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中考英语 考纲词汇 C





cabbage['kæbɪʤ]n. 卷心菜

I think I can find some cabbage. 我想我能找到一些卷心菜。

I like to cook dishes with cabbage. 我喜欢用卷心菜做菜。

cake[keɪk]n. 蛋糕;糕点;饼

Would you like to have another cake? 你再吃块蛋糕吧?

He is going to bake a cake. 他将要动手做饼。

cal [kɔːl]v. 打电话给……;把……称为;呼;叫 n. 喊;叫;打电话;通话

They called the police. 他们报了警。

Everybody called each other by their surnames. 大家相互之间都以姓氏相称。

camera['kæmərə]n. 照相机

Peter doesn't mind lending you his camera. 彼得不介意将他的照相机借给你。

I forgot to take my camera when traveling. 我旅行时忘记带相机了。

camp[kæmp]n. (夏令)营;野营

Where are you going for the winter camp? 冬令营你打算去哪里?

The summer camp started on July 16. 夏令营7月16日开营。

can[kæn, kən]aux. 可能;能够;可以;会 n. (美)罐头;罐子

You can collect stamps from letters. 你可以从信封上收集邮票。

He bought several cans of paint. 他买了几罐油漆。

Canada['kænədə]n. 加拿大

My elder brother lives in Canada. 我哥哥住在加拿大。

Canadian[kə'neɪdiən]adj. 加拿大的 n. 加拿大人

She is a Canadian singer. 她是一名加拿大歌手。

Tom thinks the Canadian is going to come second. 汤姆以为那个加拿大人会得第二名。

cancel['kænsl]vt. 取消

Can I cancel this ticket?我可以取消这张票吗?

I had to cancel the trip. 我不得不取消这次旅行。

capital['kæpɪtl]n. 首都

Beijing, the capital of China, has a long history. 中国的首都北京有一段悠久的历史。

Moscow is the capital of Russia. 莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都。

captain['kæptɪn]n. 船长

The captain wishes the passengers a pleasant stay in New York. 船长希望乘客在纽约玩得愉快。

The captain refused to leave the sinking ship. 船长拒绝离开正在下沉的船。

car[kɑː(r)]n. 小汽车

I have always loved cars. 我一直很喜欢车。

How much did you spend for your new car? 你的新车花了多少钱?

card[kɑːd]n. 卡片

The Internet has changed our habits, including our habit of sending greeting cards. 网络已经改变了我们的诸多习惯,包括寄送贺卡的习惯。

She sent me a Christmas card last year. 去年她给我寄过一张圣诞卡。

care[keə(r)]n. 照料;保护;小心 vt. & vi. 介意;在乎;关心

The children are well taken care of in the hospital. 孩子们在医院受到很好的照顾。

My friends all laughed at me, but I didn't care. 我的朋友们都嘲笑我,但是我不在乎。

careful['keəfl]adj. 小心的;仔细的

You must be careful next time. 下次你必须小心点。

She was careful enough to check up every detail. 她非常仔细,核对了每一个细节。

careful y['keəfəli]adv. 小心地;仔细地

You'd better think it over carefully. 你 最 好 仔 细 考 虑 一下。

careless['keələs]adj. 粗心的

He is so careless that he often makes mistakes. 他如此粗心,以致常常犯错。

The careless waiter dropped the dish onto the ground. 那个粗心的侍者把盘子摔到了地上。

carrot['kærət]n. 胡萝卜

Today they have fish, carrot and rice for lunch. 他们今天午饭吃鱼、胡萝卜和米饭。

carry['kæri]vt. & vi. 搬运;携带;运送

It's a heavy bag. I can't carry it. 这个包很重,我拿不动。

He will carry your luggage to your room. 他会把你的行李搬到你的房间。

cartoon[kɑː'tuːn]n. 动画片;漫画

We usually like to see cartoon. 我们通常喜欢看卡通。

He likes cartoon better than anything else. 他最喜欢看动画片。

case[keɪs]n. 情况;案件;箱;盒

In this case, let's start earlier. 既然情况如此,我们就早点开始。

Whose pencil case is this?这是谁的文具盒?

