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听美剧学英语_生活大爆炸第四季 第13集 (下)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,决定继续做普通朋友。与此同时,经过几个月的短信交流,Sheldon终于决定和神经生物学家Amy约会,这可是他人生中的首次约会。和他堪称绝配的 Amy,最终是否能成为他的女朋友?Penny对“谢米恋”大感兴趣,却发现自己成了尴尬的电灯泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也将回归,而他的好基友Raj还停留在不能和女人正常交流的阶段。
听美剧学英语 生活大爆炸第四季

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Still nothing.

Remind me to try again in an hour.
Will do. So... girl talk?
包在我身上 那么 闺蜜谈心
Um, sure. What do you got in mind?
好啊 你想聊啥
Do you subscribe to the Freudian theory of penis envy?
Um, I never really thought about it. Why?
呃 我还真没想过 怎么了
Sometimes I think it might be nice to have one.
Not for sex, for convenience. You can't deny that, by comparison our internal plumbing is extremely high maintenance.
不为嘿咻 为了方便 你不能否认 比较而言 我们的内部下水系统太难伺候了
Again, I've never given it much thought.
We have time now. Think about it.
现在有时间啊 想想吧
Oh, good.
Hey. Can I stay here tonight?
嗨 我今晚能住这吗
Yeah. Why, what happened?
好啊 怎么了
Howard's a complete and total ass.
Oh, yeah, that. Come on in.
啊 我懂的 来吧
Thanks. I'll sleep on the floor.
谢啦 我睡地板就好
Not necessary. Penny and I are perfectly comfortable sharing a bed.
不用的 我跟佩妮完全不介意睡一张床
We are?
Of course, we're best friends.
当然了 我们是闺蜜嘛
Oh, right, right, the blog. Word of warning, though. I'm prone to night terrors so when I wake up kicking and screaming, don't panic.
哦对了 博客写了 不过 温馨提示 我有夜惊倾向 所以如果我睁眼乱踢或尖叫 别慌
Just pin me down and stroke my hair, and I'll be fine.
把我按倒抚摸我的头发 就会没事的
Hey, can I stay here tonight?
嗨 我今晚能住这吗
Shh-shh-shh. Sheldon's asleep.
嘘嘘嘘 谢尔顿睡着了
What's going on?
Well, Howard's a complete and total ass, Bernadette's in my bed and no matter how much you stroke Amy's hair, she bites.
这个 霍华德是个超级无敌大混蛋 所以伯纳黛特占了我的床 不管我怎么摸艾米的头发 她都乱咬
What? Never mind. Can I stay here or not?
啥 无所谓了 我能住这儿不
Uh, sure. All right.
当然能 太好了
So, how do you want to do this?
Well, I'm not getting in bed with him.
Yeah, it is a little like getting into Dracula's coffin.
没错 就像是爬进了德拉库拉的棺材
We're just gonna have to make the best of this.
Okay, when you say "make the best of it..."
好吧 你说"充分利用"的意思是
So we'll just call the middle here the Neutral Zone.
The what?
Star Trek. You know, the Neutral Zone between the Federation and the Romulan Empire.
《星际迷航》啊 中立区嘛 就在联邦和罗慕兰帝国之间
Oh, okay. Just like old times.
哦 好吧 就跟当年一样
Of course sometimes the Federation and the Romulans would enter the Neutral Zone to negotiate a temporary truce.
当然咯 有时候联邦和罗慕兰帝国会进入中立区进行临时休战谈判
Sweetie, let me put this in a way you'll understand: from the waist down, my shields are up.
亲爱的 我就敞开天窗说亮话吧 休想碰我的下半身
Got it, got it. We can do all kinds of stuff from the waist up, you know?
懂了 懂了 知道吗 只用上半身我们也可以玩出很多花样
Go to sleep.
Good night.
Please tell me you're not having coitus.
We are not having coitus.
Can you guarantee that it won't happen at any time during the night?
Next on Turner Classic Movies Bridget Jones's Diary.
Oh, my God, I'm crying already.
哦天呐 我已经内牛满面了
Raj? Raj? Raj? I need to sleep here tonight.
拉杰 拉杰 拉杰 我今晚得睡在这儿
Howard is a complete and total ass Bernadette is in Penny's bed, Amy bites and Penny may or may not have coitus with Leonard.
霍华德是个彻头彻尾的大混蛋 伯纳黛特霸占了佩妮的床 艾米总咬人 佩妮和莱纳德有可能会交媾
Okay. Come on in.
好吧 进来吧
Leonard, are you asleep?
莱纳德 你睡着了吗
No.I really appreciate you letting me stay here tonight.
没 真的很感谢你今晚收留我
Sure, no problem.
小意思 没什么
I know it's kinda weird.
True dat.
"True dat"?
I've gotten a lot more street since we broke up.
Right. Still mad at me about that?
好吧 还生我气吗
No. No, I understand. I got too intense, you had to back off.
不了不了 我很理解 我逼得太紧 你想要些空间
Thank you.
I've gotten a lot better at that, you know. I've dated four different women since we broke up and I didn't tell any of them that I loved them and wanted to have their babies.
这方面我现在已经好多了 知道吗 我俩分手以后我跟四个女人约会过 我没跟她们中任何一个人说过“我爱你”和“我想和你生儿育女”
Good for you.
Okay, good night.
嗯 晚安
Good night.
You know, maybe it wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to violate the Neutral Zone for just one night.
