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听美剧学英语_生活大爆炸第四季 第20集 (下)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,决定继续做普通朋友。与此同时,经过几个月的短信交流,Sheldon终于决定和神经生物学家Amy约会,这可是他人生中的首次约会。和他堪称绝配的 Amy,最终是否能成为他的女朋友?Penny对“谢米恋”大感兴趣,却发现自己成了尴尬的电灯泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也将回归,而他的好基友Raj还停留在不能和女人正常交流的阶段。
听美剧学英语 生活大爆炸第四季

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I'm gonna ask her to marry me.

Marry you?
I just need to figure out the right time to pop the question.
Oh, I'd wait.
No rush, no rush.
别急 别急
Oh, great. It's my cousin David about the ring. Hey, David, what'd you find? Sure, a half a caret's fine. Her freakishly small hands make anything look big. It's one of the reasons I love her.
太好了 是我表弟问我婚戒的事 大卫 找得怎样 没问题 半克拉就行 她那奇小的手 衬得啥都很大 这就是我爱她的其中一个理由
Man, he's going to be blindsided.
天 他会大失所望的
I know. It'll be awful.
我知道 绝对会很糟
Why are you smiling?
Yeah, Raj, why?
对 拉杰 为什么
Uh, a smile means something different in my country. You know, tears of joy, smile of sadness. India's a goofy place.
在我们印度 笑容有不一样含义 比如高兴的泪水 悲哀的微笑 印度是个傻地方
Oh, I'm back to trains.
哦 我又重新开始想火车了
Did I tell you our lab got a grant to study addiction?
我有没告诉过你 我们实验室得到一笔拨款进行一项研究
Fascinating work.I recently trained a capuchin monkey to smoke cigarettes.
很赞的工作 我最近训练出一僧帽猴抽烟
Have you learned anything?
Yes. He looks much cooler than the non-smoking monkeys. Although it's not much of a contest. The other monkeys just sit around and masturbate.
有 它比不抽烟的猴子酷多了 当然这也不算项比赛 其他猴子光会闲坐着手淫
If you don't mind, I'd like to stop listening to you and start talking.
你不介意的话 我想停止听你说话 开始发言
By all means.
Howard has announced his intention to propose marriage to Bernadette.
霍华德刚宣布 他想向伯纳黛特求婚
I don't understand. The original piece of gossip indicated an impending breakup.
我不明白 八卦一开始不是说他们要分手吗
I know. The group consensus is that his proposal will be met with an humiliating, soul-crushing rejection.Everyone was set a-twitter. Although oddly, no one tweeted.
就是说啊 我们一致认为他的求婚将遭到让他丢脸心碎的拒绝 大家的心情都紧张得要命 虽然很奇怪 却没人发微薄
It's not surprising that the story has captured the attention of our little circle of friends. Are you familiar with Meme Theory?
我并不奇怪这个故事已得到我们小小朋友圈里人的注意 你了解模因理论吗
I'm familiar with everything, but go on.
我什么不了解啊 但继续
Meme Theory suggests that items of gossip are like living things that seek to reproduce using humans as their host.
I'm no stranger to memetic epidemiology. At Johnson Elementary School, the phrase "Shelly Cooper's a smelly pooper" spread like wildfire.
我很清楚模因传染病学 在我就读的约翰逊小学“谢耳朵是坨臭耳屎”这话就传播迅猛
I should think so. That's gold.
我想也是 这句话真是绝了
Your meme hypothesis does intrigue me. How might we examine this more closely?
模因假设并不吸引我 不如我们更近地检测下
Do you have any ethical qualms regarding human experimentation?
想用人类作实验 你一点都不觉得内疚吗
It's one of the few forms of interaction with people that I don't find repellent.
We need to fabricate a tantalizing piece of gossip. And a second non-tantalizing piece to use as a control.