cat[kæt]n. 猫

He gave some of the meat to the cat. 他把一些肉给猫吃了。

The cat is playing with a mouse. 猫在戏弄一只老鼠。

catch[kætʃ](caught,caught) vt. 接住;捉住;赶上(车辆);染上(疾病);弄清楚;理解

He started running to catch the bus. 他开始跑步追赶公交车。

He ran fast enough to catch the thief. 他跑得飞快,能抓住那个小偷。

cause[kɔːz]n. 原因;起因 vt. 促使;引起;使发生

Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 不开心是他生病的根本原因。

Rainstorms cause damage every year. 暴风雨每年都会造成损失。

cave[keɪv]n. 洞;穴;地窖

He stayed in the cave the whole night. 他在山洞里待了一整夜。

Can you see a tree inside the cave?你能看见洞里有棵树吗?

CD/DVD[ˌsiː'diː] / [ˌdiːviː'diː]n. 光盘

I plan to open a DVD shop. 我想开一间影碟店。

celebrate['selɪbreɪt]vt. & vi. 庆祝

Many countries celebrate World Book Day. 许多国家都庆祝世界读书日。

It's my birthday. Let's celebrate!今天是我的生日。咱们庆祝一下吧!

cent[sent]n. 美分(100 cents = 1 dollar)

I will account for where every cent goes. 我将说明所花掉的每一分钱的用途。

The least expensive one is 3 dollars 20 cents. 最便宜的是3美元20美分。

centre['sentə(r)]([美]center) n. 中心;中央

The centre is closed every Tuesday. 中心每周二关闭。

Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre. 禁止汽车从市中心通过。

century['sentʃəri]n. 世纪;百年

There were five major quakes in this century. 本世纪有五次大的地震。

We are living in the 21st century. 我们生活在21世纪。

certainly['sɜːtnli]adv. 当然;一定;无疑

The answer is certainly “ No”. 回答当然是“不行”。

Certainly, if the weather is fine. 如果天气好,当然可以。

chair[tʃeə(r)]n. 椅子

May I bring my chair next to yours? 我可以把我的椅子移到你的旁边吗?

I sat in a chair near the door. 我坐在靠门的一把椅子上。

chance[tʃɑːns]n. 机遇

They have lost such a good chance. 他们失去了这么好的一次机会。

John would jump at the chance to Egypt. 约翰会很高兴有机会去埃及。

change[tʃeɪnʤ]vt. & vi. 改变;变化;更换;兑换(零钱) n.零钱;找头;变化

The life has changed greatly since 1992. 自1992年以来,(人们的)生活发生了巨大的变化。

Here's a nine-pound note — you can keep the change. 这是9英镑的钞票——零钱不用找了。

changeable['tʃeɪnʤəbl]adj. 易变的;变化无常的

It's so changeable at this time of year. 这段时间天气变化无常。

The weather in Shenzhen is very changeable. 深圳的天气变化无常。

channel['tʃænl]n. (电视)频道

Please tune the television set to Channel 6. 请把电视调到第6频道。

We can't get Channel 10 on our television. 我们的电视机收看不到第10频道的节目。

character['kærəktə(r)]n. 性格;特性;特点

My father is a successful character actor. 我父亲是一个成功的性格演员。

His character is different from his wife's. 他和他妻子的性格不同。

charge[tʃɑːʤ]n. 主管;掌管

He is in charge of the operation of the factory. 他负责这家工厂的经营工作。

She was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away. 经理不在时,她负责管理这家商店。

