英语听力汇总   |   卡卡课堂 827 英语美文-新年你该给自己的12个承诺






12 Promises You Should Make to Yourself Before the New Year


“I promise myself to love myself as much as I want others to love me.”

“I promise myself to expect less from others but more and more from myself.”
“我向自己保证,降低对他人的期望, 提升对自己的期望。”

“I promise myself to let go of the heavy burden of my past. To turn my wounds into wisdom, and my difficulties into opportunities.”

“I promise myself to forgive so that I can heal, and let go so that I can grow.”


“I promise myself to allow life’s many challenges to make me better, not bitter.”

“I promise myself to never speak from a place of hate, jealousy, anger, or insecurity. And to always evaluate my words before I let them leave my lips.”

“I promise myself to complain less, and appreciate life a little more.”

“I promise myself to always look for the good in people. To treat everyone with love, kindness, compassion, and appreciation and never speak badly of anyone.”

“I promise myself to create a sense of purpose and bring meaning into my everyday life. And no matter how many times I fall or fail, I promise myself to never give up on myself, my dreams and life.”

“I promise myself to surround myself with people who make me hungry for life, touch my heart, and nurture my soul.”

“I promise myself to let go of any bad habits I might be holding on to, and walk away from all those things that hold me back in life.”

“I promise myself to give more of my time to those who are special in my life, and show them how much they really mean to me.”

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