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听美剧学英语_生活大爆炸第三季 第14集 (上)




《生活大爆炸第三季》(英文:The Big Bang Theory Season 3)是由马克·森卓斯基执导,查克·罗瑞、比尔·布拉迪编剧,吉姆·帕森斯、约翰尼·盖尔克奇、卡蕾·措科、西蒙·赫尔伯格、昆瑙·内亚、梅丽莎·劳奇共同主演的美国情景喜剧。第三季于2009年9月21日在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)播出。讲述了从北极回来的Howard、Raj、Leonard、Sheldon发生的又一系列令人啼笑皆非的事情。

Whatcha doing?

I'm attempting to view my work as a fleeting peripheral image so as to engage the superior colliculus of my brain.
Interesting. I usually just have coffee.
真有趣 我一般喝点咖啡就行了
You've been up all night? Is it morning?
你彻夜未眠吗 早上了吗
Yes. Then I've been up all night.
是的 那我就是彻夜未眠了
And you're stuck? Why else would a person try to engage their superior colliculus?
你卡壳了 要不然怎么会有人想要激活上丘脑
Oh, sorry, sweetie, I can't help you till I've had my coffee.
真抱歉 亲爱的 喝完咖啡前我可帮不了你
Penny, I told you if you don't put him in his crate at night he just runs around the apartment.
佩妮 我早就告诉过你 你要不把他关到他房间里 他会在公寓里上蹿下跳一整夜
What is he doing now?
Hmm, he's either isolating the terms of his formula and examining them individually, or...
他要不是在分解公式的项一一检验的话 就是在...
looking for the alligator that swallowed his hand after Peter Pan cut it off.
Captain Hook's hand was eaten by a crocodile, not an alligator.
虎克船长的手是被鳄鱼吃掉的 不是短吻鳄
If you're going to mock me, at least get your facts straight. Aye, aye, Captain.
你要想损我 至少把事实给弄清楚先 遵命 船长
I can't see it! It just won't coalesce.
我就不明白了 怎么就结合不起来呢
Maybe you need a fresh start. You're right.
也许你应该重新开始 有道理
It's a great idea, Leonard. Thank you.
真是个好主意 莱纳德 谢谢
Electrons move through graphene...act as if they have no mass...
当电子穿越石墨烯时 所表现出的质量为零
How long has he been stuck? Intellectually about 30 hours.Emotionally about 29 years.
他卡壳多久了 智商上有三十小时了 情商嘛 二十九年了
Unit cell contains two carbon atoms...Interior angle of a hexagon is 120 degrees.
单元晶格包涵了两个碳原子 六边形的内角为120°
Have you tried rebooting him?
No, I think it's a firmware problem.
才不呢 这是固件问题
Hey, it's Disco Night at the Moonlight Roller Rink in Glendale tonight.
哟 今晚是格兰黛尔的月光溜冰场的迪斯科之夜
Who's up for getting down?
That's perfect. Bernadette's been hocking me to take her roller skating.
太完美了 伯纳黛特一直怂恿我带她去溜冰呢
I think Penny likes to skate. The four of us could double.
我也觉得佩妮喜欢滑冰 我们四个可以两两成对
What could be better? We're in.
再好不过了 我们去
Great. It's not like I brought it up because I wanted to go.
真棒 仿佛不是因为我想去才提出来的
You can come with us.
No, it's okay. I don't have to go.
不 没事儿的 我不必去的
I'm happy just to guide you and your ladies to suitable entertainment choices.
I'm a walking brown Yelp.Com. Structure, constant structure. One atom...
我就是个棕色人型口碑网 结构 恒定结构 一个原子
Boy, he's really gone, isn't he?
天 他真的是走火入魔了 是吗
Yeah, this morning he used a stick of butter as deodorant.
嗯啊 他今天早上居然把黄油当成了香体剂
I thought I smelled popcorn.
Pattern is the same as fermions travels on the pathways...Hexagonal... It's always hexagonal...
模式与费米子在轨道上的移动完全一样 六边的 从来都是六边的
I haven't seen him this stuck since he tried to figure out the third Matrix movie.
Hey, those are my lima beans!
嘿 这可是我的青豆啊
Not lima beans, carbon atoms.
在哥手里不是青豆 是碳原子
But if I don't eat my lima beans, I can't have my cookie.
Here, you want my peas?
给 你要豌豆吗
The peas, perfect. They can be electrons. Want my corn?
豌豆 太赞了 正好拿来做电子 要我的玉米不
Don't be ridiculous. What would I do with corn?
你脑残啊 我拿玉米能做什么
So roller skating should we all grab a bite to eat first?
那个滑旱冰 我们去之前是不是先吃饭
Good. P.F. Chang's? My mom has coupons.
好啊 华馆怎么样 俺娘有优惠券
Great. Your mom's not coming, right?
行啊 你娘不会来吧
Not this time, I promise.
Okay, just to be clear, roller skating was my idea, and I'm very unhappy that you turned it into a double date,
我要把话说清楚了 滑旱冰是我的主意 而我对你们将其变成四人约会表示高度不满
and I hope you both fall on your asses and break your coccyxes. The plural of coccyx is coccyges.
我预祝你们都摔屁墩 摔断尾椎骨 尾椎骨的英文复数是"coccyges"
Screw you. Give me back my lima beans.
去你丫的 还哥青豆
Oh, my God. Have you ever been so embarrassed?
