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听美剧学英语_生活大爆炸第四季 第16集 (上)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,决定继续做普通朋友。与此同时,经过几个月的短信交流,Sheldon终于决定和神经生物学家Amy约会,这可是他人生中的首次约会。和他堪称绝配的 Amy,最终是否能成为他的女朋友?Penny对“谢米恋”大感兴趣,却发现自己成了尴尬的电灯泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也将回归,而他的好基友Raj还停留在不能和女人正常交流的阶段。
听美剧学英语 生活大爆炸第四季

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Previously on The Big Bang Theory:

Guess who I found at LAX. My baby sister Priya.
猜我在洛杉矶机场发现谁了 我的妹妹普丽娅
It's really nice to see you again, Leonard.
真高兴再次见到你 莱纳德
Yeah, it's good to see you, too. Here you go.
恩 我也很高兴见到你 到了
You slept with my sister?!Yeah. This is a terrible betrayal of my trust!
你上了我妹妹 对 这是对我信任莫大的背叛
Would it help if I told you that I offered her my heart, and she kinda stomped on it?!
要是我告诉你 我向她献出真心却被她狠狠践踏 你会好受点么
How hard did she stomp?
Very hard.
Okay, I'm good.
好吧 好受多了
What's so funny?
Nothing. Just thinking about the noises people make during sex.
没什么 只是在想人做爱时发出的声音
I do sometimes get a bit carried away, don't I?
我有时确实有点不能自已 是吧
It's cute. You sound a little like a drunken monkey.
很可爱 听起来像只喝醉的猴子
You know it's meant as a compliment.
你懂的 那其实是对你的赞美
That's how I take it.
This is perfect. I hope this moment never ends.
太完美了 真希望这一刻永远停留
Me, too. Well, gotta go. Oh!
我也是 噢 该走了
Already? Why don't you stay over?
这么快 留下来过夜吧
I'd love to, but you know my mother needs me in the morning.
我也想 但是你知道我妈早上需要我
Please. I think the woman can manage to put a wig on by herself.
拜托 我认为她能自己戴假发
It's not just the wig. It's pinning her hair up, drawing on her eyebrows. It's a two-person job.
不仅仅是假发 还要把她的头发盘起来 画眉毛 是两个人才能干的活儿
It's just, when you leave right after we make love, it makes me feel... cheap.
只是 我们刚做完爱你就走 让我觉得自己很贱
Oh, honey, I'm sorry. What can I do?
亲爱的 对不起 我能做什么呢
Okay. Like, what, another five, ten minutes?
好吧再待个五分 十分钟吗
Go home.
Your call.
Howard... have you ever considered us living together?
霍华德 你有考虑过一起住吗
Boy, I don't know. You, me, Ma living under the same roof?
天啊 我不知道 你 我 妈住在同一屋檐下
No, I mean just you and me. You can move in here, or we can find a place.
不是 我是说只有你和我 你可以搬过来或者我们另找个住处
I've got a better solution.
We wait for my mom's heart to explode from all the salt she eats. Then we just stick her in the ground, flip her mattress and move into the big bedroom.
我妈吃那么多盐 心脏早晚受不了 我们等她心脏崩溃 把她埋进土里 把她的床垫翻个面儿 搬进大卧室
Look at us planning a future together!
看看我们 在一起规划未来啦
Who's there?! Are you a sex criminal?!
是谁 是性侵者吗
Sex criminals don't have keys, Ma!
性侵者没有钥匙 妈
Where were you so late?!
I was out with Bernadette!
I know what that means! I watch Dr. Phil! I hope to God you used a condom!
我知道那是什么意思 我看《菲尔博士》 (美国脱口秀节目) 希望上帝保佑 但愿你用避孕套了
I'm not having this conversation with you, Ma!
我不跟你谈这个话题 妈
God forbid you get one of those new fancy sex diseases!
Nobody has a disease!
I hope not! I share a toilet with you! Is that what you want?! To give your mother herpes?!
希望如此 我跟你共用一个厕所呢 那就是你想的吗 想让你妈妈得上疱疹吗
That's it! I don't have to take this! Good luck with your eyebrows in the morning!
够啦 我受够啦 祝你早上画眉毛顺利
Who's there?! Are you a sex criminal?!
