六 一个孩子
Charles and Ma ry Lamb①
恰尔斯·兰姆 玛丽·兰姆
A child's a plaything for an hour; |
孩子只是个片刻的玩意儿; |
Its pretty tricks we try |
我们让他逗着玩, |
For that or for a longer space ---- |
玩会儿,或玩的时间长一些—— |
Then tire, and lay it by. |
累了,就把他搁一边。 |
But I knew one that to itself |
可我认识个孩子不一样, |
All seasons could control; |
他摆布一年四季; |
That would have mocked the sense of pain |
他能使遭受不幸的人儿 |
Out of a grieved soul. |
一下子把痛苦忘记。 |
Thou straggler into loving arms, |
你一头扎进亲爱的怀抱, |
Young climber-up of knees, |
爬上膝盖的小乖乖! |
When I forget thy thousand ways |
我忘记你的千姿百态时—— |
Then life and all shall cease. |
万类将停止存在。 |
屠 岸译 |