英语听力汇总   |   绿色空间与儿童多动症之间的关系





As technology seems to consume more and more of a child’s life these days, getting them out into the fresh air can be a priority for many parents. Now, a recent study finds growing up around nature may be even more important to a youngster’s development. Researchers in Denmark say children who grow up with plenty of green spaces around are less likely to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


Their report, the largest of its kind to date, reveals the amount of green space surrounding a child’s home influences their chances of suffering from the disorder. ADHD is one of the most common psychiatric conditions among children and can affect them in different ways.


The reason behind who develops ADHD, which can cause increased levels of hyperactive or impulsive behavior, is still not fully clear to doctors. Study authors decided to examine how environmental areas around where children and teenagers live affects their risk of receiving an ADHD diagnosis.


“Our findings show that children who have been exposed to less green surroundings in their residential area in early childhood, which we define as lasting up until age five, have an increased risk of receiving an ADHD diagnosis when compared to children who have been surrounded by the highest level of green space,” explains doctoral student Malene Thygesen from Aarhus University in a media release.

“我们的研究结果表明,那些在幼儿时期就暴露在较少绿色环境中的儿童,我们定义为一直持续到5岁的儿童,与那些被最高水平的绿色环境包围的儿童相比,患多动症的风险增加,”来自教授的博士生奥胡斯大学的马琳 · 蒂格森在一份媒体稿中解释说。

Nature can have a powerful impact on mental health


Experts believe ADHD may be a hereditary condition, but other factors also can play a role in its development. For this reason, there are strong arguments for research into the causes of children developing these behavioral changes. Previous studies have discovered a link between children’s mental well-being and cognitive development and their access to green spaces.


“In the study we adjusted for gender, age, the child’s year of birth, and the parents’ psychiatric diagnosis and socio-economic status, and neighborhood level socio-economic status,” Thygesen says. “Our study is strong because it includes many individuals and because the information is very detailed. For example, we use data based on clinical diagnoses of ADHD made by specialists.”


“It’s interesting to think that living in green environments may be a protective factor for children in relation to the risk of developing ADHD,” the lead researcher continues.


Although study authors discovered an apparent connection between green spaces and ADHD, they admit a single study does not provide concrete evidence yet. However, the team notes their results are still in line with other studies on the environment’s role in ADHD risk.


The findings appear in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