是谁 你是性侵者吗
I'm still leaving! I just forgot my Claritin!
我还没走 我忘拿我的克敏能了 (含氯雷他定 抗过敏药物)
Hey, what's up?
I need a place to crash.
Uh, sure.
Big fight with my mother.
Still arguing over which CSI is the best?
No, we agreed they all have their merits. This was about Bernadette.
不是 我们一致同意它们各有千秋 是关于伯纳黛特
What's going on?
Howard's gonna sleep here tonight. He had a fight with his mother.
霍华德今晚要在这睡 他跟他妈吵架了
Did you offer him a hot beverage?
Leonard, social protocol states when a friend is upset, you offer them a hot beverage, such as tea.
莱纳德 社交礼仪规定 如果朋友心情不好 你应该给他们倒杯热饮 比如茶
Tea does sound nice.
You heard the man, Leonard. And while you're at it, I'm upset that we have an unannounced houseguest, so make me cocoa.
你听见他的话了 莱纳德 与此同时 我也心情不好 因为来了一位不速之客 所以给我一杯可可
Point of inquiry, given that Leonard is your secondary friend and Koothrappali is your primary friend, why didn't you seek refuge under his roof?
有个问题 既然莱纳德是你的第二好友 库萨帕里才是你的头号好友 你为什么没去他那
There's no room. His sister is staying with him.
没地方 他妹妹住在他家
Wait, wait. What?
等等 等等 什么
Cocoa, Leonard. Focus. I'm down in the dumps here.
可可 莱纳德 集中精力 我现在很郁闷
Priya's in town?
Yeah, some work thing. Anyway, my mother seems to think that Bernadette...
对 为了工作的事 我妈好像觉得伯纳黛特
Hold on. When did Priya get here?
等下 普丽娅啥时候来的
I don't know. A couple of days ago.
不知道 几天前吧
The thing is, Bernadette doesn't like that I have to take care of my mother, and my mother doesn't trust Bernadette...
问题是 伯纳黛特不喜欢我每天 照顾我妈 我妈又不信任伯纳黛特
Yeah, that's a real pickle. Bye.
嗯 确实很难办 拜拜
Don't worry. As your tertiary friend, I am prepared to step in and comfort you.
别担心 作为你排名第三的好朋友 我愿意挺身而出安慰你
That's not really necessary.
No, no. I'll finish making the tea, while you narcissistically ramble on about whatever's troubling you.
不行不行 我来把茶泡好 你继续自说自话地倒那什么乱七八糟的苦水吧
Thanks. That's what tertiary friends are for.
多谢 这就是排在第三位的朋友的作用
Who is it?
It's Leonard.
You can't come in.
I just want to talk to her.
I forbid it.
Open the door, Rajesh.
开门吧 拉杰
You heard me. I forbidded it.
我说过了 我毙毙之
"Forbidded" it?
"Forbaded" it?
Get out of the way. What are you doing here?
给我让开 你来做什么
What are you doing here?
I have business in Los Angeles.
Why didn't you call?
Clearly, she was sending you a message to take a hike, Mike.
显然啊 她在暗示你滚远点 迈克同学
I'm sorry. I thought about calling, but I just wasn't sure if seeing you was such a good idea.
不好意思 我想过给你打电话 但我不知道和你再见面到底合不合适
I know. Last time I came on too strong. Can we talk in private?
我懂 上次我有些太着急了 咱俩能单独聊聊吗
No! Sure. It's completely inappropriate for a single woman to entertain a man in private. If you insist on talking, you must do it on the couch! All right, you may talk in the bedroom, but I want this door to remain open! All right, just this once you may close the door. But keep in mind I'll be right out here monitoring the situation!
不行 行啊 一个单身女人私下招待男性 这实在太荒唐了 要是你俩非得聊的话 就在沙发上聊 好吧 你俩可以在卧室里聊 但是我要求你们不许关门 好吧 这次让你关门 但你给我记住 我就在外面监视你俩的动向
Oh, damn it. Leonard, when you get this message, call me. Priya, this is your brother. When you get this, tell Leonard to check his voicemail.
