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> 英语语法 > 英语语法新思维 >  第320篇







1.If I_________my own clothes, I_________a lot of money.
A. had made, would save
B. could make, would save
C. can make, would save
D. could make, will save
2.Thank goodness, it's all over. I_________it if I_________it was going to take me so long.
A. would never have done, had known
B. would never do, knew
C. would never have done, knew
D. would never do, had known
3.He was fully occupied yesterday, otherwise he_________to the sales conference.
A. would come
B. would have come
C. came
D. had come
4.Without computers, the world_________what it is today.
A. would be
B. would not be
C. won't be
D. hadn't been
5. ________I realized the consequences, I would never have contem-plated getting involved.
A. If
B. Had
C. When
D. Unless
6.Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he_________our chairman now.
A. must have been
B. would have been
C. were
D. would be
7.He had to drive fast yesterday; otherwise he_________his plane.
A. had missed
B. would be missing
C. would have missed
D. would miss
8. _____the sense of someone watching them, Ralph would have shouted at his wife.
A. Despite
B. Except
C. But for
D. Except for
9.Any man in his position_________like that.
A. has done
B. would have done
C. does
D. would be done
10.We didn't know his address; otherwise we_________an invitation to him.
A. would have sent
B. must have sent
C. had sent
D. would send
11.Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we_________tomorrow.
A. should die
B. are to die
C. were dying
D. must die
12.The boy would have died,_________on him without delay.
A. if the doctor didn't operate
B. if the doctor wouldn't operate
C. would the doctor not operate
D. had the doctor not operated
13.If Greek civilization_________all of Europe, English wouldn't contain so many Greek words.
A. hadn't influenced
B. doesn't influence
C. hasn't influenced
D. didn't influence
14.If television_________a thousand years ago, would nations be significantly more homogeneous than they are now?
A. were invented
B. was invented
C. has been invented
D. had been invented
15.At the conference, it has been decided that she_________an opportunity to go abroad as a sales representative.
A. is going to have
B. have
C. will have
D. has
16.It is extremely urgent that they_________from the mountain before dark.
A. must rescue
B. be rescued
C. will be rescued
D. shall be rescued
17.The women's magazines, deploring the statistics, urged that courses on marriage, and marriage counselors,_________in the high schools.
A. installed
B. be installed
C. have been installed
D. installing
18.I intend to move that our committee_________Tom as chairman, and I hope that you will second my motion.
A. will appoint
B. appoint
C. appoints
D. has appointed
19.The dean approved of the requirement that every student _____on social investigation after summer vacation.
A. reports
B. report
C. reported
D. reporting
20.I second Mr. Wang's motion that a special committee_________to examine the problem.
A. be established
B. established
C. was to establish
D. was established
21.— I wish you_________the play last night.
— It's a shame that I _________.
A. had attended, didn't
B. attended, didn't
C. had attended, hadn't
D. could attend, haven't
22.The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I_________to it.
A. have not gone
B. had not gone
C. didn't go
D. should not have gone
23.It was a lovely day yesterday. I_________I had been at the seaside then.
A. think
B. wish
C. hope
D. expect
24.It's about time I_________something about home-decorating.
A. learn
B. learned
C. have learned
D. should learn
25.I wish I_________with you to the concert last night.
A. could have gone
B. went
C. could go
D. have gone
26.If only we_________a 3D printing machine!
A. had
B. had had
C. would have
D. have had
27.The manager would rather his daughter_________in the same office.
A. had not worked
B. not no work
C. does not work
D. did not work
28.He would rather_________than worked last night.
A. have slept
B. has slept
C. sleep
D. slept
29.Frankly, I'd rather you_________anything about it for the time being as it has not yet been decided.
A. did
B. didn't do
C. didn't
D. don't
30.She would rather that you_________last night.
A. not arrive
B. do not arrive
C. had not arrived
D. did not arrive
31.In the United States a law requires that a warning label ______on cigarette packages.
A. ought to be printed
B. needs to be printed
C. must be printed
D. should be printed
32.It is high time that the third world countries_________a more active part in economic affairs of the world.
A. play
B. were playing
C. played
D. had played
33.If the United States had built more homes for people in 1995, the housing problems now in some parts of this country_________so serious.
