四十五 给弗拉希,我的狗
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Loving friend, the gift of one, |
爱友呵,你是她的礼品, |
Who, her own true faith, hath run. |
通过你那卑微的天性, |
Through thy lower nature; |
流着她真诚的情谊, |
Be my benediction said |
但愿能说出我的祝福, |
With my hand upon thy head, |
我把手放上你的头颅, |
Gentle fellow-creature! |
你这温柔的小东西! |
Like a lady's ringlets brown, |
像一位女士的棕色鬈发, |
Flow thy silken ears adown |
你那丝质的耳朵垂挂, |
Either side demurely, |
乖乖地贴在两边, |
Of thy silver-suited breast |
你的胸脯穿着银衣裳, |
Shining out from all the rest |
你全身各部也都闪闪亮, |
Of thy body purely. |
纯正的毛儿无瑕玷。 |
Darkly brown thy body is, |
你身上的毛儿本是深褐色, |
Till the sunshine, striking this, |
可一旦阳光向你来照射, |
Alchemise its dulness,— |
暗褐就变成金黄, |
When the sleek curls manifold |
柔滑的鬈毛一绺又一绺, |
Flash all over into gold, |
全身都闪射黄金的光流, |
With a burnished fulness. |
擦过的光泽亮堂堂。 |
Underneath my stroking hand, |
在我的手掌轻轻的抚摩下, |
Startled eyes of hazel bland |
温柔的褐色眼睛被惊吓, |
Kindling, growing larger,— |
发亮而越睁越大,—— |
Up thou leapest with a spring, |
充满着活力,你高高跃起, |
Full of prank and curvetting, |
欢蹦乱跳,还要耍淘气, |
Leaping like a charger. |
活像冲锋的战马。 |
Leap! thy broad tail waves a light; |
跳啊!大尾巴划过一道光; |
Leap! thy slender feet are bright, |
跳啊!细长的脚丫闪闪亮, |
Canopied in fringes. |
让缘缨如伞般盖住。 |
Leap — those tasselled ears of thine |
跳啊——你挂着流苏的两耳 |
Flicker strangely, fair and fine, |
奇异地扑动,漂亮又精致, |
Down their golden inches. |
沿寸寸金色纹路。 |
Yet, my pretty sportive friend, |
但是,我可爱顽皮的小捣蛋, |
Little is't to such an end |
你的气度真够不平凡, |
That I praise thy rareness! |
我的赞扬可没完! |
Other dogs may be thy peers |
别的狗或许跟你能般配, |
Haply in these drooping ears, |
它们的耳朵也都往下垂, |
And this glossy fairness. |
它们也都光灿灿。 |
But of thee it shall be said, |
可是对于你,我要讲更多, |
This dog watched beside a bed |
在床边,这只狗久久守卫着, |
Day and night unweary,— |
日日夜夜不疲倦,—— |
Watched within a curtained room, |
守卫在拉上窗帘的房间内, |
Where no sunbeam brake the gloom |
当阳光还没有冲破那包围 |
Round the sick and dreary. |
凄苦病人的黑暗。 |
Roses, gathered for a vase, |
瓶中采来的一朵朵玫瑰, |
In that chamber died apace, |
在这房间里很快就枯萎, |
Beam and breeze resigning— |
阳光和轻风来不了;—— |
This dog only, waited on, |
只有这只狗,始终陪伴, |
Knowing that when light is gone, |
它懂得尽管阳光变暗, |
Love remains for shining. |
爱还会继续闪耀。 |
Other dogs in thymy dew |
别的狗踏着百里香朝露, |
Tracked the hares and followed through |
追赶着野兔,飞跑奔逐 |
Sunny moor or meadow— |
在阳光明媚的草原;—— |
This dog only, crept and crept |
只有这只狗,匍匐又匍匐, |
Next a languid cheek that slept, |
在我倦睡的面颊旁蹲伏, |
Sharing in the shadow. |
跟我同享着幽暗。 |
Other dogs of loyal cheer |
别的狗带着忠诚的欢叫, |
Bounded at the whistle clear, |
听到清脆的笛声唿哨, |
Up the woodside hieing— |
赶紧奔向树林边;—— |
This dog only, watched in reach |
只有这只狗,紧守在身旁, |
Of a faintly uttered speech, |
听有气无力的话语轻讲, |