该死 莱纳德 听到这条留言后请速回电 普丽娅 我是你哥 听到留言后请让莱纳德查收他的语音信箱
Would you be sleeping over again this evening? Because you're welcome to.
你今晚还住我们那儿吗 因为我们很欢迎你
That's very nice of you, but I made other plans.
承蒙美意 但是我自己有计划
Well, just keep in mind that should you ever need a slightly apathetic tertiary friend, I stand at the ready.
你只要记得只要你需要一位略显冷淡的第三好的朋友 我时刻准备着
Hi, Howard. Hi, Sheldon.
嗨 霍华德 嗨 谢尔顿
Why are you holding hands? I forbid you to hold hands.
你俩为啥牵着手 我禁止你俩牵手
Rajesh, you know Leonard and I spent the night together.
拉杰 你知道莱纳德和我一起过夜了
Yeah, but you were just sleeping, because I forboded you to have sex.
对 但是你俩只是睡觉而已 因为我禁子你俩做爱了
The word is "forbade"
You sure? That doesn't sound right.
Listen, Rajesh, Leonard and I have decided to see each other again, and you don't get to tell me who I can and can't have a relationship with.
听着 拉杰 莱纳德和我已经决定重拾旧情了 你不可以决定我该和谁拍拖
Actually, he can. The Hindu Code of Manu is very clear in these matters. If a woman's father is not around, the duty of controlling her base desires falls to the closest male member of her family, in this case, Raj.The code also states that if she disobeys, she will be reborn "in the womb of a jackal and tormented by diseases."
其实 他可以 印度的《摩奴法典》对这类问题有明确规定 如果一个女人的父亲不在 那么控制她基本欲望的责任就落在了她最亲的男性亲属身上 也就是拉杰 法典还规定 如果她违背了的话 她下辈子将 "投胎为豺 疾病缠身"
If true, that seems like an awfully large gamble given that the prize is Leonard.
如果这是真的 考虑到奖品只是莱纳德 你这个赌注貌似下得大了点
There it is, Priya. We're Indian. We believe this stuff.
就是这样 普丽娅 我们是印度人就信这些玩意
I think it also says that if you eat beef, you need to live with cows for three months and drink their urine.
我觉得法典上还说 如果你吃牛肉了 就得和母牛一起住三个月 天天喝牛尿
Some of it makes sense, some of it's crazy. My point is, you can't go out with Leonard.
良莠参半 不可全信 我是说 你不能和莱纳德在一起
Who can't go out with Leonard?
My sister.
Penny, this is Raj's sister, Priya.
佩妮 这位是拉杰的妹妹 普丽娅
It's very nice to meet you.
Oh, yeah, you, too.
哦 我也是
Priya, if you're experiencing any tension or awkwardness, it may stem from the fact that Leonard and Penny used t—if I may quote Howard-- "do the dance with no pants."
普丽娅 如果你觉得有些紧张或者尴尬 很可能是因为莱纳德和佩妮以前曾经 用霍华德的话来说叫做“赤裸共舞”
Sheldon! Really?
谢尔顿 你非得这么说吗
Hey, Bernadette, can I talk to you for a second?
伯纳黛特 我能跟你说句话吗
Penny, you became disenchanted with Leonard as a lover. Would you please tell my sister why?
佩妮 作为莱纳德曾经的恋人 你和他分手了 能不能跟我妹妹说说是为啥
Listen, my mom's going to Palm Springs to visit her sister. That's two whole nights in a row I can sleep over with you all the way to morning. Unless the desert air dries out her sinuses, in which case I'll have to schlep out there with the big humidifier.
跟你说哈 我妈要去棕榈泉市拜访她妹妹 我就有整整两个晚上能陪着你到天亮了 除非沙漠的干旱气候让她鼻窦干得厉害 那样的话我就得扛着庞大的增湿器赶过去
That's it? That's your big solution to all of our problems? If your mom's nose holds up, we get two nights together?
就这样吗 这就是解决咱俩这些问题的妙招吗 趁你妈不注意 我们才得两晌贪欢
Isn't that great?
No, it's not great. You need to make a choice.Me or your mother. Wrong answer.
不 并不好 你得作出选择 要我还是你妈 回答错误
No, wait. You didn't let me finish.
不 等等 我还没说完
I'm listening.


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