我的天呐 你有没试过如此丢人
Not recently. I don't know which was lamer: their roller skating or their disco dancing.
至少最近没有 我都说不出他们哪个更烂了 到底是寒冰技巧还是他们的迪斯科舞姿
For me, the worst part was when people saw us leave with them.
就我而言 最惨的是人们看到了我们和他们一起离开的
You had some nice moves out there, Howard. Thanks. You, too.
你小子有两手啊 霍华德 谢谢夸奖 你也不错
Did you notice all the people looking at us?
Not really. I was in my boogie zone.
没怎么注意 我完全沉迷在了舞步中
When Howard tried to do the splits...Shh.
当霍华德想要劈叉的时候 嘘
Sorry. I'm moving a little slow. I think I bruised my coccyx.
抱歉 我走得有点慢 可能是挫伤了尾骨
Oh, poor baby. Don't tell Koothrappali.
可怜的小宝贝 别告诉库萨帕里
After you. Oh, what a gentleman.
你先请 真绅士
Hey, Sheldon. Oh, my God! Are you... Good Lord! You're ruining everything!
嗨 谢尔顿 天啊 你在 我的神啊 你们把一切都毁了
Oh, damn. Are you okay?
该死的 你没事吧
Do I look okay? Don't bark at me. I fell, too.
我看起来像没事吗 别冲我发火啊 我也摔了
Oh, you've been falling all night. You're used to it.
你都摔一晚上了 也该习惯了
Sheldon, what the hell are you doing?
谢尔顿 你到底在干嘛
The same thing I've been doing for three days.
Trying to figure out why electrons behave as if they have no mass when traveling through a graphene sheet.
With marbles? Well, I needed something bigger than peas, now, didn't I?
用大理石来推测 我总得找点比豆子大的东西不是吗
Sheldon, when was the last time you got any sleep?
谢尔顿 你上次睡觉是什么年代
I don't know, two, three days. Not important. I don't need sleep. I need answers.
不知道 大概2 3天 这无关紧要 我不需要睡眠 我想要答案
I need to determine where in this swamp of unbalanced formulas squatteth the toad of truth.
我要找出 在这个充满不平衡方程的沼泽中是什么阻碍了真理的蛤蟆
Toad of truth? Is that a physics thing?
真理的蛤蟆 这是物理学上的名词吗
No, that's a crazy thing. Okay, Sheldon.
不 那是疯狂的产物 好了 谢尔顿
What happens to our neuroreceptors when we don't get enough REM sleep?
如果我们不能保证足够的快速眼动睡眠的话 会对神经受体造成怎样的影响呢
They lose their sensitivity to serotonin and norepinephrine. Which leads to...? Impaired cognitive function.
会失去对5 羟色胺和正肾上腺素的敏感性 那就会引起认知功能受损
Right, so march in there, brush your teeth and go to bed.
没错 所以进屋去 刷刷牙 上床睡觉
But I don't want to go to bed.
I'm going to count to three. One...
我数三下 一
Oh, all right. That was amazing how you handled him. I know how to deal with stubborn children.
哦 好吧 你的手段真是太高明了 我知道怎么对付不听话的小孩
My mother used to run an illegal day care center in our basement.
Leonard, you're... you're giggling in your sleep.
莱纳德 你睡觉时在鬼笑吗
It's not me. It's my new ringtone. The Joker from Batman.
不是我笑的 是我的新手机铃声 是《蝙蝠侠》里的小丑
Well, it creeps me out.
Me, too, but I paid three bucks for it. Just answer the phone.
也吓我一跳 但我花了3块钱定的 接电话吧还是
Hello. Yeah, I'm Leonard Hofstadter.
你好 我是莱纳德·霍夫斯塔德
Yeah, yeah, he's my roommate. Oh, God, is he okay?
没错 他是我的室友 天啊 他没事吧
Yeah, all all right. I'll be right there.
好的 我马上过去
What happened? Sheldon's escaped and is terrorizing the village.
怎么了 谢尔顿逃走了 恐怖降临了村庄
Okay. Have fun.
好吧 去吧 玩的开心点
Hi. I'm Dr. Hofstadter. Where is he? Ball pit.
我是霍夫斯塔德博士 他在哪儿 海洋球那里
Thanks for not calling the cops.
Oh, hey, it's no big deal. My sister's got a kid who's special.
没事的 我姐姐也有个智障小孩
ah, well, he's extra special.
呃 他是极度智障
Hey, Shelly. What you doing?
嘿 谢利 你干嘛呢
Size ratio was all wrong. Couldn't visualize it. Needed bigger carbon atoms.
体积比错得一塌糊涂 我不能把它们具象化 我要找更大的碳原子
Sure, sure. How did you get into this place?
好好好 你怎么进来的
Back door has a five pin tumbler system, single circuit alarm. Child's play.
后门装了个五针脚制动系统和单回路报警器 小孩子的玩意了
You can start sorting protons and neutrons while I build carbon atoms.
我在建立碳原子模型的时候 你正好可以把质子和中子分类整理出来
No, I don't think so. We need to go home now. But I'm still working.
我可不这么想 我们现在该回家了 但我还在工作
If you don't come out of there, I'm going to have to drag you out.
要是你不出来 我就去把你抓出来
You can try, but you'll never catch me.
试试看啊 你永远别想抓到我
For God's sakes. Sheldon, come here!
我的老天爷啊 谢尔顿 过来
Bazinga. Bazinga. Bazinga. Bazinga. Bazinga.
抓不到俺 我闪 我再闪 抓不到噢 你个废废


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