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听美剧学英语_生活大爆炸第三季 第20集 (下)




《生活大爆炸第三季》(英文:The Big Bang Theory Season 3)是由马克·森卓斯基执导,查克·罗瑞、比尔·布拉迪编剧,吉姆·帕森斯、约翰尼·盖尔克奇、卡蕾·措科、西蒙·赫尔伯格、昆瑙·内亚、梅丽莎·劳奇共同主演的美国情景喜剧。第三季于2009年9月21日在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)播出。讲述了从北极回来的Howard、Raj、Leonard、Sheldon发生的又一系列令人啼笑皆非的事情。

That's Eyetalian. So, um, was Leonard okay with you coming over?

真正的美意大餐 莱纳德不介意你过来吧
Oh, yes. In fact, he said, "I'm fine. I don't care."
不介意 其实他说了 "我没事 我不在乎"
And he in no way said it in a manner which would lead one to believe that he was covering up feelings of anguish and betrayal.
Well, good. I'm also pleased to report that he's all cried out over you.
很好嘛 我还要很高兴地告诉你他曾为你大声痛哭
He's been crying?
Oh, I believe that was something else I wasn't supposed to mention.
Oh, God, I feel terrible.
哦 天哪 我好难过
Do you have a stomachache, too?
No. Why, do you? No.
没有啊 怎么了 你胃疼吗 不疼
Why did you ask if I had one, too?
Just making polite dinner conversation. Your turn.
就是吃饭的时候随便聊聊 该你说了
All right. So, what's new in your life?
好吧 那你最近有啥新鲜事儿吗
Well, my new shoes are not made for running.
Have you been running? No. It's just a suspicion I have.
你去跑步了 没有 这只是我的怀疑
I'm so glad you like it. I do. Leonard never cooks for me.
我很高兴你这么喜欢我的手艺 没错 莱纳德从来没给我做过饭
Well, maybe that's 'cause Leonard can't cook.
You can't cook and you made me this.
你也不会做饭 但是你为我做了这些
Whatever. Ooh, I'm gonna get the cheesecake out of the fridge.
随便啦 对了 还有芝士蛋糕在冰箱里
Oh, Lord, I'm in Jewish hell.
天 我要下犹太人的地狱了(胃酸倒流)
Look at this. Do you think she's really doing that or is it PhotoShop?
你看这个 你觉得她这动作是真的呢还是PS出来的
I'm pretty sure Martha Stewart never got naked with a room full of big, fat Japanese guys.
You don't know that. Prison changes people.
Hey, where you been? I told you, walking.
你刚去哪儿了 跟你说了嘛 散步啊
For an hour and a half? I got lost.
你散了一个半小时的步 我迷路了
How could you get lost? Your phone has GPS.
你怎么会迷路的 你的手机上有GPS啊
Satellites are down. Solar flares.
卫星出故障了 有太阳风暴
There are no solar flares right now. Yes, there are.
这会儿没有太阳风暴 不对 有的
Dude, I'm an astrophysicist. If there were solar flares, I'd be all up in it.
老兄 我是搞天体物理的 要是有太阳风暴的话 我绝对会知道
I'm sorry. I misspoke. What I meant to say was my battery died.
抱歉 我说错了 我刚才其实想说我手机没电了
What the hell was that about? I don't know.
他到底是怎么回事啊 不知道
Do you think this is really Hillary Clinton doing it with Oprah?
Oh, we really need to get you a girl.
哦 我们真得给你找个小妞了
Leonard. Leonard. Leonard. Oh, just come in!
莱纳德 莱纳德 莱纳德 进来吧
Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.
What do you want, Sheldon?
你想干嘛 谢尔顿
Maybe this isn't a good time.
Tell me why you woke me up or I swear to God I will kill you.
快说你干嘛吵醒我 不然我对天发誓我会杀了你
Do you really think death threats are an appropriate way to begin this conversation?
Sometimes your lack of social skills astonishes me.
有时候 你的社交能力少得简直让我震惊
What do you want?
You may want to sit down. I'm in bed!
你最好先坐下 我正躺着呢
Point taken. You may want to sit up. Sheldon!
了解 你最好先坐起来 谢尔顿
I've been seeing Penny behind your back.
Okay... When you say "seeing Penny," what exactly does that mean?
好吧 你说你"见佩妮"到底什么意思
We had dinner last night. She made me spaghetti with little hot dogs cut up in it.
我们昨晚一起吃晚餐了 她给我做了意粉加热狗丁
Well, little hot dog. I gave up the other five hot dogs to a real dog.
虽然热狗丁很少 因为还有五根热狗我都给那条真的狗狗吃了
A real, big dog. A hell hound. Tangential to the primary story. How about I circle back to it?
很大只的真的狗狗 是条该死的猎狗 我好像离题太远了 等下再绕回来说如何
Fine. Why did you have dinner with Penny?
好 你为什么要跟佩妮一起晚餐
I told you, she made spaghetti with little hot dogs. I like spaghetti with little hot dogs.
我说过了 她做了意粉加热狗丁 我喜欢吃意粉加热狗丁
Then why did you have Chinese food with us?
I didn't want to upset you.
Howard made it very clear that my allegiance should be to male comrades before women who sell their bodies for money.
霍华德说得很清楚 我应该先效忠于男同志 而不是为钱卖身的女人们
Is it possible he said, "Bros before hos"?
Yes, but I rephrased it to avoid offending the hos.
对 我改了下措辞 避免提到妓女这个词
Sheldon, I don't care if you want to be friends with Penny.
谢尔顿 你跟佩妮做不做朋友我都无所谓
