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中午时分,税务局涉外分局打来电话,要Brown过去参加一个personal income tax seminar(个人所得税讲座),他本人既然不在,就只能由Nancy来替他参加这个seminar了。

像Innovo这样的跨国企业,本地员工和外籍员工都有,薪酬体系也相应有所区别,以前一直听人讲,老外在中国收入高,福利好,但是要交的税也不少。今天正好利用这个机会,Nancy要弄明白这到底是怎么回事。她先在网上搜索了一下中国对外籍在华员工的税收政策规定,发现American Embassy(美国使馆)的website上有非常简洁清晰的介绍:

China has a multi-tiered system of tax liabilities for foreigners. There are different rules and regulations which are applied depending on the period of time you have worked in China and whether your home country has a double tax treaty with China.

There are different categories of expatriates working and living in China and different rules are applied. It is the obligation for new-to-China expatriates with full time employment here to make sure that they are in compliance, otherwise fines can be levied and passports censured. New comers need to obtain a work visa, residence permit, and register for tax upon commencing or signing contracts.

看了这段文字,Nancy才知道外籍员工的tax rate(缴税额度)不仅和他们在中国工作的时间长短有关系,还和其所在国的tax policy(税收政策)是否和中国相关政策挂钩有关系。依法纳税也是他们的liability(义务),逃税漏税等行为都会受到punishment(惩罚)。


  Preparation for the Seminar

Make a list of questions you want to raise.

Be ready to make discussions.

Take notes for later reference.


How is personal income tax calculated?

For people working in China, the taxable income is the balance of their monthly income after deducting RMB 800. For person recruited from outside China, the taxable income is the balance of their monthly income after deducting RMB 4,000. The IIT (Individual Income Tax) rates range from 5% to 45% at 9 progressive levels.

I am from a country outside China and have been employed to work in China. I travel to other countries a lot, will I be taxed as well?

If you derive income and work in the mainland for over 183 days, you are liable to individual income tax in China. Non-resident taxpayers refer to foreign nationals who have resided in China for less than a year. They are required to pay individual income tax to the Government only on incomes from sources within China.

Is there any category in the personal income that are deductible for tax?

For foreign workers who are eligible for individual income tax concessions, some categories of allowances might be deductible for tax purpose. These include housing allowance, meal allowance, travel allowance at reasonable levels, etc..


Be concise and clear.

Use numbers if they are of help.

Explain with comparison.

Specific examples are necessary.

回到公司,Nancy把今天seminar上讲到的内容又重新整理了一遍,并把主讲人分发的材料scan and save(扫描并保存)到电脑里。以附件的形式发给Brown。并在邮件的结尾加了一句,I hope you feel better soon.(祝你早日康复。)半个小时以后,她竟然接到了Brown的回复邮件:“Thank you very much, Nancy. You did a great job! However, I am still feeling bad. Hope to see you all next week!” Nancy以为Brown此刻一定是病怏怏地躺在床上,没想到他这么快就回复了邮件,便不禁对这个老外的工作态度肃然起敬。看来这个从总部派来的总监将会很快发挥作用。

personal income tax 个人所得税

embassy 使馆

multi-tiered 多层次的

liability 责任,义务

regulation 规定,章程

home country 母国

treaty 条款,协议

expatriate 外国人

obligation 义务

full time employment 全职工作

fine 罚款

censure 没收

work visa 工作签证

resident permit 居留许可

tax rate 纳税额度,税率

punishment 惩罚

taxable income 应税收入

deduct 减去

recruit 雇佣

progressive 渐进的,递进的

be liable to 有……的义务

taxpayer 纳税人

foreign national 外籍公民

tax concession 税项减免

be eligible for 适应于

allowance 补助,津贴



1. 依法缴纳个人所得税是公民的义务,在中国工作的外籍员工也不例外。

2. 不妨找机会多了解与劳动关系政策相关的知识。

3. 代替别人听讲座时,要在会前做充分的准备,并在会上做详细的笔记,以便把信息全面清楚地传递给未参加讲座的人。

4. 在讲座上向主讲人提问时,要主旨明确,语言简练,让人一听就明白所问的问题。

5. 专业人士的发言往往都有可学习的地方,在听讲座时要留意其表达方式和遣词造句。

6. 在回答他人的提问时,简洁明了,同时辅以各种技巧,是受欢迎和有效的解释方式。

7. 在向其他人转述信息时,要做到仔细详尽,把相关资料都提供给对方作为参考。


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