三十九 狗和睡莲
William Cowper ①
The noon was shady, and soft airs |
中午,树荫浓,微风和煦, |
Swept Ouse's silent tide, |
拂过静静的河浪, |
When, 'scaped from literary cares, |
我抛开读书写作的思虑, |
I wander'd on his side. |
沿着乌斯河徜徉。 |
My spaniel, prettiest of his race, |
我的长毛狗,犬类菁英, |
And high in pedigree,— |
血统纯净门第高—— |
(Two nymphs adorn'd with every grace |
(是两位仪态万方的美人 |
That spaniel found for me,) |
为我把它搜罗到,) |
Now wanton'd lost in flags and reeds, |
嬉闹着隐没在旗帜和芦苇里, |
Now, starting into sight, |
一会儿又突现在眼前, |
Pursucd the swallow o'er the meads. |
他越过草地去追逐燕子, |
With scarcc a slower flight. |
奔跑得飞快如箭。 |
It was the time when Ouse display'd |
季节到了:乌斯河水面上 |
His lilies newly blown; |
出现了新开的睡莲; |
Their beauties I intent survey'd, |
花儿的妍丽我专心观赏, |
And one I wish'd my own. |
想采到一朵在手边。 |
With cane extended far I sought |
我用藤杖远远地拨来 |
To steer it close to land; |
一朵,快靠近岸沿; |
But still the prize, though nearly caught, |
战利品即将到手,可是唉! |
Escaped my eager hand. |
又从我手边漂远。 |
Beau mark'd my unsuccessful pains |
乖儿狗注意我失败的苦恼, |
With fix'd considerate face, |
一脸专注的思索, |
And puzzling set his puppy brains |
他心存疑团,小狗的头脑 |
To comprehend the case. |
想弄清事态的经过。 |
But with a cherup clear and strong |
用清脆有力的一声啧啧, |
Dispersing all his dream, |
我驱散他的思想, |
I thence withdrew, and follow'd long |
然后我走开,长时间沿着 |
The windings of the stream. |
弯曲的河水徜徉。 |
My ramble ended, I return'd; |
我停止漫步,转身回返, |
Beau, trotting far before, |
乖儿狗跑在前头; |
The floating wreath again discern'd, |
看准了漂浮的一团睡莲, |
And plunging left the shore. |
他纵身跳进水流。 |
I saw him with that lily cropp'd |
我见他衔着那朵嫩蕊, |
Impatient swim to meet |
急匆匆游过来迎上 |
My quick approach, and soon he dropp'd |
我的快步,他立即把宝贝 |
The treasure at my feet. |
在我的脚前安放。 |
Charm'd with the sight, ‘The world’, I cried |
我一见便呆了,"世界,"我惊叫, |
'Shall hear of this thy deed; |
"该知道这桩事件; |
'My dog shall mortify the pride |
我的狗使优秀人类的骄傲 |
'Of man's superior breed; |
受到了一次挑战! |
'But chief myself I will enjoin, |
"可是我更要提醒自己 |
'Awake at duty's call, |
履行应尽的本分, |
'To show a love as prompt as thine |
学你的果断,向造我的上帝 |
‘To Him who gives me all.’ |
献出我一片爱心。" |
屠 岸译 |