charity['tʃærəti]n. 慈善

He was always very generous in his charity. 他行善时总是很慷慨。

We went collecting for a charity. 我们去为慈善事业募款。

cheap[tʃiːp]adj. 便宜的

They were much safer and cheaper. 它们更安全、更便宜。

I was very lucky to get the bag so cheap. 这个包买得这么便宜,我真走运。

check[tʃek]n. 检查;批改;支票 vt. & vi. 核对;检查

He filled up the check for $5,000. 他开了张5 000美元的支票。

Don't forget to check on his work. 别忘记检查一下他的工作。

cheer[tʃɪə(r)]n. & vt. & vi. 欢呼;喝彩

We beat drums to cheer up the players. 我们敲鼓给运动员们加油。

Christmas time is called the season of good cheer. 圣诞节前后是欢乐的时节。

cheese[tʃiːz]n. 奶酪

I liked jam with cheese. 我喜欢吃乳酪果酱。

I had bread and cheese for lunch. 我午餐吃的是面包和奶酪。

chemical['kemɪkl]n. 化学品;化学物质 adj. 化学的

I am experimenting with a new chemical. 我正在实验一种新的化学制品。

They are doing a chemical experiment. 他 们 正 在 做 化 学 实验。

chemistry['kemɪstri]n. 化学

I'm glad that you've chosen chemistry. 我很高兴你选择了化学。

I had lost my interest in chemistry. 我对化学已不感兴趣。

chess[tʃes]n. 棋;国际象棋

She often asks me to teach her to play chess. 她经常叫我教她下棋。

Chess must be one of the oldest games. 国际象棋肯定是最古老的游戏之一。

chicken['tʃɪkɪn]n. 鸡;鸡肉

The chickens gathered under the hen. 小鸡们聚在母鸡翅膀底下。

There was fried chicken for lunch. 有炸鸡肉作午饭。

chief[tʃiːf]adj. 主要的;首要的 n. 领导;头

The chief aim of man is not to get money. 人的主要目的不是为了赚钱。

He is our chief coach in basketball. 他是我们的篮球总教练。

child[tʃaɪld](复 children) n. 孩子;儿童

How happily the children are flying kites! 孩子们放风筝多么开心啊!

The child was tired. 那个孩子很累了。

childhood['tʃaɪldhʊd]n. 幼年时代;童年

Childhood will forever stay in our memory. 童年会永远留在我们的记忆里。

I spent my early childhood in my hometown. 我在故乡度过了自己的幼年时代。

China['tʃaɪnə]n. 中国

She has come over to China for the summer. 她来中国过暑假。

china['tʃaɪnə]n. 瓷器

That's my best china you're knocking about. 你碰倒的是我最好的瓷器。

She affects old china. 她喜欢古瓷器。

Chinese[ˌtʃaɪ'niːz]adj. 中国的;中国人的;汉语的 n. 中国人;汉语

Is there a Chinese restaurant? 这里有中国餐厅吗?

Remember you are a Chinese wherever you go. 不 论 你 到 哪里,记住你是中国人。

chocolate['tʃɒklət]n. 巧克力

If you eat too much chocolate you'll get fat. 如果你吃太多巧克力会发胖的。

Never eat chocolate before dinner. 饭前不要吃巧克力。

choice[tʃɔɪs]n. 选择

I'm very happy about his choice. 我对他的选择非常高兴。

I have no choice. 我没有选择余地。

choose[tʃuːz](chose,chosen) vt. & vi. 选择

Who will you choose as our monitor?你将选谁当我们的班长?

Will you help me choose myself a new shirt?你帮我挑选一件新衬衫好吗?

Christmas['krɪsməs]n. 圣诞节

What will we do on Christmas Eve? 圣诞夜我们要做什么呢?