Oh. Well, so the emotional turmoil that's been keeping me from achieving REM sleep was entirely unjustified?
这么说 一直困扰我让我噩梦连连的这种情绪波动真的是完全不应该啊
Yes. Well... then as my meemaw would say, "Looks like we butchered a pig, but nobody wanted bacon."
没错 要是我奶奶肯定会说我们在这宰猪待客 可居然没人想吃培根(都不领情)
I guess not. And now, as promised, the tangent.
我想是的 现在 之前我承诺过的 那个题外话
Sheldon and the Hell Hound. Or How I Lost My Hot Dogs. I, I can come back.
谢尔顿大战猎狗记或者说"谁动了我的热狗" 我还是回头再来吧
Ddon't be silly. We're neighbors. We're going to run into each other. May as well get used to it.
别傻了 我们是邻居 抬头不见低头见 还是早点习惯的好
Yeah, I guess you're right. You used to it yet?
嗯 你说得对 你习惯了吗
Nope. Me neither. Oh, Sheldon seemed to think that I would be upset about you hanging out with him.
还没 我也是 谢尔顿好像认为他跟你出去 我会不高兴
But I just want you to know it's fine.
我只是告诉你 没事的
Oh, oh, good, because, um, his mother called me. His mother?
太好了 因为他妈妈打电话给我了 他妈妈
Yeah, she wants me to take him shopping for sheets and towels. I was going to do that.
对 她想让我带他出去买床单和毛巾 我本来打算带他去的
Oh, well, then you... you do it.
是吗 那还是你带吧
No, I don't want to do it. You can do it.
不 我根本就不想带 还是你来吧
Okay, you can take him for shoes.
好 那你可以带他去买鞋
I just took him for shoes. Well, all I know is he says they hurt his feet.
我刚带他去买过鞋 我只知道他说那鞋子挤脚
Fine. I'll take him for shoes next Saturday.
好吧 下周六我会带他去买鞋
Oh, no, no, no a bunch of us from work are going to Disneyland next Saturday and Sheldon wants to come.
不行不行 我们一帮同事下周六要去迪斯尼乐园 谢尔顿也想一起去
You're taking him to Disneyland?
Well, he heard me making plans on the phone.
Was I going to say "no"?
All right. But let me know if you're going to stuff him with junk food.
好吧 你们让他塞一堆垃圾食品前 记得先跟我说下
I don't want to bring home a nice dinner for him and see it go to waste.
我可不想帮他打包回一顿美餐 结果只能浪费掉
We're going to Disneyland. He's going to eat junk food.
我们是去迪斯尼乐园玩 他肯定会吃垃圾食品
All I'm saying is give me a headsup.
我只是说 事先跟我打个招呼
Okay, whatever. And don't let him go on Space Mountain after he eats.
好吧 随便吧 还有别让他吃饱了再去玩太空山
He'll say he can handle it, but I promise you'll end up with churro puke on your shoes.
他会说没问题 但我敢肯定 他绝对会把油条都吐你鞋子上
All right, got it. Is there anything else?
好的 明白 还有什么提醒的吗
Yeah, don't let Goofy near him. He'll have nightmares and I'll have to deal with it.
有 别让他靠近高飞狗 他会噩梦连连 到时候还得我处理
What's the problem with Goofy?
Wish I knew. He's fine with Pluto.
我也想知道 不过让他靠近布鲁托没事
Hey, do you think the elastic woman in The Incredibles needs to use birth control or can she just be a diaphragm?
你觉得《超人总动员》里那个弹力女超人需要用避孕套吗 还是她自己就能变成套子
Well, that's it. We're officially out of things to talk about.
就这样吧 能聊的话题正式都谈完了
We're home. It's 10:00.Where have you been?
我们回来了 都晚上十点了 你们去哪了
We stayed for the California Adventure water show.
It was pure Disney magic. I was going to see that with him.
纯粹因为迪斯尼魔力太大 我准备跟他一起去看的
How was I supposed to know that?
It's all right. I'll see it again with you.
没事的 我会跟你一起再去看一遍的
And I have food here. You said you were going to call.
我还帮他带了吃的 你说过你会先打电话的
I know, I know. I can still eat.
我知道是我不好 我还吃得下
No, you already threw up once. Go put on your PJs and brush your teeth.
不行 你已经吐过一次了 去换上睡衣刷牙
Okay, but just don't fight
好吧 但你们俩别吵架
We're not fighting. Just go.
我们没在吵架 快去
Aren't you going to thank Penny for taking you to Disneyland?
Thank you, Penny. You're welcome, sweetie.
谢谢你 佩妮 不客气 亲爱的
Want a cup of coffee?
Oh, um, I should probably get going.
Come on. It's just a cup of coffee.
好了 就一杯咖啡而已
Uh, yeah, the whole thing seems a little twisted to me, too.
What am I smelling? Sheldon's churro on my shoes.
这是什么气味 谢尔顿吐在我鞋子上的油条
He's such an angel when he's asleep.
他睡着的时候 看着真像天使
Yeah. Shame he has to wake up.
是啊 可惜他还会醒来
I think we can do it. Smother Sheldon in his sleep?Wouldn't that be wrong?
我觉得我们能做到的 趁谢尔顿睡着时闷死他 那不合适吧
No, be friends. You and me. Oh. Sure. Absolutely. Good. I'm glad.
不 你跟我做朋友 当然 绝对没问题 很好 我很开心
Here's an idea. I'm just throwing it out there: friends who have sex.
我有个主意 我就随便说说 当炮友如何
Good night, Leonard. Kidding.
晚安 莱纳德 我开玩笑的
Just a couple of friends Goofing around. No, Goofy, no.
只是朋友间玩笑打混而已 不 高飞狗 别


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