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[即时新闻]170703-Starbucks opens coffee shop with tatami in Kyoto

所属教程:Breaking News 边听边练 2017




Starbucks has opened a coffee shop in Japan's ancient capital of Kyoto. It is unlike any other Starbucks as it has three tatami rooms. Tatami is a traditional straw matting used for floors in Japan. There are no chairs in the tatami rooms. People sit on cushions on the tatami. The coffee shop is in a 100-year-old house in a historic area of Kyoto. It is on the attractive Ninen-zaka shopping street between two UNESCO World Heritage-listed temples. The area is popular with tourists. Some of them wear Japanese kimono to go sightseeing in.

Starbucks wants to make sure its shop blends in with its traditional surroundings. There are no neon signs or giant logos. Instead, there is a traditional dark-blue curtain over the front door with a black logo printed on it. Starbucks reformed the house in the traditional style and created a Japanese garden for people to look at. The company wants to be a good neighbor. It will not let people line up in front of the shop as they wait to get in. It will also limit the number of customers during the busiest times. This is to make sure the atmosphere in the area is quiet.


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