I had received eleven Christmas cards. 我已经收到了11张圣诞卡片。

church[tʃɜːtʃ]n. 教堂

The road turns to the right after the church. 这条路在经过教堂以后向右转弯。

The church is close to the hospital. 教堂在医院附近。

cigarette[ˌsɪgə'ret]n. 香烟

He used to smoke a pack of cigarette a day. 他过去经常一天抽一包香烟。

The classroom was full of cigarette smoke. 教室里都是吸烟的烟雾。

cinema['sɪnəmə]n. 电影院;电影

I went to the cinema with Alice last night. 昨晚我和艾丽斯去看电影了。

She's worked in the cinema all her life. 她一生从事电影事业。

circle['sɜːkl]n. 圆圈 vt. 将……圈起来

The children formed a circle round the teacher. 孩子们在老师周围围成了一个圈。

Please circle the new words. 请把生词圈出来。

citizen['sɪtɪzn]n. 公民;居民;市民

She is now a French citizen. 她现在是一名法国公民。

As a citizen, you should obey these rules. 作为公民,你应该遵守这些法则。

city['sɪti]n. 城市

I was born in a small city near Shanghai. 我出生在离上海不远的一个小城市。

Her house is in the northeast of this city. 她的家在这个城市的东北部。

class[klɑːs]n. (学校里的)班级;课;等级

I stood out as the best in the class. 我是班级里最出色的学生。

He took a first class in Harvard. 他在哈佛大学获得了最优异的成绩。

classmate['klɑːsmeɪt]n. 同班同学

The girl with long hair is his classmate. 那位长头发的女孩是他的同学。

He is an old classmate of Jack's. 他是杰克的一位老同学。

classroom['klɑːsruːm, 'klɑːsrʊm]n. 教室

Is there a girl in the classroom? 教室里有一位女孩子吗?

We took lunch in the classroom. 我们在教室里吃午饭。

clean[kliːn]vt. & vi. 弄干净;打扫 adj. 清洁的;干净的

I didn't clean the room yesterday. 我昨天没有打扫房间。

Please keep the classroom clean. 请保持教室清洁。

clear[klɪə(r)]adj. 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的 vt. 清除;清扫

She expresses herself in clear English. 她用清晰的英语表达了自己的意思。

I want to clear this room for meeting. 我要打扫这房间准备开会。

clearly['klɪəli]adv. 清晰地;明亮地;清楚地

He is too angry to think clearly. 他很生气,连思维都不清楚了。

He spoke so clearly. 他讲得非常清楚。

clerk[klɑːk]n. 职员;办事员

A clerk laid a book on the desk. 一位办事员把一本书放在桌子上。

He is either a clerk or a teacher. 他不是职员便是教师。

clever['klevə(r)]adj. 聪明的

It was clever of you to solve the problem. 你能解答那个问题真是聪明。

climb[klaɪm]vt. & vi. 爬;攀登

How did you climb to the top of that building?你是怎么爬上楼顶的?

He climb up the tree. 他爬上了树。

clinic['klɪnɪk]n. 诊所;医务室

He started his first clinic when he was 22. 他22岁时,开了他的第一家诊所。

Can you tell me where the clinic is?你能告诉我医务室在哪里吗?

clock[klɒk]n. 时钟

There must be something wrong with this clock. 这个钟一定是坏了。

The finger of the clock points to ten. 钟的指针指向10点。

close[kləʊz]vt. & vi. 关;关闭 adj. 亲密的;近的;靠近的

adv. 近;靠近

If you close your eyes, you can't see anything. 如果你闭上眼睛,你就什么也看不见。

He is a close friend of theirs. 他是他们的挚友。

clothes[kləʊðz]n. 衣服

The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun. 湿衣服在太阳下很快就会干。

His clothes are always in style. 他的衣服总是很时尚。

cloud[klaʊd]n. 云

There isn't a cloud in the sky. 天上一片云彩也没有。

The sun went behind a cloud. 太阳躲到云后面去了。

cloudy['klaʊdi]adj. 多云的;阴天的

The sky was cloudy. 天空多云。

It will be sunny tomorrow, but cloudy at times. 明天会是晴天,但有时多云。

club[klʌb]n. 俱乐部

I'm trying to start up a basketball club. 我正在设法成立一个篮球俱乐部。

The club took in a new member last month. 上个月俱乐部又吸收了一名新会员。

coat[kəʊt]n. 外套;上衣

I got a new coat last week. 上周我买了一件新外套。

I was too poor to buy a new coat. 我穷得买不起新上衣。

coffee['kɒfi]n. 咖啡

Did she drink coffee this morning? 她早上喝咖啡了吗?