我们需要假造一则诱人的八卦 再造一则不诱人的八卦作为实验的控制组
Then we'll track its progress through our social group
and interpret the results through the competing academic prisms of memetic theory, algebraic gossip and epidemiology.
通过几项相互矛盾的理论来解释结果如模因理论 代数八卦和传染病学
Look at you, getting me to engage in the social sciences. You're a vixen, Amy Farrah Fowler.
看看你 居然让我开始研究社会科学了 你真坏 艾米·费拉·福勒
Oh, hey, Amy. What's up?
嘿 艾米 有事吗
Sheldon and I engaged in sexual intercourse. In other news, I'm thinking of starting an herb garden. Mum's the word. Gotta go.
我和谢尔顿上床了 还有 我想种个百草园 要保密哦 我走了
Oh, hey, Raj, what are you doing here?
拉杰 你在这干嘛
I just felt like drinking alone, because I'm deep and dark.
就想一个人喝喝酒 因为我深沉黑暗
So, uh, Howard's not here?
No. It's just one of those times when it's just you and me. Like when the three of us went to the movies, and you and I waited outside the bathroom while Howard threw up Red Vines and Cherry Coke.
没 又是只有我和你了 就像上次我们仨去看电影 因为红蔓卷绳糖和樱桃可乐 霍华德躲在厕所里吐 咱俩就在外面等着
Do you remember that?
Me, too. Good times.
我也是 真是美好时光
16 wants to order appetizers.
Oh, thanks.
This was nice.
What the hell are you doing? Howard is your best friend, and that is his girlfriend. You should be ashamed of yourself.
你到底在这干嘛 霍华德是你最好的朋友 而那是他女友 你真该为自己感到羞耻
I was when I came in, but it's amazing what liquor does to guilt. Besides what you might not know is Bernadette is planning on breaking up with Howard.
我来的时候的确是 但美酒穿肠过 美人心中留 还有你可能不知道伯纳黛特正准备跟霍华德分手呢
Well, I know that. How do you know that?
我知道 你又怎么知道的
My sister told me.
Oh, that gossipy bitch. No offense.
那个八卦的婊子 无意冒犯
None taken. You should hear how she talks about you.
我不介意 你真该听听她背后怎么说你的
Okay, listen, just because Howard and Bernadette are having problems, does not mean you should be here sniffing around.
好吧 听着 就算霍华德和贝纳黛特之间出了问题 你也不应该在这四处打探
What can I do? I can't stop thinking about her.
我能怎么办 我脑子里想的都是她
All right, try thinking about this—Sheldon and Amy had sex.
好吧 试着想想这个 谢尔顿和艾米上床啦
Shut your ass!
Yeah, it's true. Amy told me.
是真的 艾米亲口跟我说的
How did that even happen? Did they know that's what they were doing when they were doing it?
怎么可能发生这事呢 他们干的时候知道自己在干嘛吗
I-I guess they just figurd it out at some point.
我猜他们应该是灵机一动 于是激情喷涌
I can't believe old Smelly Pooper finally got laid.
Hope you're hungry.
Interesting. A friendly sentiment in this country, cruel taunt in the Sudan. It's a lesson in context.
有意思 这个国家表示友好的方式 在苏丹却是残酷的奚落 不同语境的教训啊
Will Amy be joining us for dinner?
Yes, I believe so.
Good, good. Everything... okay between you two?
好 很好 你们俩 还好吧
Yes. Why do you ask?
当然 你问这个干嘛
No reason. I was just talking to Raj, and he mentioned what a lovely glow she has these days.
没事随便问问 我刚跟拉杰聊天 他觉得艾米这几天容光焕发得不得了
Did he mean as if she'd been out in the sun, tending an herb garden without wearing a hat or sunblock?
他是说那种容光是因为照料百草园时没戴帽子或擦防晒 而被太阳晒成的吗
No. That's not what he meant.
不是 他说的重点不是这个
Well, we may never know. As my mother would say, the Asians are an inscrutable folk.