A. wouldn't be
B. will not have been
C. wouldn't have been
D. would have not been
34.At the last conference, the motion that the chairman of the International Olympic Games_________was defeated.
A. would be dismissed
B. be dismissed
C. were dismissed
D. was dismissed
35.If the climate had been more favorable, the crops_________still better.
A. would have grown
B. would be growing
C. would be grown
D. will grow
36.These facts suggested that women_________in opportunity for physical exercise by cultural taboos.
A. should been limited
B. had been limited
C. be limited
D. have been limited
37.I would very much like to have gone to see the movie, but I _______a ticket.
A. shall not have
B. haven't had
C. don't have
D. didn't have
38.The result has turned still worse than it _________
A. would otherwise have been
B. would be otherwise
C. has otherwise been
D. had otherwise been
39.The stubborn young man did not follow the advice that he ______on his behavior since he refused to believe he had done anything wrong.
A. reflect
B. had reflected
C. would reflect
D. must reflect
40. ______for your help, we'd never have been able to get over the difficulties.
A. Had it not been
B. Had it not
C. If it were not
D. If we had not been
41.The storm delayed us._________the storm, we would have been in time.
A. For
B. Were it not for
C. Had it not been for
D. But
42.The party_________at my house, but the central heating broke down, and we had to have it at John's place.
A. would be
B. would have been
C. was to be
D. were
43.We are all for your proposal that the discussion _________.
A. be put off
B. was put off
C. should put off
D. is to put off
44.He turned down her proposal that she_________at the conference.
A. should offer
B. offer
C. offered
D. offering
45.What do you think of Tom's proposal that_________put on the play at tonight's English evening?
A. we will not
B. we not
C. we hadn't
D. we wouldn't
46.The school board listened quickly as John read the demands that his followers_________for.
A. be demonstrating
B. demonstrate
C. had been demonstrating
D. have demonstrated
47.It was suggested at the meeting that effective measures_________to solve the problem.
A. be taken
B. were taken
C. must be taken
D. take
48.It is desirable that the doctor_________there at the moment.
A. be
B. would be
C. will be
D. must be
49.I propose that a woman_________deputy to the district congress.
A. would be nominated
B. was nominated
C. is nominated
D. be nominated
50.Her mother insists that she_________skating with her brother.
A. went
B. go
C. goes
D. will go
51.I move that he_________discharged for his serious mistake.
A. be to be
B. was to be
C. is to be
D. would be
52.These national parks are very important for preserving many animals, who would_________run the risk of becoming extinct.
A. instead
B. nevertheless
C. therefore
D. otherwise
53.We went to work on foot yesterday, though we_________by bus.
A. could have gone
B. must have gone
C. ought to have gone
D. had better to
54.One of the requirements for a fire is that the material_________to its burning temperature.
A. is heated
B. will be heated
C. be heated
D. would be heated
55.It is advisable that a general announcement_________to the teaching
A. will be made
B. should make
C. be made
D. have been made
56.Abraham Lincoln insisted that_________not just on mere opinion but on moral purpose.
A. to base democracy
B. for democracy to be based
C. democracy be based
D. whenever democracy is based
57.Jean Wagner's most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it_________in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.
A. is to be analyzed
B. has been analyzed
C. be analyzed
D. should have been analyzed
58.Mr. Smith didn't phone me last night, but he _________.
A. might have to
B. would do
C. had to
D. should have
59.A safety analysis_________the target as a potential danger. Unfor-tunately, it was never done.
A. would identify
B. will identify
C. would have identified
D. will have identified
60.The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, _________ all practical value by the time they were finished.
A. could lose
B. would have lost
C. might lose
D. ought to have lost
61. ______the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is.
A. Had it not been for
B. Were it not for
C. Had it not been
D. Should it not be
62.The board deemed it urgent that these files_________right away.
A. had to be printed
B. should have been printed
C. must be printed
D. should be printed
63.If you_________Jerry until recently, you'd think the photograph on the right was strange.
A. shouldn't contact
B. weren't to contact
C. didn't contact
D. hadn't contacted
64.It is essential that these application forms_________back as early as possible.
