总公司决定设在沈阳。

location[ləʊ'keɪʃn]n. 位置;场所

The waterfall is a famous filming location. 这个瀑布是一个著名的取景地。

He knows the location of the hidden treasure. 他知道藏宝地点在哪里。

lock[lɒk]n. & vt. 锁

I put a new lock on the door. 我在门上安了一把新锁。

Remember to lock the door. 记得锁门。

London['lʌndən]n. 伦敦

I have been here in London for many years. 我已在伦敦待了很多年了。

I lived in London. 我住在伦敦。

lonely['ləʊnli]adj. 孤独的;寂寞的

He always felt lonely. 他总是感到寂寞。

His life is lonely. 他的生活非常孤单。

long[lɒŋ]adj. (时间)长的;(距离)远的

How long may I keep this book?这本书我能借多久?

I loved her long straight hair. 我喜欢她长长的直发。

look[lʊk]vt. & vi. 看;观看;看起来 n. 看;瞧

I don't look cool. 我看起来一点也不酷。

Let's take a look round the exhibition. 我们看看展览吧。

lose[luːz](lost,lost) vt. 失去;丢失

You may become sad when you lose one of your friends. 当你失去一个朋友时,你会伤心难过。

Many birds lost their home. 许多鸟失去了它们的家。

lot[lɒt]n. 许多

They didn't have to carry a lot of cash with them. 他们不用随身带很多现金。

I have travelled a lot around China. 我已经去过了中国的很多地方。

loud[laʊd]adj. 大声的

Peter likes music that is very loud. 彼得喜欢吵闹的音乐。

He answered in a loud voice. 他大声回答。

loudly[laʊdli]adv. 大声地

He said loudly to the crowd. 他大声对着人群说话。

They always talk loudly on the phone. 他 们 总 是 大 声 讲 电话。

love[lʌv]n. & vt. & vi. 爱;热爱;喜欢

He loves to tell jokes. 他喜欢讲笑话。

If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. 如果生活是一床被子,那么爱就是其中的线。

lovely['lʌvli]adj. 美好的;可爱的

She is lovely. 她很可爱。

Thank you for this lovely present. 感谢你送的可爱的礼物。

low[ləʊ]adj. 低的;低声的;低等的 adv. 低地;低声地;廉价地

You have a low opinion of yourself. 你自我感觉不好。

How low can you go? 你可以蹲多低?

luck[lʌk]n. 运气;好运

Good luck to you. 祝你好运。

It was luck that he was home when I called. 很幸运,我打电话时他在家里。

luckily['lʌkɪli]adv. 幸运地;侥幸地

Luckily, the car didn't hit him. 幸运的是,车没有撞到他。

Luckily, a fireman saved both of us. 幸运的是,一名消防员救出了我们俩。

lucky['lʌki]adj. 幸运的

He is really a lucky dog. 他真是个幸运的家伙。

The little girl is lucky to get help from so many strangers. 这个小女孩很幸运得到了很多陌生人的帮助。

luggage['lʌgɪʤ]n. 行李

Wait for luggage for half an hour. 请等半小时取回行李。

We had left the luggage at the station. 我们把行李留在了车站。

lunch[lʌntʃ]n. 午餐;午饭

He could drive home every day for lunch. 他每天可以开车回家吃午饭。

You may come back after lunch. 你可以午饭后回来。


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