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Life of Jesus Christ (耶稣的一生)

Jesus Christ's first name is a form of Joshua, Hebrew for "savior," and the second is Greek for "anointed," a translation of the Hebrew word for messiah. According to the Four Gospels Accounts, his mother was Mary, the wife of Joseph, a carpenter of Nazareth. Mary became pregnant in Nazareth—the Incarnation—soon after the archangel Gabriel announced to her that she would be giving birth to Jesus (the Annunciation, 56.70). Afterwards, Mary visited her pregnant cousin Elizabeth for a three-month stay (the Visitation, 13.64.3ab). At their meeting, Elizabeth's baby, who would become John the Baptist, leapt in her womb, apparently in joy at Mary's pregnancy. Some months later, Joseph brought his wife to crowded Bethlehem for the Roman tax census. There, probably between 8 and 4 B.C., she gave birth to Jesus in a stable (the Nativity, 1983.490), and shepherds came to visit him; eight days later, he was circumcised and given the name of Jesus. Some time later—in the Middle Ages, it was believed to be twelve days after his birth—three Magi, or wise men, who had been guided by a star, arrived to see Jesus in the Epiphany scene (Greek: "revelation," 11.126.1), with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Thirty-three days after Jesus' birth, following Jewish law for a mother's purification after a son's birth, the family went to the Temple in Jerusalem to offer the sacrifice of a pair of birds. There, in the Presentation in the Temple (31.67.8), Simeon and Anna proclaimed Jesus' exceptional future.

Meanwhile, King Herod the Great of Judaea (37–4 B.C.), who had hosted the Magi and had become worried by their search for a newborn supposed to be the king of the Jews, found that they had not returned to him as he had requested. He then ordered all children of Bethlehem two years old and younger to be slain—the Massacre of the Innocents. Joseph, warned by a dream, escaped with his family to Egypt (the Flight into Egypt, 61.50), returning to Nazareth a few months after Herod had died.

The next Gospel story about Jesus is when his parents took him at age twelve to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. On their way home, Mary and Joseph lost Jesus, discovering him finally in the Temple at Jerusalem, where he was discoursing with teachers. Years later, Jesus began his public ministry by letting his cousin, John the Baptist, baptize him in the Jordan River. In this Baptism of Jesus (12.130.1), the Holy Spirit flew down to him as a dove and a heavenly voice proclaimed him to be a beloved son. Going into the wilderness, Jesus was then enticed by the devil, the Temptation of Christ (61.248), all of whose temptations he withstood. Over the next three years, Jesus gathered twelve followers and performed miracles of healing, such as the Man Born Blind Being Cured by Christ and the Raising of Lazarus from the dead, as well as other feats, such as feeding a crowd of 5,000, and another of 4,000, with only a few loaves and fish—the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes (13.75). One of the most notable events during Jesus' ministry is his Transfiguration on a mountain. Accompanied by his followers Peter, James, and John, Jesus suddenly changed in appearance—his face shone and his clothes became dazzling white. The Jewish leader Moses and the Jewish prophet Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus, and a voice from a bright cloud claimed Jesus as a beloved son and ordered the disciples to listen to him. The teachings of Jesus during this time, many delivered in parables, focused on a repentance that would redirect a life to God, a life absolutely obedient to the will of God and following the love commandment expressed in Mark 12:28–31. This repentance was linked to a Last Judgment for mankind and the establishment of a reign of justice and peace—the Kingdom of God.

Jesus' suffering and death—the Passion—begins with his Passover pilgrimage to Jerusalem and his Entry into Jerusalem (62.189). There, Christ washed the feet of his disciples (the Mandatum), and had a last meal with his followers—the Last Supper (17.190.18a–c). Afterwards, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and wrestled with his doubts—the Agony in the Garden. The betrayal by his disciple Judas ended in the Arrest of Christ by soldiers. After Jewish and Roman authorities briefly examined him, with Peter outside denying that he knew him (the Denial of Peter), Jesus underwent abuse, including being whipped (the Flagellation, 64.27.18) and forced to wear a crown of thorns. Finally, either Jesus himself, or the passerby Simon of Cyrene, carried the cross from which Jesus would be hung to the Place of the Skull, or Golgotha (Calvary, in Latin). There, Jesus underwent his Crucifixion (1999.295.4) and death on Friday morning and afternoon; he was thirty-three years of age.

The events following Christ's death that are often depicted in art include: Jesus' Descent from the Cross, or Deposition (17.190.735); the Lamentation over his body (2001.78)—a scene not found in the Bible; his Entombment (20.46.17), hastily done since the Sabbath was about to begin; and his Descent into Limbo or Hell to free the souls there—an event also not found in the Bible. Immediately after the Sabbath, Jesus' Resurrection was revealed to women coming to his tomb with spices to complete his embalming, the Women at the Tomb. In one account, Mary Magdalene is met by Jesus in the garden behind the tomb, where he asked her not to touch him—the Noli Me Tangere scene (17.190.47). Jesus then appeared at least ten times to his followers over the next forty days, including accompanying two of them in their Journey to Emmaus (17.190.47). The period ended with his Ascension, when Jesus ascended to heaven with the apostles as witnesses (1970.324.2).