Taste this coffee and see if you like it. 尝尝这咖啡,看你喜不喜欢。

coin[kɔɪn]n. 硬币

The coin rolled underneath the table. 硬币滚到桌子下面去了。

Guess which hand I have a coin in. 猜猜我哪只手有硬币。

cold[kəʊld]adj. 冷的;寒冷的 n. 寒冷;感冒;伤风

It is not cold in winter here. 这里冬天不冷。

I have a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。

col ect[kə'lekt]vt. 收集;采集

It cost me 500 dollars to collect the stamps. 收集这些邮票花了我500美元。

We' ll send Peter along to collect opinions. 我们会派彼得去征集意见。

col ection[kə'lekʃn]n. 收集;收藏品

I had a very good collection of foreign stamps. 我收集了不少外国邮票。

Will you please show me your coin collection?把你收集的硬币给我看看好吗?

col ege['kɒlɪʤ]n. 学院

I would like all my students to go to college. 我希望我的学生们都能上大学。

This is his last semester in college. 这是他在大学里的最后一个学期。

colour['kʌlə(r)]([美]color) n. 颜色 v. 涂色

What colour does she like?她喜欢什么颜色?

She began colouring her hair. 她开始染发了。

come[kʌm](came,come) vi. 来;来到

Some of the local news come on very quickly. 一些本地新闻很快就上电视。

We can come back to our hometown some day. 总有一天我们会回到故乡。

comfortable['kʌmftəbl, 'kʌmfətəbl]adj. 舒服的

I found the bed very comfortable. 我觉得这床很舒服。

The teacher's words made him feel comfortable. 老师的话让他感觉很舒服。

common['kɒmən]adj. 普通的;一般的;共有的

He's a common soldier. 他是一名普通士兵。

I have a lot in common with my father. 我和我父亲有很多相同之处。

communicate[kə'mjuːnɪkeɪt]vt. & vi. 交流;交际;传达(感情、信息等)

I like to communicate with my teachers. 我喜欢和我的老师们交流。

Please communicate this message to all students. 请把这个消息传递给所有的学生。

community[kə'mjuːnəti]n. 社区

We visited the Chinese community. 我 们 访 问 了 这 个 华 人 社区。

They have good contacts with the local community. 他们与当地社区关系很好。

company['kʌmpəni]n. 公司

The company is bringing out a new sports car. 公司正在生产一种新款跑车。

We have formed a new company. 我们组建了一家新公司。

compare[kəm'peə(r)]vt. & vi. 比较;对照

Do not always compare him with others, please!请别总是拿他和别人作比较!

How do you compare this book to the other?你认为这本书与其他的相比怎么样?

competition[ˌkɒmpə'tɪʃn]n. 比赛;竞赛

Banking faces much competition nowadays. 当今,银行业面临许多竞争。

She was the twentieth in the competition. 她在竞赛中名列第20位。

complain[kəm'pleɪn]vt. & vi. 抱怨;投诉

Don't complain of anybody. 不要抱怨任何人。

You've got nothing to complain about. 你 没 什 么 可 以 抱 怨的。

complete[kəm'pliːt]adj. 完成的;完整的;完全的 vt. 完成;结束

The list may not be complete. 这个清单可能不全。

When did they complete it?他们什么时候完成的?

completely[kəm'pliːtli]adv. 完全地;完整地

It's hard to be completely honest. 想完全地诚实是很困难的。

They are completely surrounded!他们被完全包围了!

computer[kəm'pjuːtə(r)]n. 电脑

There are many sorts of software in this computer. 这台计算机里装有很多软件。

I didn't know how to use the computer. 我不知道怎样使用计算机。

concert['kɒnsət]n. 音乐会;演奏会

The concert will be in the hall. 音乐会将在礼堂里举行。

I went to a jazz concert last night. 我昨晚去听了场爵士音乐会。

conclusion[kən'kluːʒn]n. 结论;结束;结局

What conclusion did he come to? 他得出了什么结论?

