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Innovo公司每年都会从高校soon-to-be graduate(即将毕业的学生)里招聘一批interns,一方面可以作为公司的储备力量,另一方面也可以relieve workload(减轻工作负担)。

夏季过后,由于Innovo开始朝上一年的market target plan进行最后冲刺。一时间Marketing Department的工作量激增,Nancy不得已,只好向HR Director Bradley申请招聘两名interns(实习生)来帮忙。Bradley了解他们的苦衷,毫不犹豫就permit(批准)了。

像Innovo这样的跨国企业,recruitment procedure(招聘流程)非常正规,即使是intern招聘也是这样。按照规定,必须先在相关websites发布招聘广告信息,并且要给applicants(申请者)留出至少一周的时间apply(申请)。而resume(简历)的筛选和处理都要在HR Department公开,以保证fairness(公正)。

为了能够尽快解决lack of labor(人手不够)的问题,Nancy得到Bradley的permission之后立即叫她的助理Sean和HR Manager Rainy一起准备一份recruitment advertisement(招聘广告)发布在几所有营销专业的高校BBS上,并且打电话发传真给这些高校的就业办公室,让他们帮助Innovo向学生传达招聘信息。当前的就业形势非常严峻,高校就业办对企业提供的这类信息非常欢迎,他们不敢懈怠,积极地向学生forward(转达)advertisement information,并且很快就根据Innovo的招聘要求传回了recommendation list(推荐名单)。

Application deadline(申请的截止日期)是一周后,结果前三天Rainy就收到1000多份resumes,她叫两位同事按照key words(关键字)帮她一起筛选,然后把筛选出的40份简历交给Nancy 和 Bradley过目,两人又商量权衡着筛掉了一半,剩下的20人由Rainy挨个儿电话notify(通知)两天后来公司参加interview(面试)。

说实话,Nancy之前都是当interviewee被别人面试,并没有做过interviewer面试别人。心里很是没底儿,她和Bradley商量怎么安排这次的interview:20个人只有上午三个小时的时间,每个人只有不到十分钟,这么短的时间怎么才能真正了解每一个candidate(候选人)呢。Bradley胸有成竹地说:“到时候我们来bring up questions(提问题),你就负责做audience(听众)观察他们的performance就行了。”面试当天,Nancy就按照Bradley的suggestion,坐在旁边一声不吭,悄悄地观察这些应聘者。心里不禁感概仿佛见到了当年的自己,young and aspiring。果然不到三个小时,20个人的interview就结束了。刚好赶上lunch break,所有的applicants(申请者)都被邀请参加lunch buffet(自助午餐)。Bradley建议Nancy借这个机会,再针对上午的面试给这些applicants做了个summary。这个要求太突然了,Nancy根本没有思想准备。但是一想到这次recruitment是给自己部门招人,自己对应聘者应该说点什么。她稍作酝酿,就走到这些年轻的大学生中间。

Specify what kind of people do you need for the postion.

Follow the legal and regulated procedure for recruitment.

Let the professional HR people lead the interview.

Give a summary to the applicant on behalf of the department that is recruiting.

Dear applicants,

Thank you for your interest in internship opportunities with our company. As a top 100 enterprise worldwide, we are pleased that we can assist students in developing their skills and contribute to their profession.

Your performance is very impressive. I can see that you are very well prepared.

The internship that we are offering is a paid and full-time one. It will last six to eight weeks. You will obtain on-the-job training rather than mere employment. This provides you with opportunities to gain experience in your major. You can determine if you have any interest in this particular career at the same time. You will also create a network of contacts, which might be of help to your career development in the future.

As an intern, you will be fully integrated into a project team, working directly with a staff member in the planning of an upcoming project. All work completed is used for active programs and may often be presented to members of Marketing Department. The assignments will include a specific project, an assortment of support tasks to provide exposure in general to the office environment, and at least one optional research project under the direction of the managers.

Your will be informed of the interview result by this Friday. If you were not one of the two interns this time, your application and information will be held on file for future positions.

Thank you again for your interest in our company!

Please help yourself.

internship 实习

soon-to-be graduate 即将毕业的学生

relieve workload 减轻工作负担

lack of labor 人手不够

forward 转达,转递

recommendation list 推荐名单

application deadline 申请截止日

notify 通知,通报

interviewer 面试官

interviewee 被面试者

candidate 候选人

audience 听众,观众

aspiring 渴求的,热切的

buffet 自助餐

specify 具体列出

contribute to... 为……做贡献

on-the-job training 工作时接受的培训

integrate into 融入,加入

upcoming 即将进行的,接下来的

assortment 各种各样

support task 辅助性工作














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