A. must be sent
B. will be sent
C. are sent
D. be sent
65.I'd rather you_________make any comment on the issue for the time being.
A. don't
B. wouldn't
C. didn't
D. shouldn't
66.Had he worked harder, he_________the exams.
A. must have got through
B. would have got through
C. would get through
D. could get through
67.I don't think it advisable that Tim_________to the job since he has no experience.
A. is assigned
B. will be assigned
C. be assigned
D. has been assigned
68.If only the committee_________the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.
A. approve
B. will approve
C. can approve
D. would approve
69.It is vital that enough money_________to fund the project.
A. be collected
B. is collected
C. must be collected
D. can be collected
70.You_________her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.
A. needn't have seen
B. must have seen
C. might have seen
D. can't have seen
71.Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she _________ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.
A. has to get
B. were to get
C. had
D. could have got
72.The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food, without which they_________of hunger and cold.
A. would dead
B. will die
C. would be dead
D. would have died
73.It is recommended that the project_________until all the prepara-tions have been made.
A. is not started
B. will not be started
C. not be started
D. is not to be started
74.I wish I_________longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.
A. could have slept
B. slept
C. might sleep
D. have slept
75.We desire that the tour leader_________us immediately of any change in plans.
A. inform
B. informs
C. informed
D. had informed
76.He suggested_________to tomorrow's exhibition together.
A. us to go
B. we went
C. we shall go
D. we go
77.John's score on the test is the highest in the class; he_________hard last weekend.
A. should have studied
B. must have studied
C. would have studied
D. should study
78.The room is in a terrible mess; it_________cleaned.
A. can't have been
B. shouldn't have been
C. mustn't have been
D. wouldn't have been
79.Sally can't have been in Paris, or _________.
A. I met her
B. I'd meet her
C. I'11 meet her
D. I'd have met her
80.Mary's score on the test is the highest in her class; she______have studied very hard.
A. may
B. should
C. must
D. ought to
81.Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we_________during the day.
A. should have done
B. would have done
C. may have done
D. must have done
82.To be frank, I'd rather you_________in the case.
A. not to be involved
B. not involved
C. will no be involved
D. were not involved
83.It seems to be high time that this argument_________put to an end.
A. must be
B. is
C. were
D. should be
84.The dentist said that my tooth went worse and I_________it pulled out.
A. should have had
B. might have had
C. needn't have had
D. mustn't have had
85.The business is risky. But _________, we would be rich.
A. should we succeed
B. would we succeed
C. might we succeed
D. could we succeed
86.If we hadn't been interrupted the day before yesterday, we ______the job.
A. would do
B. would not have done
C. had done
D. would have done
87.It is decided that no smoking_________in public places from now on.
A. be allowed
B. is allowed
C. will be allowed
D. should have been allowed
88.The Reform Club proposed that wages _________.
A. would be raised
B. were raised
C. would have been raised
D. be raised
89.Through worldly loss he came to an insight into spiritual truth to which he might_________have been a stranger.
A. no more
B. no less
C. neither
D. otherwise
90. ________yesterday, I would have asked him not to do that.
A. Had he come
B. Provided he came
C. If he came
D. Has he come
91.It is highly necessary that the rocket_________until all the prepara-tions have been made.
A. is not to be launched
B. not be launched
C. were not launched
D. is not to be launched
92.I had intended to go to the airport yesterday, in which case I _______the guests.
A. might meet
B. would meet
C. might have met
D. had met
93.It is generally thought to be necessary to a college student that he _________ at least one foreign language.
A. know
B. knows
C. knew
D. would know
94.I'd rather you would go(A) by train, because I can't bear(B) the idea of your being(C) in an airplane in such(D) bad weather.
95.When Edison died, it was proposed(A) that the American people turned off(B) all power(C) in their homes, streets, and factories for several minutes in honor of(D) this great man.
96.Your math instructor would have been(A) happy to give you a make-up test had you gone(B) and explained(C) that your parents had been(D) ill at the time.
97.I don't think it(A) advisable that he will be assigned(B) to the job since he has no(C) experience whatsoever(D).
98.The law I am referring to requires(A) that everyone(B) who owns(C) a car has(D) accident insurance.


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