那我们就不得而知了 正如我母亲常说 亚洲人高深莫测呀
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do.
不好意思 我还有工作要忙
Yeah, you do. You dog, you.
你忙你忙 小坏蛋 装毛呀装
Did you get that?
Every word. Our false gossip meme appears to have reached node lambda.
一字不差 我们谣言八卦模因好像已经到达目录树中的节点表达式了
This is moving faster than we thought.
Agreed. It appears the rate of gossip transmission is proportional to the number of nodes squared.
同意 似乎谣言的传播速率与节点数量的二次幂成比例
I must say, Amy, pretending to have intercourse with you is giving me a great deal of satisfaction.
艾米 我不得不说 假装跟你上床让我的身心得到了极大的满足
Slow down, Sheldon. I'm not quite there yet.
慢点 谢尔顿 我还没啥感觉呢
Pass the soy sauce. sure
帮我递下酱油 好的
Bernadette just asked about my sexual encounter with you. The meme has reached full penetration.
贝纳黛特刚向我打听咱俩上床的事 模因全面插入(penetration也有阴茎插入的意思)
Pun intended?
No. Happy accident.
不是 无心插柳柳成荫
This is remarkable. Took less than 24 hours.
这次成果显着 还不到24小时
I should let you know that she asked for details about our dalliance.
我应该告诉你 她还问了咱俩调情的细节
Interesting. So it went beyond the mere fact of coitus to a "blow by blow," as it were.
真有意思 人们开始不满足于"上床"的字面意思 发展到要咱俩“越吹越爽”的细节了
Pun intended?
I'm sorry. What pun?
抱歉 什么双关
Not important. I described your lovemaking as "aloof, but effective."
不说这个了 我把你的做爱方式概括为“冷淡却高效”
I wish you hadn't done that.That's going to make me a chick magnet, and I'm so busy as it is.
但愿你没有说出口 这话说得我跟一个少妇杀手一样 而事实上 我非常忙
Hey, everybody, I got something I want to ask Bernadette, and I can't think of a better time than when I'm with all my friends.
大家注意啦 我有话要问贝纳黛特 现在大伙儿齐聚一堂天时地利人和都最佳的时候
Oh, hold on, Howard. There's lots of better times.
慢着 霍华德 还有更多天时更好的
Leonard, please. The man is talking. Let him get it out, and let the chips fall where they may.
莱纳德 拜托 他说话呢 让他说出来 别管后果如何
Thank you. Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski...
谢谢 贝纳黛特·玛丽安·罗森考斯基
Oh, God. What's happening?
天啊 这是什么回事
I know things haven't been perfect with us, and we've had our problems, but I just have to tell you, from the moment I...
我知道我们的爱情不算完美 而且遇到了问题 但我不得不告诉你 从我遇见你那刻
Howard, let me just stop you right here.
霍华德 你先别说
This is it.
Yes, what?
Yes, I will marry you.
You will? You will?
你愿意? 你愿意?!
I will. I will!
我愿意! 我愿意!
Oh, I love you so much.
Oh, I love you, too.
Congratulations! Oh, it's so exciting.
恭喜你们 这太激动人心了(传说中印度人高兴的泪水....)
I wonder what changed her mind.
Perhaps your talk of my sexual prowess renewed her faith in love.
As good an explanation as any.
That's great...
Oh, hey, Amy. Bernadette just texted me. Howard proposed?
嘿 艾米 伯纳黛特刚发短信给我 霍华德求婚了
Yes, not important. Just stopped by to let you know I'm getting orthotics. Also, I'm carrying Sheldon's baby. Mum's the word.
对 这个不重要 我只是路过 顺便告诉你一声 我准备做矫正术 对了 我怀了谢尔顿的孩子 要保密哦
You're pregnant?!
Wow. Is there anything on there about orthotics?
哇哦 还有提到矫正术吗


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