英语听力汇总   |   卡卡英语 第480期:一起来领略下意大利的超刺激橘子大战吧







New Words:

Ivrea 伊夫雷亚,意大利北部小镇。
Turin n. 都灵(意大利城市)
Piedmont 皮埃蒙特
nip vt. 夹;捏;剪断;冻伤;阻止
avail n. 效用,利益;t. 有益于,有益于;使对某人有利;vi. 有益于,有益于;使对某人有利
citrus n. [园艺] 柑橘属果树;柑橘类的植物adj. 柑橘属植物的
nip this in the bud: 扼杀在萌芽
but to no avail:无济于事

Ivrea is a small town near Turin in the Piedmont. The story goes like this: The Battle of the Oranges first occurred in the 19th century when a group of people rained oranges down on other people below, who retaliated by hurling them back.



Apparently, town authorities over the years tried to nip this in the bud but to no avail. Today Ivrea not only paints the town orange the first week of every February, but there are standarized rules. People in horse-drawn carriages battle people on foot.
显然,多年来镇政府试图将其扼杀在萌芽状态,但无济于事。 今天,Ivrea不仅在每年二月的第一周将小镇染成橙色,而且还制定了一些标准化规则。 马车上的人和徒步的人对打。

Another rule: townspeople who do not wish to become a human citrus juicer but want to watch are supposed to wear red hats. Good luck with that!

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