Or a louder sighing. |
或一阵大声的哀叹。 |
And if one or two quick tears |
假如有一两滴泪水灼热, |
Dropped upon his glossy ears, |
坠落到他那柔滑的耳朵, |
Or a sigh came double,— |
或连续发出叹息声;—— |
Up he sprang in eager haste, |
他就急急忙忙跳上来, |
Fawning, fondling, breathing fast, |
喘着气摇尾巴表示亲爱, |
In a tender trouble. |
费着劲儿献殷勤。 |
And this dog was satisfied, |
这只狗感到满足,假如 |
If a pale thin hand would glide |
一只苍白瘦手的爱抚 |
Down his dewlaps sloping,— |
滑向他下垂的颈项,—— |
Which he pushed his nose within, |
他把鼻子伸向脖子下, |
After, — platforming his chin |
后来,又挤平他的下巴 |
On the palm left open. |
在摊开手心的掌上。 |
This dog, if a friendly voice |
假如有一个友好的声音 |
Call him now to blyther choice |
叫他去选择更多的欢欣, |
Than such chamber-keeping, |
别守着屋子不动窝, |
"Come out!" praying from the door,— |
"出来吧!"门口的声音在恳求,—— |
Presseth backward as before, |
他还像从前,赶紧回头, |
Up against me leaping. |
跳上身来倚着我。 |
Therefore to this dog will I, |
就因为这样,我对这只狗 |
Tenderly not scornfully, |
从不轻视,只有温柔, |
Render praise and favour! |
给以宠爱和赞扬! |
With my hand upon his head, |
所以我说出我的祝福, |
Is my benediction said |
我把手放上他的头颅, |
Therefore, and for ever. |
永远也不会变样。 |
And because he loves me so, |
因为他爱我以这样的诚意, |
Better than his kind will do |
远胜过他的同类们对于 |
Often, man or woman,— |
男女主人的忠顺,—— |
Give I back more love again |
我就回报他更多的挚爱, |
Than dogs often take of men,— |
别的狗难以向人讨得来,—— |
Leaning from my Human. |
这样做凭我的"人性"。 |
Blessings on thee, dog of mine, |
我的小狗,让我祝福你, |
Pretty collars make thee fine, |
精巧的项圈使你更美丽, |
Sugared milk make fat thee! |
甜牛奶使你圆滚滚! |
Pleasures wag on in thy tail— |
尾巴上摇摆着多少欢快,—— |
Hands of gentle motion fail |
双手的轻抚你永不躲开, |
Nevermore, to pat thee! |
拍着你这小胖墩! |
Downy pillow take thy head, |
软枕头贴着你的脑袋, |
Silken coverlid bestead, |
丝绒的床单在身下铺开, |
Sunshine help thy sleeping! |
阳光照得你好睡觉! |
No fly's buzzing wake thee up— |
苍蝇嗡嗡叫,你却更酣睡,—— |
No man break thy purple cup, |
没有人打碎你的紫色杯, |
Set for drinking deep in. |
让你从杯里喝个饱。 |
Whiskered cats arointed flee— |
长胡子猫咪被逐远远逃,—— |
Sturdy stoppers keep from thee |
坚实的瓶塞子塞得牢又牢, |
Cologne distillations; |
科隆香水你沾不上; |
Nuts lie in thy path for stones, |
坚果躺在小路上当石子儿, |
And thy feast-day macaroons |
节日宴会上才有的杏仁饼儿 |
Turn to daily rations! |
成了你每天的食粮! |
Mock I thee, in wishimg weal?— |
我笑话你,是祝你运道好?—— |
Tears are in my eyes to feel |
泪水充盈在眼眶里,我感到 |
Thou art made so straightly, |
你处处受到限制, |
Blessing needs must straighten too,— |
给你的祝福实在也有限,—— |
Little canst thou joy or do, |
你很少欢乐,也许有一点, |
Thou who lovest greatly. |
你爱得伟大之至! |
Yet be blessed to the height |
然而我还是祝福你能够 |
Of all good and all delight |
在你的天性里永远渗透 |
Pervious to thy nature,— |
绝顶的善良和欣喜;—— |
Only loved beyond that line, |
只愿你得到越界的爱心, |
With a love that answers thine, |
有爱心回报你一片真情, |
Loving fellow-creature! |
你这可爱的小东西! |
屠 岸 章 燕译 |