知道吗 也许今晚突破一下中立区也不是什么坏主意
Hey, Leonard, Sheldon kicked me out of the room, gave me your key.
嗨 莱纳德 谢尔顿把我赶出了房间 把你房间的钥匙给我了
Penny's here.
No, we don't want to watch Bridget Jones's Diary!
不啊 我们不想看《BJ单身日记》
Good morning and welcome to Science and Society. I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper BS, MS, MA, PhD, and ScD. OMG, right? Perhaps that joke was a little too hippie-dippy for this crowd. All right then, we'll begin with opening remarks. Miss Rostenkowski, would you like to start us off by discussing your assessment of science's responsibility to society?
早上好 欢迎参加"科学与社会"研讨会 我是谢尔顿·库珀 理学学士兼理学硕士兼文学硕士 兼哲学博士兼理学博士 我的神呐 是吧 也许这个笑话对于在座各位有点儿太弱智了 好了 我们开始致开幕词 罗斯顿考斯基小姐 你愿意抛砖引玉 谈谈你对于科学对社会的责任的看法吗
Sure. I think all branches of science have to move cautiously these days. It's not just giant nuclear weapons that can destroy the world. As a microbiologist, I can tell you even the tiniest organisms can still tear you a new one.
好的 我认为 每一个自然学科在今天都需要谨慎发展 能毁灭世界的并不只有大型的核武器 作为一名微生物学家 我可以告诉你 即使是最微小的微生物也能让你尸骨无存
Interesting. I think what you might need to know about my colleague is that though she claims her field of interest is tiny organismsshe. certainly has spent her fair share of time around what we can assume was pretty massive weaponry.
有意思 我觉得在座各位需要了解我同事的一点 就是尽管她声称她最感兴趣的领域是细小的微生物 她显然在我们可以认为是大型武器的东西上花了相当多的时间
I think Mr. Wolowitz needs to keep in mind that the past is the past.
我认为沃罗威茨先生需要记住一点 那就是过去的事情已经过去了
But he should know that I am the kind of girl who could get all the giant missiles she wants.
Are we talking about women wanting penises? Because I'd like to weigh in.
我们在讨论女性对阴茎的渴求吗 因为我想插一句嘴
Dr. Koothrappali, would you care to join the conversation?
库萨帕里博士 你想说几句吗
Certainly. I'd like to raise two points. Number one, I think they are talking about penises. And number two, these mimosas are kicking my little brown ass.
当然 我有两点要讲 第一 我觉得他们确实在讨论小弟弟 第二 这桔汁他妈的香槟太他妈的爽了
I'd like to kick your little brown ass.
What did I do?
我干啥了 ·
I don't know. Maybe when you walk into a hotel room and you see a guy getting back together with his girlfriend you should consider doing something other than crawling into the adjoining bed.
我不知道诶 也许当你走进一间酒店房间看见一哥们儿跟女朋友重归于好时 你应该考虑做点儿别的什么而不是爬到旁边的床上
I did. You said no Bridget Jones.
是啊 你说了不能看《BJ单身日记》的
We weren't getting back together! It was a one-time thing!
我俩没有重归于好 只是一夜风流而已
Excuse me. We're not taking comments or questions from the audience just yet.
对不起 我们现在不接受观众的评论和提问
Oh, shut up, Sheldon!
闭嘴吧 谢尔顿
Hi, bestie.
嗨 闺蜜
All right, why don't we see if we can bring this back to topic.
好吧 我们为什么不试着重回正题呢
Let me ask you something, Bernie. I guess not.
让我来问问你吧 妮妮 看样子不行
How would you feel if you met my ex-girlfriend and she was like Angelina Jolie?
如果你碰到了我酷似安吉丽娜·朱莉的前女友 你会作何感受
Oh, come on, Howard, be realistic.
拜托 霍华德 别做梦了
What, I'm not hot enough for Angelina Jolie?
怎么 如此英俊的我难道钓不到安吉丽娜·朱莉吗
I'd like to weigh in here. No.
我想插句嘴 确实钓不到
All right, why don't we open it up to Q&A from the audience?
好吧 我们不如开始进入观众的问答环节吧
Yeah, I have a question. Is there anybody who can get me the hell out of here and back to Los Angeles tonight?
好 我有问题 有谁今晚能带我离开这鬼地方回洛杉矶
I'm driving back to L.A. tonight.
Penny, that's Glenn. Glenn, that's Penny. No!
佩妮 那是格伦 格伦 那是佩妮 不要
Red Leader to Red Five. Red Leader to Red Five. Anybody up for a little game?
红1号呼叫红5号 红1号呼叫红5号 谁想玩个小游戏
I spy with my little eye... a nonferrous metal. Must be out of range.
我心里想的是一种非铁金属 估计是超出接收范围了
Leonard, can I ask you a question?
莱纳德 我能问你个问题吗
Are you bothered by the fact that your former girlfriend left the symposium with what is probably the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life?
No. Why do you ask?
不是 你为啥这么问
Because we're going 120 miles per hour.
All right, if no one's going to guess... I was spying the aluminum rims on the police car we passed a few miles back.
好吧 如果没人想猜的话 其实我想的是几英里前我们经过的那辆警车的铝制轮缘


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