BBC news with Debbie Russ.
The Germany defense minister Ursula Von Der Leyen has narrowly been elected president in the European commission, despite stiff opposition within the European parliament. She is the first woman to hold EU's top job. She will take over from Jean-Claude Juncker, who will step down at the end of October.
In a surprised announcement, Mrs.Von Der Leyen's replacement at the German defense ministry will be Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. She previously said she wanted to concentrate on her role as leader at the CDU party.
在一份出人意料的声明中,冯·德·莱恩女士在德国国防部的接替者将是安妮格丽特·克拉普-卡伦鲍尔(Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer)。她此前曾表示,她希望专注于自己作为基民盟领袖的角色。
A senior Iranian official at the United Nation has said that his country's missiles are absolutely non-negotiable with any country. Alireza Miryousefi published the comment on Twitter, after the U.S secretary of state Mike Pompeo said Iran was prepared to discuss its ballistic missile development program.
伊朗驻联合国高级官员表示,伊朗的导弹绝对不能与任何国家谈判,阿里雷扎·米尔尤塞菲(Alireza Miryousefi)在推特上发表了这一评论。美国国务卿蓬佩奥表示,伊朗准备讨论其弹道导弹发展计划。
Prosecutors in New York says no police officer will face criminal charges over the death of a black man Eric Garner during an attempted arrest 5 years ago. His death contributed to the rise of the black life's matter movement.
纽约检察官表示, 5年前黑人男子埃里克·加纳(Eric Garner)在试图逮捕时死亡,并没有警察会因此事面临刑事指控。加纳的死促进了黑人生命运动的兴起。
Authorities in Peru has said the former president Alejandro Toledo has been arrested in United State. In a statement, the chief prosecutor office said his arrest was in connection with an extradition request issued last year.
Western and regional powers have come together to demand an immediate end to the battle for control of the Libyan capital Tripoli. In a rare joint statement, the U.S, Britain, France, Italy, Egypt and the UAE have called for return to talks overseen by the United Nations.
The South African musician Johnny Clegg has died. He was 66. Clegg performed in the multi-racial band Juluka and Savuka during apartheid era.
And Kenya is deporting 17 people who worked in the country's gambling sector. The government in Nairobi is clamping down on online sports betting.
BBC news.
BBC news with Debbie Russ.
The Germany defense minister Ursula Von Der Leyen has narrowly been elected president in the European commission, despite stiff opposition within the European parliament. She is the first woman to hold EU's top job. She will take over from Jean-Claude Juncker, who will step down at the end of October.
In a surprised announcement, Mrs.Von Der Leyen's replacement at the German defense ministry will be Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. She previously said she wanted to concentrate on her role as leader at the CDU party.
A senior Iranian official at the United Nation has said that his country's missiles are absolutely non-negotiable with any country. Alireza Miryousefi published the comment on Twitter, after the U.S secretary of state Mike Pompeo said Iran was prepared to discuss its ballistic missile development program.
Prosecutors in New York says no police officer will face criminal charges over the death of a black man Eric Garner during an attempted arrest 5 years ago. His death contributed to the rise of the black life's matter movement.
Authorities in Peru has said the former president Alejandro Toledo has been arrested in United State. In a statement, the chief prosecutor office said his arrest was in connection with an extradition request issued last year.
Western and regional powers have come together to demand an immediate end to the battle for control of the Libyan capital Tripoli. In a rare joint statement, the U.S, Britain, France, Italy, Egypt and the UAE have called for return to talks overseen by the United Nations.
The South African musician Johnny Clegg has died. He was 66. Clegg performed in the multi-racial band Juluka and Savuka during apartheid era.
And Kenya is deporting 17 people who worked in the country's gambling sector. The government in Nairobi is clamping down on online sports betting.
BBC news.