The conclusion of the movie surprised me. 电影的结局让我吃惊。

conference['kɒnfərəns]n. (正式的)会议;讨论会

The conference was organized very well. 大会组织得很好。

The conference has lasted for three days. 会 议 持 续 了 三天。

confident['kɒnfɪdənt]adj. 自信的

She was confident that she would win. 她有信心会获胜。

I didn't want you becoming too confident. 我不希望你变得太自信。

confuse[kən'fjuːz]vt. & vi. 使困惑;扰乱;分不清

I always confuse the brothers. 我总是分不清这对兄弟。

I often confuse you and your sister. 我经常把你和你姐姐弄错。

congratulation[kənˌgrætʃu'leɪʃn]n. 祝贺

I'd like to send a telegram of congratulation. 我想发一封贺电。

Please accept my warmest congratulation. 请接受我最热烈的祝贺。

connect[kə'nekt]vt. & vi. 连接;把……联系起来

Will you connect this wire to the machine?你把这根电线和这台机器连上好吗?

I cannot connect the two things. 我无法把这两样东西联系起来。

consider[kən'sɪdə(r)]vt. & vi. 考虑

He has begun to consider what to do next. 他已经开始考虑下一步该怎么办。

They must consider well over the matter. 他们必须好好考虑这个问题。

consist[kən'sɪst]vi. 包含;组成;构成

Each group shall consist of no less than five. 每个小组至少由5人组成。

How many players does a basketball team consist of? 一支篮球队由几名队员组成?

contact['kɒntækt]n. 接触;联系 vt. & vi. 与……来往,联系

He was in direct contact with the manager. 他与经理直接联系。

I will contact her by telephone. 我将打电话和她联系。

contest['kɒntest]n. 竞赛

He got a second in the speech contest. 他在演讲比赛中得了第二名。

There will be a reading contest next month. 下个月有一个朗读竞赛。

continue[kən'tɪnjuː]vt. & vi. 继续

Wet weather may continue for a few days. 雨天可能还要持续几天。

It's useless for them to continue. 他们继续下去是徒劳的。

control[kən'trəʊl]vt. & n. 控制

Can you control that? 你能控制那个吗?

The car ran down the hill out of control. 汽车失去控制直往山下冲去。

convenient[kən'viːniənt]adj. 便利的;方便的

They must arrange a convenient time for the meeting. 他们必须安排一个合适的时间开会。

Would it be convenient to see the classroom?看一下教室方便吗?

conversation[ˌkɒnvə'seɪʃn]n. 会话;谈话

They spent many hours in a pleasant conversation. 他们畅谈了好几个小时。

Our conversation turned to baseball. 我们的谈话转到了棒球上。

cook[kʊk]n. 厨师;炊事员 vt. & vi. 烹调;做饭

The cook keeps everybody out of kitchen. 厨师不准任何人进厨房。

Will he cook dinner this evening? 他今晚要做晚饭吗?

cool[kuːl]adj. 凉的;凉爽的;酷

I feel a little cool in the autumnal night. 在 秋 天 的 晚上,我感到一丝凉意。

He looked very cool in sunglasses. 他戴上太阳镜真酷。

copy['kɒpi]n. 抄本;副本;一本(份,册) vt. & vi. 抄写;复印;(计算机用语)拷备份;模仿

I will send him a copy of the letter. 我将把信件的副本寄给他。

Would you copy this document for me, please? 请你为我复印一下这份文件好吗?

corner['kɔːnə(r)]n. 角;角落;拐角

He waved to me as he turned the corner. 他转弯时向我挥了挥手。

The woman standing at the street corner is a teacher. 站在街角的那名女子是一位教师。

correct[kə'rekt]adj. 正确的;对的;恰当的 vt. & vi. 改正;纠正

Can you tell me the correct time? 你能告诉我准确的时间吗?

Will you correct me if I make a mistake?如果我错了请你给我改正,好吗?

correctly[kə'rektli]adv. 正确地

I answered the teacher's question correctly. 我正确地回答了老师的问题。

He didn't speak correctly. 他讲得不对。

cost[kɒst](cost,cost) vt. & vi. 值(多少钱);花费

The car cost her around nine thousand US dollars. 这辆车花了她差不多9 000美元。

These apples cost six yuan per kilogram. 这些苹果每千克6元。

cotton['kɒtn]n. 棉花

We were working in the cotton fields. 我们正在棉花地里干活。

I would like a cotton shirt. 我想要件棉衬衫。

cough[kɒf]vt. & vi. & n. 咳嗽

He began to cough. 他开始咳嗽。

Peter had a bad cough last week. 彼得上星期咳得很厉害。

count[kaʊnt]vt. & vi. 数

I can count up to a thousand. 这个小男孩能够数到一千。

Don't forget to count your change. 别忘了数一数你的零钱。

country['kʌntri]n. 国家;农村;乡下

There will be rain in all parts of the country. 全国各地普遍有雨。

Would you rather live in a town, or in the country? 你愿意住在城镇,还是乡下?

