英语听力汇总   |   卡卡课堂-630 英文中最常见的缩写i.e.&e.g.你能分清吗?






for example
for instance
as an illustration
such as

今天我们学习两个缩写词:“ i.e.” 和 “e.g.”。相信不少小伙伴一定见过吧!但是你知道它们怎么来读吗?意思上又如何进行区分呢?由于是缩写词,所以在书写的时候,一定不能将缩写中的“.”丢掉哦!

i.e. 是 拉丁语 id est 的缩写,意思是“那就是说、换句话说”,等同于that is / in other,用来进一步解释前面所表明的观点。


I like citrus fruits(柑橘类水果), i.e., the juicy(多汁的), edible fruits (食用水果)with leathery(坚韧的), aromatic(有香味的) rinds (皮)of any of numerous tropical(热带的), usually thorny shrubs (多刺的灌木)or trees of the genus Citrus(柑橘属).

The food was okay.

i.e.I ate it because I was hungry, but wished it was better.

I'm so tired.

i.e. I want to go home.

e.g. 是拉丁语 exempli gratia 的缩写,意思是“举个例子,比如”,等同于for example、 for the sake of example、such as,使用 e.g. 的目的是用几个例子来说明前面的观点。

I like citrus fruits(柑橘类水果), e.g., tangerines(橘子), lemons(柠檬), and limes(酸橙).

I'm so tired.e.g., I fell asleep at my desk this morning.

She is really sweet. e.g., She brought me a cupcake for my birthday.

He is so nice. e.g., He takes care of his nephew after work.


i.e.=in other words / that is

e.g.=for example


i.e. 直接读 that is

e.g. 直接读 for example

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