一 盲孩
Colley Cibber①
O say what is that thing call'd Light, |
你们说的"光",是什么东西, |
Which I must ne'er enjoy; |
我永远不可能感觉出来; |
What are the blessings of the sight. |
你们能够"看",是什么福气, |
O tell your poor blind boy ! |
请告诉我这可怜的盲孩! |
You talk of wondrous things you see, |
你们讲到了种种奇景, |
You say the sun shines bright; |
你们说太阳光辉灿烂; |
I feel him warm, but how can he |
我感到他温暖,可他怎么能 |
Or make it day or night? |
把世界分出黑夜和白天? |
My day or night myself I make |
这会儿我玩耍,待会儿我睡觉, |
Whene'er I sleep or play; |
这样分我的白天和夜晚; |
And could I ever keep awake |
假如我老是醒着,睡不着, |
With me 'twere always day. |
我觉得那就是白天没完。 |
With heavy sighs I often hear |
我听见你们一次又一次 |
You mourn my hapless woe; |
为我的不幸而叹息:唉…… |
But sure with patience I can bear |
可我完全能忍受这损失—— |
A loss I ne'er can know |
损失是什么我并不明白。 |
Then let not what I cannot have |
别让我永远得不到的东西 |
My cheer of mind destroy |
把我愉快的心情破坏: |
Whilst thus I sing, I am a king, |
我歌唱,我就是快乐君王, |
Although a poor blind boy |
尽管我是个可怜的盲孩。 |
屠 岸译 |