couple['kʌpl]n. 夫妇;一对;一双;一副

The couple quarrel every morning. 这 对 夫 妻 每 天 早 上 都 吵架。

You two are a cute couple. 你们俩是可爱的一对。

course[kɔːs]n. 过程;经过;课程

In the course of study I brought up many questions. 在学习过程中我提出了很多问题。

When do you finish your college course? 你什么时候完成大学课程?

cousin['kʌzn]n. 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹

I hear from my cousin every three weeks. 我每三个星期就会收到我表兄的来信。

I always quarrel with my cousin. 我总是和我的堂妹吵架。

cover['kʌvə(r)]vt. & vi. 覆盖;遮盖;掩盖 n. 盖子;罩;封面

Snow covered the ground. 雪覆盖了大地。

Write your name on the front cover of the book. 在书的封面上写上你的名字。

crazy['kreɪzi]adj. 疯狂的

She's crazy about Michael Jordan. 她疯狂喜爱迈尔·乔丹。

He's crazy to drive his car so fast. 他真是疯狂,把车开得这么快。

cream[kriːm]n. 奶油;乳脂

Ice cream is popular among children. 冰激凌深受孩子们的喜欢。

This cream cake can serve for five of us. 这块奶油蛋糕可供我们5个人吃。

create[kri'eɪt]vt. 创造;造成

Health and wealth create beauty. 健康与财富创造美。

To create the beautiful tomorrow. 创造美好的明天。

cross[krɒs]n. 十字形的东西 vt. & vi. 穿越;穿过

If he can't sign his name, make across instead. 他如果不会签名,画一个十字代替也可以。

Be careful when you cross the road. 你过马路时要当心。

crowd[kraʊd]n. 人群

The crowd cheered as the players entered the field. 运动员们入场时观众们为之欢呼。

A crowd gathered in front of the classroom. 教室前围了一大群人。

crowded['kraʊdɪd]adj. 拥挤的

It is so crowded. There is not even stand room. 太 拥 挤了,几乎没有站立的地方。

It's a bit crowded in here. 这里有些挤。

cry[kraɪ]vt. & vi. 喊叫;哭 n. 叫喊;哭声

The little boy seems ready to cry. 小男孩好像要哭了。

He gave a cry. 他叫了一声。

culture['kʌltʃə(r)]n. 文化

I am an outsider to American culture. 对于美国文化,我是个局外人。

It is known for its rich oceanic culture. 它因为丰富的海洋文化而闻名。

cup[kʌp]n. 茶杯;杯子

We chatted over a cup of coffee. 我们一边喝咖啡一边聊天。

The bottom of the cup is broken. 这个杯子的底部破了。

custom['kʌstəm]n. 习惯;习俗

He knew the local custom very well. 他对当地的风俗非常熟悉。

That's not the custom of ours. 那不是我们的习俗。

customer['kʌstəmə(r)]n. 顾客;主顾

He is a lovely customer. 他是个可爱的顾客。

He's my next customer. 他是我的下一个主顾。

cut[kʌt](cut,cut) vt. & vi. 切;剪;削;割

You just cut it off!你把它切下来了!

Cut the apple in half. 把苹果切成两半儿。

cute[kjuːt]adj. 可爱的;漂亮迷人的

She got a cute daughter now. 她现在有了一个漂亮的女儿。

She wore a cute dress. 她穿了一件漂亮的衣服。

cycle['saɪkl]vi. 骑(自行)车

She cycled to Guangzhou. 她骑车去广州。

I will cycle to the park today. 今天我将骑车去公园。


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