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第21章 宾 语 21.5 直接引语和间接引语





21.5 直接引语和间接引语

21.5.1 直接引语

1) 在引用别人的原话时,被引用的句子称为直接引语(Direct Speech):

I never eat meat, he explained. “我从不吃肉?”他解释说。

What's the matter? "Nothing," she answered. “什么事?”“没事?”她答道。

He said, "I have lost my wallet." 他说,“我的皮夹子丢了?”

在用直接引语时,引语前后要加引号,引导引语的动词称为引用动词(Reporting Verbs)。除say,ask,answer,reply之外,还有许多其他引用动词:

Listen, she whispered. “听着?”她低声说。

Who is it? Wilson shouted.“是谁?”威尔逊嚷到。

Look out! she screamed.“小心?”她叫到。

I'm leaving at once, he told me. 他告诉我,“我马上要走了?”

It won't cost much, she assured me. 她向我保证,“这花不了多少钱?”

But it will take longer, Jim objected. 吉姆反对说,“但这样花的时间就要长一些?”

2) 引用动词多数放在后面,有时放在前面(见上例),间或插在引语中间:

Darling, Max said to her, "don't say it's impossible." “亲爱的?”麦克斯对他说,“不要说这是不可能的?”

Sit up, he commanded, "and hold out your hands." “坐直了?”他命令道,“伸出手来?”

I presume, he commented, "that she will learn how to do it in time." “我想?”他评论说,“慢慢她会学会怎么做的?”

I do hope, said Mary, "they haven't forgotten all about it." “我真希望?”玛丽说,“他们没把这事全忘掉?”

3) 在把引用动词放在后面时,有时主语和动词位置可以颠倒(特别是主语较长时):

We wish we didn't have to take exams, said the children.“要是我们不用考试就好了?”孩子们说。

Bill wants to go alone, said Lily, "but I'drather he went with a group." “比尔想一个人去?”莉莉说,“但我宁愿他带一组人去?”

I shall be 20 tomorrow, said Peter. 彼得说,“明天我二十岁?”

The children had better go to bed early, said Tom.“孩子们最好早点去睡觉?”汤姆说。


What's the meaning of that? he asked. “这是什么意思?”他问道。

No, thank you, she replied.“不用了,谢谢你?”她回答道。

Here you are at last! she exclaimed (exclaimed Jack's mother).“你终于到了?”她(杰克的母亲)叫道。

21.5.2 间接引语

1) 当用自己的话报导别人的话时,被报导的部分称为间接引语(Indirect Speech),这种结构称为引语结构(Report Structure):

Kitty said she could wait another day. 凯蒂说她可以再等一天。

Tom replied that he was going by plane. 汤姆回答说他将坐飞机去。


I felt I had little energy left. 我感到没剩多少力气了。

I guess they've already got home. 我猜他们已经到家了。

She complained that the exam was too hard. 她抱怨说考题太难了。

He explained that the buses were not running. 他解释说公共汽车停驶了。

I objected that he was too young for the position. 我反对说他年纪太小不能担任这个职务。

I protected that I had no view of that sort. 我分辩说我没有那种看法。


He said (that) he had lost the wallet. 他说他的钱包丢了。

Tell him I am out. 告诉他我不在家。

2) 把直接引语变成间接引语时,要根据意思改变人称:

3) 同时要根据时态呼应的原则把时态加以调整 (关于这一点可参阅第8.8.1节):


4) 指示代词、地点及时间状语等也需要作必要的变动:



She said (today) she'dcall back again tonight.

She said (just now) she had got back yesterday.

She said (this morning) she was leaving tomorrow afternoon.

He said (yesterday) he was leaving today.

5) 在下面情况下动词形式不作改变:

a. 虚拟语气:

b. 某些情态动词:

c. 过去进行时(有时不变):

6) 除了用say以外,还可以用各种动词作引用动词:

  "I've just heard the news."   He told me he'djust heard the news.

  "It won't cost much."   He answered me it wouldn't cost much.

  "I did it."   He admitted that he had done it.

  "He was rude to me."   She complained he'd been rude to her.

  "You are late."   He whispered that I was late.

  "I can speak six languages."   He boasted he could speak six languages.

  "I won't tell anyone."   He promised he wouldn't tell anyone.

21.5.3 间接问句

1) 直接问句可以变为间接问句,如:

He said, "Where is she going?"

He asked where she was going.


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2) 一般问句、选择问句和反意问句变成间接问句之时,前面可用if 或whether:

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* * *

3) 有时直接问句也可以变为不定式(结构)或其他结构:

  Shall I bring you some tea?   He offered to bring me some tea.

  Will you stand still?   He told me to stand still.

  Will (Would) you file the letters?   He asked me to file the letters.

  Would you like to come for a drink?   He invited me round for a drink.

  Shall we meet at the theater?   He suggested meeting at the theatre.

21.5.4 如何引用祈使句和感叹句

1) 在引用祈使句时,多使用一个不定式,前面谓语根据语气来决定:

  Lie down, Tom.   He told Tom to lie down.

  Don't swim in that river.   He warned us not to swim in that river.

  Go away!   He ordered them to go away.

  Do give us more time, please.   He begged me to give them more time.

  Show us your passport.   They asked her to show them her passport.

  Please sit down.   She invited me to sit down.

  Please don't take any risks!   She begged (implored) him not to takeany risks.

  Don't forget to post that letter.   He reminded me to post that letter.

  Go on, apply for the job.   He urged me to apply for that job.

  See a neurologist.   He advised me to see a neurologist.

  Stay where you are.   He commanded us to stay where we were.

2) 有时可使用一个从句:

  Let's break into small groups.   Someone suggested that we should breakinto small groups.

  Don't open the letter.   He said I wasn't to open the letter.

  Meet me at the station.   He says we are to meet him at the station.

  Don't drive so fast.   He told me that I shouldn't drive so fast.

  Let them go to their consul.   She said they should go to their consul.

  Lift the ban.   He commanded that the ban be lifted.

  Release that man at once.   He ordered the man be released at once.

3) 感叹句一般不宜改为间接引语,用直接引语更能传神。偶尔也有改为间接引语的:


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